Monday 16 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 2

Well here we are on Day 2 of lockdown/quarantine.  It still seems to be taking time for people to get the hang of what quarantine actually means!  Still quite a few people wandering around this morning and I'm not entirely sure they're all there for legitimate purposes according to the regulations.......  Today the policia have been around the streets with loudspeaker announcements from a vehicle telling people to only go out if essential and I believe people have started being fined so we shall see.  If you are out, you need to carry ID and proof of address with you but as that's standard here anyway it's no big deal.  Apparently the fines are large and there is also the possibility of arrest and imprisonment.  I suspect that as visitors here are repatriated over the next couple of days, things will settle down.

Today the weather is very grey and we've had some rain so sadly no chance to sit up on the roof terrace in the sun.  Hey ho.  Instead we started the day with me tackling my gym instructor's Jump Rope Challenge and I did my own 30 minute Tabata class.  Ian joined in - I think he's got a level of respect for my gym classes now that he didn't have before! 😂 One of our dogs valiantly tried to join in which was so sweet and very funny.  

In terms of the stockpiling situation, people here only started buying things up over the last few days, much later than in the UK.  As of Saturday there was no rice, very little pasta but still some toilet rolls to be found.  Water is also very popular but we've dodged a bullet there by already having a Brita filter jug in an effort to cut our use of plastics so no worries. On Saturday we managed to buy a bad boy pack of 24 toilet rolls so think we'll prevail 😂

The rest of the day has been spent reading and watching TV.  The dogs have also had their toilet walks which we are both suddenly extremely keen to volunteer for!  I have just taken them for their early evening one and the port is like a ghost town - very spooky.  I saw only about 6 people.  And given that the weather is very grey and breezy it's surreally quiet.  Maybe the reality of the situation is beginning to dawn on people.

We'd started a major de clutter over a week ago so I did a little more today and will continue to do so in the spirit of positivity that we're determined to see this through with.  General news that all of this may take 30 days rather than 15 is not particularly welcome but nevertheless, it is what it is and we must make the best of it.  The British news bulletin has just been on the TV and mention has been made that this will all take a long time to go away.  And there has been a huge jump in diagnosed cases in Spain today (mainly in the Madrid area) together with the news of many more deaths in Italy today.  Tonight at 9pm we are being asked to shine torches/mobiles etc in honour of those who have passed away from coronavirus; I suspect we will also applaud again all those who are continuing to work so hard in our health services and rightly so.  

Stay safe and well everyone.  Hasta mañana!

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