Monday 30 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 16

Still here, still busy, still cheerful.  That about sums it up really!  We're all still here aka 'at home' and it seems many of us are keeping busy.  But cheerful?  That's a thing that some people will be finding harder than others and of course for any of us it can vary from day to day.  But I have chosen to be active and cheerful, mainly because it's actually easier to bear these strange times we find ourselves in whilst in that frame of mind.  And it's given me something to think about for when all this is over.  I'm sure I'm not alone in that this enforced period of time at home has provided an opportunity for reflection which must be unprecedented for a very great many of us.  As some of you may know, I'm an English teacher and 'Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R. Tolkien would be my book choice if I were ever to be on Desert Island Discs.  This quote from it really sums up the current situation we find ourselves in, so I thought I would share it here.

Today I was up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for my 10am online gym class which was a tough one today and I cursed Rachel, my instructor, just the same as I do when we're all together.  And as I slogged through it, doing impossible numbers of strength exercises all I could hear besides Rachel's voice was the loud and sonorous snoring of one of our dogs who was asleep nearby.  Now I don't normally get that at the gym!  Afterwards and as I was well warmed up, I went on the running machine for a cheeky 3km trot.  With this and dog toilet walking I've managed just over 7,000 steps which is not bad.  I listen to music whilst using the treadmill and it passes the time very well 😎 🎧

The weather today has, shall we say, not been kind.  Rain and thunder this morning and through lunchtime.  I made a dash for it with the dogs for their toilet walk between downpours.  The sky was laden with heavy grey clouds and the thunder from the direction of Alcudia was not like any I've ever heard before; instead of a clap or even a roll of thunder it was just one long continual rumble but quite loud and it went on for minutes on end.  Sadly I just misjudged things and was forced to dive for cover into a nearby doorway, dogs in tow.  So all afternoon we have had the gentle and heady aroma of damp dog.  Which was nice. 

I spent more time this afternoon putting work up in my online classrooms, reading, colouring and watching a movie.  I've also started playing Quiz Planet online on Facebook which is quite a fun general knowledge quiz.  You challenge a friend or family member, choose a topic and answer three questions against a timer.  They then answer those questions but can't see your score, and finally they choose the topic for the next round.  Five rounds later and you have a winner.  Good fun, give it a try if you like that sort of thing. 

Tonight the late night pharmacy is the one on the corner opposite us.  It's currently 9.45pm, the green cross signs are lit and the staff are there for those who need them.  It's a timely reminder of those here and in the UK who are working tirelessly and in often risky conditions to take care of us all.  I understand that a British newspaper is leading a campaign for a medal to be awarded to NHS staff once this is all over.  This or something very similar seems like an excellent idea to me 👍

Stay strong everyone and hasta pronto!

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