Friday 20 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 6

Well here we are again.  Now on the slippery slope to one week.  We're still talking to each other which is a bonus and have settled into a sort of routine now.  Certainly we get up promptly and get dressed and one of us takes the dogs for their morning toilet walk.  I'm sure there is a temptation to mooch around in pj's all day but I think it's better to keep things as normal as possible.  So every day I put a bit of make-up on even though just about no-one other than Ian is going to see me.  Somehow it's good for the morale.

As we see nature reclaiming what humans mess up - the water quality in Venice for example - this is also a good time to think about how we live our lives and whether we might make any changes once this is all over.  Certainly I have begun to wonder if I should spend more time just 'being'.  Bizarrely, I feel strangely empowered during these difficult times of huge restrictions on what I can do.  Something to think about.

During the way home from one of today's dog toilet walks I saw one of these homemade colourful signs complete with handprints which are up on balconies here and there, I assume where children are living.  The second picture was taken by Kay Horsnell yesterday on her way to do some shopping.  The first says literally 'Together we can with everything', probably meaning together we can do everything and uses the words of a Mexican footballer apparently.  Kay's photo shows banners saying 'It's going to be fine'.  In any event, these banners demonstrate solidarity with others and it is heartwarming to see.

At 10am today was the first of my gym instructor Rachel's live Facebook classes.  And, as ever, she took no prisoners 😳 Ian sat on the sofa and watched lol.  I couldn't do it on the roof terrace with nice breeze because the wiFi is very hit and miss up there so the living room it was and I certainly got warm!  One hour later and I felt tired but pious.  Mind you, my jump rope ability is still rubbish. 

After this I thoroughly hoovered the living/dining room and smallest bedroom whilst Ian cleaned all the windows on the roof level and all down the stairs to the street.  You could probably surgically operate on our floors right now!  The sun was shining but not as strongly as yesterday with clouds and probable rain scheduled for later which certainly looks the case as I type in the late afternoon.  The weather here really does seem to be matching the global difficulties right now.  

Following on some recommendations we saw on Facebook, we've started watching boxsets, starting with 'The Killing' (US version).  We've seen two episodes and it's looking good but have discovered that we still won't have a solution as to whodunnit at the end of the 13 episodes of series 1 and will have to battle on to series 2.  We're used to 8 episodes with a solution as is common with British TV crime dramas so are a little nonplussed.  We've never watched boxsets mainly because we've never had the time.  And we were never GOT viewers either.  I guess now is the time to stretch our application to a story to the max.

Lots of reading going on here too.  Ian has actually finished a whole book which is unprecedented as he really isn't a reader.  Never have I been more grateful for my Kindle which has loads of books on it I still have to read and when I feel like a spot of retail therapy I just have browse for another book, simples!  I had even planned to study some Spanish today and haven't got around to it so I'm definitely finding lots of things to fill the time.  Think I'll slot it into my packed schedule for tomorrow now.....

One event for tomorrow is Rock the Lock Down.  Take a look at their Facebook page.  Tomorrow at 3pm Spanish time (2pm UK time) and I believe on Sunday as well there's going to be a Facebook Live concert with musicians from all over the work taking part.  It has a hashtag #rockthelockdown.  So tune in for what promises to be a pretty amazing event with people from all over the world - together we can do this.  Juntos podemos! 💪
Take care all!

PS Tonight's applause for all the emergency, healthcare and other workers was the best yet with a police car going slowly down our street with the siren on in return.  What a fabulous community spirit!    

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