Wednesday 22 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 39

We awoke to a great deal of controversy here in Spain over the issue I mentioned yesterday whereby the government proposed that children could only go out from 27th April with a parent to the supermarket, bank or pharmacy etc.  This has NOT gone down well with a lot of Spanish parents and the government opposition has joined in in criticising this proposal. So now it is strongly rumoured that the government may do a U turn but we won't know for a few more days. this space!

Anyway, a busy day today!  This morning was an exercise one.  Both Ian and myself did a Tabata (high intensity interval training) class for an hour with an online class and then I smashed my own time on the running machine for 4km 💪 so that set a good slant on the day from the get go.  We then bathed both the dogs.  Tally's coat was clean when we clipped her yesterday and was easily washed today as her coat is now very manageable.  She's a real fusspot and refuses pointblank to walk in any mud or through water.  Even on a really wet day she somehow comes home with only damp feet.  Alfie is a typically grubby boy who makes a point of heading for the dirtiest puddle he can find to roll in if he can possibly manage it so he needed washing before we tackle his groom tomorrow and that's going to be quite a challenge as he's a bit of a fidget.  Wish us luck.....

The weather today started damp but then improved so we spent a little time on the roof terrace which makes a change after the weather we've had lately.  We'd ordered some new Lafuma chair canvases from Amazon the other day after Ian sat on one and went right through as it had perished after several years in all weathers.  They arrived a couple of days ago and today he fitted them both; they're actually a better colour and now match our terrace furniture cushions (which is most satisfying!) and we have the remaining intact old chair canvas put aside as an emergency backup.  I fell asleep in the sun sitting on one so now have a very fetchingly pink striped neck  as my head was slightly forward on the headrest 😂 Hence I was more than grateful that I wouldn't see many people when I took the dogs for their evening toilet walk.  I walked them up to and around Stay which I know a lot of people love and miss.  So here is a photo from the back corner of Stay this evening:

In terms of Port activity around where we walk the dogs, they're doing some work on Hostal Bellavista where there is the vegetarian/vegan Restaurant Bellaverde in their lovely garden. I think they're doing it themselves in and have worked on the reception area at the very least.  I think I've also heard them doing some work in the restaurant/garden area.  So we'll definitely have to explore that once they re-open as eating their vegan burger sitting under the huge old fig trees is one  .  I also saw Karen from Tonik Bar on C/Roger de Flor (which she and Toni have now sold) putting up signs outside their new venture in C/Juan XXIII this evening - Mi Querencia.  It's to be a cafe/patisseria so the focus will be on her fabulous cakes etc.  It was about to open just as they announced the lockdown so it's good to see that they're still looking to go ahead, hopefully sometime soon.  Matarello, the little Italian deli, is more or less next door and they are open at the moment anyway.  The building work at the Daina Hotel has continued apart from the two weeks recently when construction work was also banned.  And they also recommenced the work on the RCNPP (yacht club) marina at the same time.  This is as much as I can see from dog walks and to Eroski.  Incidentally various restaurants are doing home delivery to keep themselves going - Celler La Parra, Finac49, Bella Roma, Al Fresco Deli, Portofino off the top of my head.  

This evening during the 8pm applause, Joan the birthday boy from the other evening, was outside his front door as usual but got a little over-excited and took a little tumble, managing to cling to the tree outside his home, but was unable to get up again.  His wife hadn't come out and of course we and our other neighbours opposite could do nothing.  Thankfully one of the pharmacy staff had been outside for the applause and ran across and at the very moment the two police cars with blues and twos came down the street, saw the issue and stopped immediately; both police officers leapt out their vehicles and ran across to help him up.  Quite apart from the lovely way they responded to the little crisis, I realised how long it had been since I'd seen strangers physically touching another person.  Thought-provoking indeed.

Take care everyone and hasta luego!

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