Thursday 26 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 12

How's it going for everyone?  I've been reflecting on this strange situation we all find ourselves in and can't help but think that those of us who grew up in the 60's, 70's and 80's might be better equipped to deal with lockdown than the millennials ie. those who grew up in the 90's, 00's and 10's.  A sweeping statement and of course it's a big generalisation but bear with me.  When I grew up, we spent hours playing on our own either in the garden, building dens, making up stories, reading.  There were 3 or maybe 4 TV channels, VHS (or Beta, remember them?!) tapes that you had to treat with care and vinyl or cassette tapes for pre-recorded music. Does anyone remember listening to the Chart Show on a Sunday evening with a blank cassette tape primed and ready, recording the tracks you liked as they came up? 🎧  And a pencil was a necessary part of the kit....😂 Anyway....boredom was a natural part of the deal and you made your own entertainment.  Does this give us an advantage?  Society has changed with entertainment on tap via hundreds of TV channels and internet platforms, easy access to any music, online games..... the list is endless.  But of course we are all staying connected and entertained by the very medium that allows all of this - the internet.  As a friend said to me (via WhatsApp!) "Isn't the internet the best thing ever?"  I think she might be right.

Some people I know have spoken of feeling anxious during these challenging times due to changes in financial circumstances, worry for a loved one who may be vulnerable, fear of their own health, fear of isolation - the list is endless.  But anxiety, as a result of fear, is a word that keeps popping up.  Stay in touch with people, reassure, support.  A friend of mine makes wonderful little paintings on stones and I have quite a few tucked in amongst my plants.  This is one that I think should resonate with a lot of people, it certainly does with me 😍

Today I started with an online Tabata class for an hour with my gym instructor.  My husband joined me and managed to survive his first ever class, bless him!  One of our dogs watched from a safe distance but the other got very excited and tried to join in which was an entertaining distraction but both we, and the dog, survived.  As I was in the exercise mood I then took to the running machine and did a cheeky 3km run on that.  Feeling virtuous I got changed in time to take the dogs for their lunch time toilet walk in some quite serious rain - oh joy 😒 Still, it was nice to get out in the fresh air.

This afternoon I attended another webinar for teachers - it's great to keep learning professionally.  As I've said, the internet can be used for such positive things and the opportunity to learn and study online is not to be missed - have a browse and see what's out there!

In line with my newly acquired domestic goddess status, this afternoon I also baked a cake using one of the lemons we grew on our little lemon tree this year.  On a grey, wet, miserable day like today it has gone down very nicely with a cup of tea I can tell you.  As a result my husband is currently wondering where his wife is and what someone has done with her.  

Tonight's applause for key workers at 8pm saw two police cars with blues and twos on, driving round the Port which was lovely.  Personally I'm still waiting for them to pull up, jump out and sing and dance for us like they did in Algaida (near Palma) in the video that went viral but maybe I'm just being demanding.

We ended the day by watching a film and keeping warm with the gas fire on.  The rest of March is forecast to be pretty chilly by Mallorca standards and it's looking none too sunny into April either although at least the temperatures are going up then.  Ah well, something to look forward to.

Stay safe and hasta pronto! 😎


  1. I really enjoy your blogs. Keep them up!
    Kind regards
    Rob Bowles
