Thursday 19 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 5

We're beginning to get the hang of this now!  The dogs are thrilled to have us at home 24/7 and we're getting loads done.  The UK news bulletin will be on soon and we'll see what Boris has to say today.  There are a lot of very worried people in the UK right now who are wondering how they'll pay the bills or keep their vulnerable loved ones safe and I know quite a few of them 😒 Information is gradually coming out much as it has done here but there does seem to be a lot of uncertainty or maybe that's just me?  This is an unprecedented situation and governments are finding their way but it is very unsettling and if I'm honest, I think I'm happier here where we pretty much know what's what and that's that. 

And the sun is shining! Yay!  Apart from the first day we've had grey days ever since lockdown started so blue sky and sunshine has certainly helped lift the mood.  We sat on the roof terrace with a cup of tea and a book each.  It's actually quite nice to spend the time doing this as usually we're too busy doing 'other stuff' - certainly food for thought once things return to normal......  We also took the opportunity to wash the rather 'doggy' smelling dogs because they could run around in the sun and breeze on the roof terrace and dry off quickly.  Both of them hate being bathed, one dog freezes and won't even look at us, the other is like trying to control a hyperactive octopus πŸ™ However they are now wonderfully fragrant and have forgiven us following unashamed bribery with a couple of dog treats.

More housework today, I don't think our apartment has ever been so clean.  I've seen lots of neighbours doing housework, cleaning windows etc so the Port is going to be spick and span once all this is over.  The lunchtime dog toilet walk was in full sunshine and I took a couple of photos of the bay from near Stay restaurant which is very close to where we live so don't judge me πŸ˜› Lots of people have been enjoying them on Facebook which is lovely - I just thought it would be nice to cheer people up with some happy photos to distract from the gloom that's all over the media at the moment.

I completed my gym's challenge up on our roof terrace again today.  Roof terraces are certainly being used at the moment as gyms, for BBQs, practising basketball shots - you name it, it's being used for it!  Then, as the domestic goddess I [currently] am πŸ˜‚ I made some cheese straws as I do from time to time - delicious when still warm accompanied by a cup of tea.  For those who know me and find my culinary skills hard to believe, here's the proof:

Ian won the toss for the evening dog toilet walk so managed to stretch his legs.  So far I've been managing about 4,000 steps a day mainly due to my gym challenge.  Given that we both normally do about twice as many steps on a bad day, it's important to keep as active as possible.  We actually do have a really nice running machine which I'm going to start using in the next couple of days as I haven't since the Spartan Race on the 8th (well I deserved a break 😁).  That should see an improvement in steps and will be useful when I run out of things to clean!

The 8pm applause for the healthcare workers and others keeping our infrastructure together was as ever, an opportunity to exchange pleasantries with neighbours and is definitely a part of the day we look forward to.  Alfie (dog) again joined in with some steady but quite calm barking which is very sweet and certainly entertains the neighbours.

People are getting more and more resourceful and creative with online activities and I intend to take full advantage of them.  Tomorrow I have a Facebook Live gym class with my gym instructor at 10am so I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow.  Until then - stay safe!

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