Sunday 29 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 15

Our third Sunday in lockdown and time seems to be trundling along at a pretty satisfactory rate which is a good job given that we have two more to go at the very least.  Personally, I can't see all this being magically over on Easter Sunday so mentally I'm in it for the long haul.  Numbers of people with or dying from Covid-19 in Spain continue to rise so there doesn't seem much alternative.  However we're both finding plenty to do so we're just accepting the need to sit it out for as long as it takes.  And it may take some time.  But we can do it.  We can all do it.

Today's clocks going forward was, for once, pretty handy wasn't it?  We all have one hour less in lockdown.  To be honest I'm not sure it makes a helluva difference but hey, celebrate the small stuff πŸ˜„ Sundays are 'bacon butties for breakfast' day so we got off to a promising start.  As all the weather forecasts here appeared to have got it wrong by promising rain, we then sat on the roof terrace in some warm sunshine, reading and generally doing not a lot.  

Next up, the job we've put off for a few days now through fear.  I'll explain.  Previously I mentioned hairdressers and how busy they're going to be once all this is over!  Well, we have two Lhasa Apso dogs both as cute as buttons and with a useful attribute of being non-shedding which given that Ian is allergic to dog hair, is quite useful.  And we don't get dog hair rolling like tumbleweed around our apartment either.  But what we do get are two hearthrugs on legs if they don't go to the dog groomers every 6-8 weeks max.  We have some really good dog grooming clippers which we bought 3.5 years ago just before moving out here to live, but have never used them because we found somewhere to have them done professionally.   But the time had come for us to face giving it a go ourselves.  A couple of YouTube videos later and a strong cup of tea and we were ready and braced.  And you know what?  It actually went very well.  We did the better behaved dog first, with Ian on clipper duty and me with scissors.  Here she is looking rather depressed about it which we thought most unfair.  

Anyway, we now have two much less hairy dogs who don't look embarrassing (to our incredulity as much as theirs!) and two very relieved doggy parents.  Result πŸ‘Œ

Aside from this, today I did plenty of work on my Spanish so am feeing very virtuous.  I was brave and grappled with some grammar issues so feel I actually went above and beyond.  I also did a spot more colouring and am beginning to get why people find it so relaxing.  Just focusing on choosing colours is really soothing for the mind.  If you haven't tried it already, give it a go.

We had a lovely roast dinner this evening whilst watching a movie and only just remembered the applause at 8pm because it was still so light outside.  And now we can clearly see people on their balconies and down the road at last; previously it was all in the dark and we couldn't see a lot of people properly.  The police did several trips past us with blues and twos on and the neighbours, to celebrate being now easily able to see each other, played some music, danced and did a Mexican wave - as you do! πŸ’ƒπŸŽΆπŸŽ‰

Tomorrow is the first day during the lockdown that people with non-essential occupations such as builders and construction workers, will not be allowed to work.  Only essential workers are allowed to work from here on and quite right too; it's been difficult to understand why building work can continue at this time, not to mention stressful to put up with for people living in close proximity to it.  

Take care everyone and remember, in the words of Missy Elliott:

Hasta pronto! 😎

1 comment:

  1. Pretty grim here to, it’s been said this lock down could be on for 6 months, at least we have the garden to do and sit in only it feels like winter not spring wind very cold, I shall busy myself cleaning cupboards and Paul is going to do some decorating all things we have put off only good thing is we now have the time to do it, stay in, stay safe and hope this is all over by autumn.
