Saturday 21 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 7

Well hallooooooo!  Hope everyone is doing ok and trying to keep smiling 😁 I determined from the beginning to keep a focus on the positives and so far, so good.  In fact I'm keeping so busy that some of the things I intend to do each day, I'm having to hold over until the next so yay, go me!  The wider picture now is that the police are being much stricter now on the basis that people should by now know the score.  Today (and I think yesterday) they had a roadblock at the metal cockerel roundabout by Pollensa to prevent people from driving off to their second homes/fincas.  I understand the army were doing the same in Palma.  There are no more excuses and nor should there be.  

On a brighter note, the police last night drove down our street with their sirens on as a greeting back to us as we stood on our balconies, roof terraces and at windows applauding - fantastic stuff 👏

This morning I finally used our rather good running machine and did a brisk 3km walk.  Ian used it after me so thank god we bought it.  We use it anyway (not one of those purchases you make with good intentions but never use in this instance) but in these strange times it really is a godsend to be able to cover some distance in our own home.  We then sat on the roof terrace with a cup of tea and a book each in some rather lacklustre sun which soon disappeared and we clouded over again.  Rain is forecast for tomorrow which is a pity, we could all do with some sunshine right now.

Meanwhile over the road, our neighbours on the opposite first floor were feeling festive as you can see!

I asked if one of them had a birthday but no, just having a party.  You just have to love the Spanish love of life! 🎉🎈

From 3pm we've been watching Rock the Lock Down on Facebook Live.  There have been some wonderful acts, there is such talent out there and it's such a shame to think of all these professional and semi-professional singers and musicians who are now out of work.  But I hope their performances are a useful  showcase for their talents.  We watched the first three hours and have dipped in and out since and haven't seen a bad one yet.  It starts again tomorrow at 3pm.  Take a look at the videos from today and/or tune in tomorrow if you want to pass the time.

Speaking of videos, today I posted on Facebook a great video of police in Algaida (near to Palma) stopping to play music and dance to a song with actions in the streets to entertain people and I'm sure it was lovely for the children to see some light heartedness amidst all the 'serious stuff'.  Absolutely brilliant! 👏

The applause here for the key workers again this evening was prolonged and accompanied by whoops and cheers.  Sadly no sirens tonight.  Maybe they're practising their action song for tomorrow 😜

All in all although we all complain about the internet, social media and our reliance on it, I think it is proving extremely useful during these challenging times, and enabling everyone to stay in touch, support and entertain each other and offer support.  Long may it continue.  Hasta pronto!

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