Friday 27 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 13

So not only Prince Charles but Boris Johnson and his Health Secretary have caught Covid-19 - didn't see that one coming I must admit!   Here in Spain, the closest it's got to people like that are the wife of the Prime Minister and the deputy Prime Minister.  I really hope that this news has made people pause for thought though.  This situation is serious and maybe now, those who weren't taking it seriously before will do so, fingers crossed!

Gents - this many not be of interest so feel free to skip this part but - how is everyone doing on the hair and beauty front?  My hair is layered and I also have a fringe and as luck would have it (not!), I needed at the very least the fringe done just when the lockdown started.  Sooooo.... I've had to trim my fringe myself.  At my age I couldn't afford to get it wrong and risk looking like someone from the deep South of the Yoonited States in the 1970's so have gingerly chipped away at it and I think it's all good.  Having said that, one of the first things I will do once this is over is book to get my hair cut.  But at least I don't colour my hair.  I know that this is a big issue for many women and, quite possibly, men (just think Philip Schofield or John Barrowman before they went silver fox).  And make up - ok, I've never worn much but I'm continuing to 'do' my face.  Even walking the dogs with hardly anyone about, I simply refuse to not present myself as me and I have not once slobbed about the house in my pj's (which would be interesting as I don't have any 😳).    It's important to maintain a sense of self whilst the world around us is in chaos and coronavirus is not going to turn me into someone who doesn't care about my appearance.  And I don't think that's shallow.  Perhaps in these times of uncertainty and anxiety (as I reflected on yesterday) we should do everything possible to look after ourselves and feel as good as possible.  I can't do anything about the lockdown but I certainly can do something about still looking and feeling like me.

Today was an hour long online Fit Training class with my gym instructor followed by another few kilometres on the running machine.  Ian then took a car trip to Lidl for a proper shop.  I was quite envious of him going on such an adventure as I haven't seen outside a couple of blocks from our house for two weeks.  The result of his efforts was pretty successful until I unpacked some pork he'd bought.  I asked him why he'd bought slices of pig's head  😱 - he really does have to learn some basic Spanish 😂   

And today my pleas of yesterday were answered as we had sunshine and blue skies (if a little breezy) which was lovely.  We sat on the roof terrace with tea and lemon cake (the result of my efforts at domestic goddessing yesterday) and it was wonderful.  Determined to keep my domesticated credentials at an all time high, I did a gardening session with Ian, re-potting the 'babies' from various succulents and cacti.  

I then did my third webinar of the week learning more about various platforms for teaching online and setting up virtual classrooms etc.  Cue a happy hour or so afterwards working on that in the hopes that I can at least provide some continuity for some of my students.  I really look forward to school starting again sometime but I fear it will almost be the end of term by the time it does.  In fact at the moment I can't see the lockdown here finishing on the extended date of 12 April but....we shall see soon enough.

I hope everyone is keeping well and managing to keep smiling.  Stay safe and hasta pronto!

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