Sunday 15 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 1

Well, as the world is now well aware Spain has now gone into lockdown as of midnight 14 March due to the coronavirus pandemic.  So I thought it would be interesting to share a daily diary of life here during these interesting times.

So.....first off, this won't be overly difficult for me as I'm perfectly happy doing my thing at home.  For Ian, however, it will be more of a challenge as he's a social animal and enjoys a chat over a beer most evenings.  Only time will tell as to how we'll survive two weeks in such constant close proximity!  But at least we had a 'last drink' at new bar Meraki last night (in the square in PP, next to the still closed Bonys).  But we feel desperately sorry for the local businesses, bars, restaurants etc and how it will affect them 😢

To summarise, people must stay at home and only one person from a household to go out to the supermarket or pharmacy.  I believe launderettes/dry cleaners are also open.  One person can walk a dog/dogs and only be out for the minimum amount of time.  And car journeys can only have one person per car.  Essential journeys to work (obviously depending on your job) only.

Today, especially this morning, there were still quite a few cars and pedestrians (including groups) about as well as the ubiquitous cyclists.  It did make you wonder if people knew that the lockdown had been brought forward from 8am Monday morning to midnight Saturday or if they were just completely irresponsible and selfish.  But by the afternoon things were a lot quieter, hopefully police were making it clear that this is serious.  Certainly there are some interesting videos/photos on Facebook!  I feel sorry for the police who are doing a difficult job.  One video taken in Benidorm shows quite a few British tourists really getting stroppy with police as if this lockdown doesn't apply to them because they're on holiday.  Hopefully people will get the message that this is serious, real and does apply to everyone very quickly!

We're keeping things positive and I for one, am determined to make the most of this enforced stay at home.  This morning we watched some breakfast TV and then I walked the dogs, waving to friends on balconies as I did so.  Having dogs is a real bonus because it means one of us can get out for a short walk for doggy toilet purposes and we've already had one or two offers to 'rent' them out lol!  I managed to get a load of filing of teaching materials done which I've been meaning to do for ages which was very satisfying and we both read for a while up on our roof terrace.  At least we're housebound in the sun and such lovely surroundings.  Both of us spent some time on Skype calls to family in the UK and I then had a relaxing bath (well why not!), so relaxing in fact that I had a nap!   And finally we watched a film and some British TV, the dogs had a couple more toilet walks and here we are - bedtime!

One rather lovely thing is that tonight, for the second night running, everyone comes out onto their balconies/roof terraces or to their windows at 8pm and there's a round of applause for all the health services professionals for all that they're doing. 💝 And I believe from tomorrow it's also for the pharmacy and supermarket staff.  It's really moving hearing all the clapping and gives a sense of solidarity and unity that is rather beautiful.

Tomorrow is going to include the start of the Jump Rope Challenge, a fitness scheme created by Rachel at Simply Pilates where I go to gym classes.  More about this tomorrow. In the meantime, buenas noches to all 😴


  1. So glad your blog is back Sarah! We're a bit behind Spain, but we'll no doubt have a lock down period, so it will be good to hear how you're passing the time. Stay well :)

  2. Hi Sally, sorry for the delay (computer problem with cross site tracking), thanks so much, hope all is going ok for you in the UK. Take care!
