Wednesday 18 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 4

Well here we are again!  One more day down but who knows how many still to go?  There's a fair chance that Spain will extend the lockdown here until the end of Easter week and of course this has huge implications for those of us who work or run businesses.  The government here is putting measures into place but there is still a lot of uncertainty.  And we can see that uncertainty start to unfold in the UK now too and now with the news that UK schools will close from Friday evening.  Those of you reading this in the UK - gradually the situation will start to become clearer but it's going to take time.  Still lots to iron out here and Spain is ahead of the UK in this unfortunate trajectory.

Activities today started with a walk to the Post Office to return a parcel.  Only one person is allowed in at a time and they are running restricted hours.  There are no tapes outside marking 1m apart as there are in for example the supermarkets, but everyone was standing in the queue 1m apart quite unprompted, no problems at all.  Clarel was also open with a box of tissues taped to the outside and the inside of the door to use when opening the door handle going in and out.  I was impressed at their creativity!  My final stop of the trip out was the small Eroski.  All was calm and the shop is well stocked.  Like the large Eroski, you use plastic gloves and there are restrictions on how many people can be in the store etc.  Feeling quite heady after such an exciting outing I headed home for a cup of tea which leads me to.............

.....panic buying which has been much in the news.  Apart from the pasta, rice and loo rolls situation some people have made sure they've stocked up sufficient wine and beer.  However my 'must have' is tea bags.  If I couldn't have my cups of tea I would completely lose my......well, let's just say the loo rolls would come in handy!

Dog walks remain a major highlight of the day and we are more than usually keen to offer to do them!  And as you can see, they're getting plenty of exercise 😴

It certainly is a bonus having a dog/dogs to walk and at least gets one of us out and moving.  And talking of moving we have actually done plenty of that today.  In common with a lot of others, we've started deep cleaning the apartment and today we made a very good start.  We've also done the third day of my gym challenge up on our roof terrace.  Ian's joining in and it's good fun.  We've seen another couple doing much the same on a roof terrace we didn't even know existed so we're not the only ones.  

This afternoon we also made a Skype call to Ian's younger brother who lives in Alicante.  It's his birthday today and it's a big one.  He was due to travel out with his wife and mother-in-law on Thursday for a long birthday weekend but of course that had to be cancelled.  I feel so sorry for those who are having birthdays right now, especially children who may not understand why their birthday party isn't now going to happen.

We've watched some TV and naturally, joined in with the 8pm applause for the healthcare workers and emergency services.  Our neighbours opposite always come out and we all say hello.  It is really heartwarming for about a minute every evening as we all come together, it's becoming the highlight of the day in many ways.

And so another day is over - how many more to come? Who knows.  But for now, take care and hasta mañana! 😎


  1. Hola Sarah, thanks for the update. It's useful to know how you're keeping yourselves busy - and fit - because it's quite likely this lockdown situation will be happening the UK very soon. Sadly, I don't think we'll be able to take the cat for a walk! The hygiene precautions at Eroski are impressive. The supermarkets here are still packed but Sainsbury's yesterday was quite hushed. Looking forward to your next instalment.

  2. Hi again Sally, yes everything is pretty calm here, most food available and everyone is well into the swing of things now and it's really not so difficult. Sainsbury's looks like a nightmare, a friend put pics on FB of what used to be our local one and there was nothing on the shelves at all!! Take care!
