Wednesday 25 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 11

Well we're still here, still talking to each other (always a bonus!) and still keeping busy.  It's important to have some sort of structure to the day and we are careful to get up at our normal time, shower, get dressed and take the dogs on their morning toilet walk.  Admittedly the dogs help because they need us to take them out, but only one of us can do so and yet we both make sure we're up and ready to face the day.  It's definitely a good idea to keep these little normal routines going as it helps remind you of life before the restrictions.  And it won't be such a shock when the lockdown ends - and it will, we just have to unite and see it through.

Today I was giddy with excitement as a trip to the big Eroski was necessary and currently supermarket trips are something to look forward to, even lugging the bags back home.  All was calm, no queue necessary, plastic gloves, most things available.  Frozen veg and imported frozen items plus a few refrigerated items are in short supply but that's all.  The cashiers are very strict and only allow one person's items on the conveyer belt at a time and woe betide you if you step inside the marked lines on the floor.  

Today I did some colouring.  I know this is all the rage but although I enjoy art I've just never had time to try it but there are some lovely pictures to colour in one of the activity books that my eldest daughter sent me for Mother's Day.  So I rummaged around, found some coloured pencils and off I went and I'm quite proud of the result - it's a snail on a snazzy mushroom.  Oh come on, cut me some slack, it is day 11 after all!

After lunch I continued my domestic goddessing and tackled our shelving unit where we keep some DVDs but more importantly, our collection of vinyl.  Everything was emptied out, unit moved and cleaned behind and under and then replaced.  I had a blast if I'm honest, looking at lots of the albums and singles and with all sorts of memories attached to them. 

Music has always been my 'thing' and doing the show on English Radio Pollensa is such a joy and I miss doing it.  But I've now reminded myself of some brilliant tracks for future shows so - result! 🎶 🎧

Another activity today was a webinar about online teaching run by Trinity College and exam board in London.  For one hour I took part, making notes and learning some really useful stuff.  There's another on Friday about online teaching tools and I might attend one tomorrow too (well, I think my diary is free 😂 ) about online breakout rooms, which given our current restrictions appeals to my rather warped sense of humour.... think about it.....there you go, you got it!

I really HAVE to find the time to do more work on my Spanish in the next couple of days.  Currently I'm filling my time rather too well and I didn't even do any exercise today, near mind the Spanish.  Before the lockdown I used to meet a Spanish friend once a week for a chat in Spanish for 30 minutes and then English.  It's a brilliant way to become proficient.  And I also miss my Spanish classes via the town hall.  So my efforts tomorrow will focus on an exercise class and Spanish.  Let's see if I manage to do it!

If you're in the UK, I hope you're settling into some sort of routine in these strange times.  I see that the call for NHS volunteers has been phenomenal which is brilliant!  If we pull together we can do this! 💪 Hasta mañana!


  1. Keep up the good work, enjoying reading your daily blog and it's good to keep in touch with our 2nd home that we can no longer visit.

    I too am using the time to listen to music and my old vinyl properly, rather than on the go like I normally do these days, in fact my vinyl collection bears a lot of similarities to yours.

    I also try to listen to new music too and for the last few years have been following a Manchester band called The Slow Readers Club (being interviewed on Radio 5 as I type this).

    Tomorrow is an exciting day for them as they are about to get their first top 10 album (currently at No. 5).

    If you have a music streaming service then check it out, it's called The Joy Of The Return, I'm sure you'll enjoy it (given our similar music taste) and you may even want to play some of their stuff on your radio programme.

    Kind Regards


  2. btw - here's a taster -
