Thursday 16 April 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 33

No change, still here 😂 and with the probable extension of the lockdown until 10 May, I think we'll be here for a while yet!  Today's weather in PP started a bit 'meh' but has ended up quite nice so we spent some time on the roof terrace with a cup of tea, the radio and some reading matter.  But I've jumped ahead a bit....

I leapt out of bed today because the big day had arrived - a Lidl trip!  Yes, another one!  It's come around quite quickly actually even though the last one was about 9 days ago.  The novelty of driving a car is inestimable and the short drive up the road to Lidl is giddily exciting.  Lidl was an oasis of calm, with shelves better stocked than they were when I was last there (and they were pretty good then) and the staff re-stocking shelves were laughing and joking.  It's an interesting observation but I realised that I haven't really heard that sound in a very long while apart from on the TV and that's not the same thing at all.  To hear some jokey banter is a rare thing right now and I realised how important a part of life it is.  So thank you Lidl staff 👌

One bonus at the moment though is the Lidl cashier situation.  Usually - and we all know this is true of Lidls the world over - the cashiers' one aim seems to be to get your items scanned and thrown down the bagging end as quickly as possible; it's like some sort of race to see who can finish first, you putting the things on the conveyer belt or them getting everything down to the far end in a gigantic pile.  When Ian and I go to Lidl together we're like a well oiled machine and cashier versus Froome sees a Froome victory every time.  But when you're there on your own it's like the cashier can smell blood - solo shopper yesssss! - and as fast as you load up the conveyer they scan mercilessly.  And just as you stagger, leaning heavily on the trolley for support. exhausted to the far end to put everything into bags and the trolley the cashier with a beatific smile says the amount in a firm "pay me now" voice and that's when you know you have a choice: produce your card/cash and risk battling the next exhausted victim, sorry shopper, whose items are now being thrown down after yours OR you play the 'make me' game which involves continuing to pack whilst ignoring the cashier's pointed stares, producing your means of payment only when you're good and ready.  The second option is hardcore and not for the faint hearted.  I usually do a bit of a fudge whereby I continue to pack for a while, demonstrating to the cashier that I call the shots here sunshine, but then concede that I am in fact a reasonable person and get out my bank card to pay (and timing is key here) when I have just one modest bag left to pack.  So....back to the bonus.  Due to the restrictions on numbers, social distancing etc, the cashiers don't seem as rushed as they used to and actually seem prepared to wait a little while you sort yourself out.  Every cloud.......

In other news I have nearly finished my jigsaw puzzle.  No, I can't believe it either.  Just a few more pieces to go and I'll have done what I believe to be my first ever 1000 piece jigsaw.  And I attended another webinar today which has inspired me with some wonderful online tools for teaching both online and once I'm back in my actual classroom.  I've also done some more work on my Spanish so hopefully when I finally meet up with my Spanish friend she'll be impressed that I've improved despite not having been able to meet her to practise my speaking.  

Tomorrow I plan to renew my domestic goddess credentials as I've rather neglected them lately and finally finish that ****** puzzle! 😂  Stay safe everyone and hasta mañana!

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