Sunday 22 March 2020

Spain in lockdown - Day 8

Happy Mother's Day (where applicable!).  Well it's been widely reported that the lockdown here is to be extended for 15 days until 12 April.  It still has to be ratified by the government but I can't see that this will change.  So we have a further three weeks to go but it isn't a problem and frankly I'd have been astonished if this had been different.  And staying in has become the new norm.  So many worse things could happen to us that this really doesn't seem to be the worst thing in the world.  It's important to stay as positive as we can, keep busy and stay connected with people via the internet, social media, video calls, calling across to neighbours - whatever it takes.  

Today started with a video call from my eldest daughter to wish me a Happy Mother's Day which was lovely.  She had sent me a really thoughtful gift via Amazon of two activity books filled with word searches, crosswords, things to colour, logic puzzles, the list is endless! - one of them a little irreverent shall we say 😝😂 but I've started to use them already and they will certainly help to fill some time. 

Today's weather is grey, slightly thundery and wet - just what we need to lift our spirits  - not!  And to rub it in, it seems as if the weather in the UK is just glorious with blue skies and sunshine.  Of course the problem with that is that people are tempted to go out and make the most of it, and it seems many are just not taking the advice regarding social distancing etc seriously thereby frightening those people who are more vulnerable.  We've also seen photos of horrendous queues mainly outside Tescos branches for some reason - it would seem that it's not so much 'every little helps' as 'everything I can lay my hands on helps'.  There's plenty in the shops to buy here and no queues.  Just sayin'.........

As a Sunday treat we binge watched 5 episodes of The Killing box set.  Only 6 more to finish Season 1 😳  It's certainly good entertainment and helped time fly by but I still have no idea how anyone finds time to watch box sets in normal circumstances!  Mind you, with three more weeks ahead of us it seems it's something we're going to get used to quite soon.

I spoke via video call to each of my children (plus my granddaughter) today and then they all rang me at once so cue mayhem and general lunacy as we played with the camera effects.  WiFi and social media really are a godsend during these strange and challenging times.

So, after one week in lockdown, what have we learned so far?

  • dogs are very useful in the event of lockdowns - walkies! 🐕 💩
  • there are only so many times you can clean an apartment
  • I'm improving at Sudoku
  • exercise sessions on roof terraces are THE place to be seen
  • lockdowns are a good chance to use up toiletries that hang about in the bathroom such as conditioner or shampoo that you don't much like - after all, who's going to see you?!
  • our neighbours opposite on the first floor are party animals
  • did I mention there are only so many times you can clean an apartment?
  • music lifts the spirits
  • the 8pm applause session is the new 'going out'
Hope all is well with you and yours - hasta mañana! 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah and Ian. Today I've just 'binge read' eight of your blog episodes. Great writing, keep it up, better than Netflix! Mike
