Tuesday 17 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 3

Today (and yesterday evening) has been interesting as we've been watching the news from the UK and seeing the British public steadily being drawn into a similar situation as we are in here.  As yet, no outright lockdown as such but......   

This morning I did my gym challenge again.  We've moved the dining table over to make enough room inside for me as currently the weather is grey and wet and the roof terrace is too slippy to skip etc.  Our little dog Alfie loves to help 😂 so in the middle of doing a plank you have a small black furry face gazing up at you "Whatcha doin' mum?".  Afterwards I walked to Eroski to buy some bread and milk.  Eroski has a limit on numbers who can enter and you have to put on plastic gloves and use the taped lines on the floor to maintain distance at the tills and paying the cashier.  There are also quotes for buying rice, pasta, milk and water.  All was calm and most things were available.  

Later I took the dogs for their lunchtime toilet walk whilst Ian got a new butane gas bottle from the lorry which is still doing it's normal street deliveries thank goodness as it's still a little chilly in the evenings, especially as we aren't getting any sun during the day at the moment to warm things up.  Our butane heater is a wonderful way to get almost instant heat (and yes, we do so with sufficient ventilation for safety).  

The afternoon was spent reading and using WhatsApp to send my classes worksheets and activities to keep them busy with their English.  For those unaware, I'm an English teacher here.  I also sent some links to virtual excursions of eg The Louvre, farms tours in Canada or the surface of Mars on the Curiosity Rover.  I remember when my kids were young and hopefully it will help some beleaguered parents as well as keep their children on track with their English.  Several parents responded positively which is nice.  

During this evening's dog toilet walk (17:55) I took some photos.  It's completely deserted everywhere and 'Ghost Town' by The Specials kept coming into my head. 

The Guardia have been cruising the streets all day and are now a very obvious presence - people are being stopped and apparently asked for receipts if they've been to the supermarket for example, and fines are being issued.  This is probably why the streets are now so much quieter than in the first two days - people now know the score plus the streets are being very thoroughly policed.  

Tonight Ian cooked a lovely roast chicken meal but we put it aside at 8pm prompt to join in the clapping and cheering on balconies/at windows for all the healthcare professionals.  It was lovely, whistles and cheers - a great time to all come together and it really feels like we're all 'in it' together.

As lockdown spreads across other countries and draws ever closer to the UK, it feels like we are all extras in some sort of apocalyptic movie.  And it's very unsettling and like nothing most of us have experienced in our lifetimes.  But let's try not to complain at the regulations and all pull together.  We can do this!

Take care - hasta pronto!  


  1. Sarah, I find your blog fascinating and very informative. If, as is likely, we go into lockdown in the future (Scotland) I will at least know a little about what to expect. Would you mind if I shared the link to your blog on my Facebook?

  2. Hi JNScot, thanks so much and yes of course, please feel free. Take care!
