Monday 23 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 9

Nearly into double figures now and life has now settled into a kind of routine.  It's surprising how quickly we've got used to this new 'normal'.  Being able to just go out and do the simple things such as have a coffee, buy something other than food or toiletries, have a beer/wine and a chat - everything that is now denied us seems so recent and yet so long ago.  And the prospect of doing it again seems so far off that I'm not sure how we'll all respond when the lockdown lifts.  Will we all rush out to make merry or sit like stunned sheep trying to remember how?  We will see.

Today started with plenty of exercise with weights and then a session on the running machine, so much so that this together with a couple of dog toilet walks means I've done nearly 8,000 steps today despite the lockdown.  Result!  Then we sat in the sun on the roof terrace, read and listened to the radio.  It's the simple things 😎  

Today whilst doing the dogs' lunchtime toilet walk I rather enjoyed my solitary journey from our home to the grass at the car park next to the marina.  As I stood waiting for our temperamental Tally to find the perfect place, moment, wind speed, wind direction and angle of the sun to do her number twos πŸ’© I noticed all the lovely flowers that have now appeared when normally they don't because too many people trample over them and they don't stand a chance.  As we have seen elsewhere it seems that, given the chance, Mother Nature bursts forth when humans back off.  As I say, it's the simple things......

This afternoon was games and binge-watching The Killing and I am proud to announce that we have lost our box set virginity by finishing the first series (three more to go - where will we find the time πŸ˜‚).  Also more housework and I am rapidly becoming the domestic goddess - well sort of - I always knew was in there somewhere, ahem!  If I see dust, it's gone.  If I see a smear, it's wiped.  The novelty factor will fade by about the third week I suspect, but for now it's all good.  Ian meanwhile, as the usual cook in our home, is producing a great meal each evening.  If we need to do food shopping we take it in turns; Ian went to the big Eroski today and returned quite giddy from having joined a small queue waiting to enter (Monday morning rush) as it was more people in one place than he'd seen in a week.

As I write, Boris has just made his announcement that the UK is finally in lockdown although exercise is allowed outside the home once a day unlike here, so now I have lockdown envy!  It does seem a little Lockdown Lite but let's see what happens next.  It strikes me it will be hard to police and that people will take advantage of that.  There are plenty of police here, with military to back them up but sadly there just aren't enough police in the UK.  What strange times we are currently living in.  One day this will be the stuff of major historical events but what makes it so extraordinary is that it is history that will apply to most of the countries in the whole world, more so even than the World Wars.  Very thought provoking.....

Take care wherever you are and stay safe.  Hasta pronto!

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