Tuesday 24 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 10

So we made it into double figures and are totally nailing this ✊ mornings are generally housework and exercise.  Afternoons are more leisurely.  But I just don't have enough time to do all the things I have lined up to keep me busy which is rather a nice feeling with three more weeks stretching before us.  Everything here continues to work very well, police are ever present, shops are pretty well stocked and more or less everyone seems to obey the rules.  I have seen that this might not be the case in the UK though and it seems quite a lot of people are very worried, angry and frightened by this.  We will have to see how things develop there but I don't think we've heard the last of changing UK lifestyle regulations somehow.

Today was much colder and very windy, in fact the wind was so noisy it woke me during the night.  The weather isn't being particularly cheering to us all during this lockdown but then again it could be said that the lovely weather in the UK isn't helping people to stay in so perhaps we should do a swap.  Some of the photos I've seen of the UK at the moment are glorious.  Today was also the day that my middle daughter was due to come out for nearly a week 😞 mind you, she'd have had pretty rubbish weather here and hopes to come instead in July over her birthday IF things are back to normal by then.  We can but hope.  The news that the Olympics has been postponed, whilst unsurprising, really has brought home how international this whole situation is.  

This morning I nailed the exercise effort with one hour of a weights class online and then a 35 minute run on the running machine.  If I'm not next level fitness at the end of this, there ain't no justice!  And during the run I listened to music so all in all I had a pretty good morning.  

The lunchtime dog walk was cold, solitary and blustery.  But I really enjoyed it.  I've got used to the deserted seafront and restaurants.  The tractor is out working on the beach down from the Stay restaurant every day, clearing the sand etc as usual at this time of year and it's a symbol of hope that things will return to normal despite the tapes around the forlorn and deserted children's play area.

After lunch I played with technology trying to see if the radio show I do with Graham every Saturday could go ahead this coming weekend via Facebook but due to various issues, it isn't possible sadly.  But it was good fun for a brief while and by the time this was done the afternoon was as good as over.  Cue my continuing development as a domestic goddess - I informed a startled Ian that I would cook this evening (he's the cook in this house, mainly because I work 4 afternoon/evenings a week normally).  I made a rather tasty - if I say so myself -  chicken and vegetable pie topped with mashed potato with a touch of grated cheese.  I got a big thumbs up from him but I think Ian's domestic god crown is safe long term if I'm honest.

We watched a bit of TV this evening and, of course, joined in the applause for the key workers at 8pm with our little dog Alfie barking along as he always does.  This evening a police car came slowly down our street just in time to meet a youth on one of those electric scooters coming out a side street.  Cue cheers from all the onlookers as they questioned him as to why he was out.  They let him go with no fine so clearly he passed muster.  The town hall has also now started spraying disinfectant through the streets from a trailer spray doodah towed behind a tractor in the evenings.  That should certainly discourage anyone from a sneaky evening stroll even if they were willing to risk the police 😳

I really hope that anyone reading this in the UK has found the first day under the new rules ok.  Embrace it for what it is, relax into it, abide by the rules and save lives.  Ironically, despite the isolation of all this, we have never needed each other more.  Stay safe.  Hasta luego!


  1. Just seen your link on the FB page. I’m in Leeds and it’s now the end of our second day in (semi) lockdown. Weather has been glorious here, I have to say, had a busy day getting lots of washing done (5 adults in our house) and out on the line, lots of tidying up in the garden(we’re both fair weather gardeners) and also rescuing the various plants from around our (myself and 2 sisters) beauty salon as it’s now closed for who knows how long.
    Really enjoyed reading your blog, so if you dint mind, I’ll check in again from time to time��

    1. Hi Elanor, glad things are going ok for you and certainly with 5 adults I'm sure there'll be plenty to do! Sorry to hear about the beauty salon, it is so difficult for us all but there's nothing we can do and the various governments are having to provide financial assistance. And on the bright side you will be swamped with desperate women once this is over - I reckon beauty salons and hairdressers will get going again very quickly! Stay safe!

    2. Thanks Sarah, we’ll get through this!
      Loving your blog. This would be my 8th yr running, holidaying in PP. it is also my 50th birthday, so I’m really hoping my plans aren’t scuppered by this pandemic! What a nightmare situation Europe and the world is in. People just need to stick to the guidelines and help to save lives!

  2. Things very calm in Surrey in the UK. Day 3 here but we, as a family , have self isolated for almost a week now. I walked for an hour by the river in Walton yesterday with my 19 year old daughter. It was really busy and although we could just about stay 6 feet away from people, we will avoid that area and go back to walking around the block from home in Weybridge. I was in PP until 10/3 ns should have been back on 17th as I live there in the winter. My two little dogs are still there so I'm ever hopeful of getting back soon as I miss them. Great to read your blog - I'm a presenter here on community radio with a weekly show :-)

    1. Hi, you will be well into the swing of things by now after a week. I think many areas will start to get quieter now in the UK as the message hits home. Oh my goodness re your dogs, you'll see them again soon I'm sure - do you get regular updates? My weekly show on English Radio Pollensa is off air at the moment as none of the presenters can travel to the studio, I really wish it was something I could still do as the musical diversion would be brilliant! Stay safe!
