Monday 22 June 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Soooo.....the weekend brought us not only the longest day on Saturday but our first day out of lockdown (after nearly 100 days) on Sunday 🎉🍻 and it felt good!  But we are all nervously awaiting the first of the tourists here in the Port; speaking to people a common feeling is that they want visitors for the economy but are somewhat wary of anyone from another country as no-one wants to see us going backwards so to speak, given the very strict lockdown we have just been through.  

On Friday I had the pleasure of going to the dentist for a routine clean, actually not very pleasurable because I have hyper-sensitive teeth and that ultrasonic doodah is a nightmare for me; this time saw me jumping all over the place so the dentist finally gave up and went to manual as it were, making a note that I'm an old-fashioned kinda gal for future cleans.  Anyway I digress, on arrival the front door to the surgery opened and a dental nurse in full (and I mean full) PPE swept towards me with hand sanitiser and a temperature thingy.  I passed muster and was told to wait in the waiting room and could even remove my mask.  I assumed that was that but no - after a few minutes she returned but this time with a full pack of disposable PPE for me - she helped me get dressed in overshoes on my feet, an attractive [sic] green shower cap and a full sleeved gown 😂  And it was thus attired that I shuffled through and had my teeth cleaned.  I wanted to ask if someone would take my photo but bottled it 😳  And I can confirm that yes indeedy, PPE is very hot and sweaty.....

Speaking of hot and sweaty, summer has officially arrived in terms of heat - 28/29 degrees over the last couple of days, and looking ahead we're up into the 30's as the week goes on.  It was certainly hot enough at the gym this morning!  Dog walks are becoming increasingly short especially at lunchtime as it's just too hot.  Yesterday we walked the dogs by the marina and saw an egret (which, along with the cormorants I always associate with the Port) on a llaut which I started to photograph, managing to catch this:

On Saturday I finally returned to the radio studio in Pollensa to do my One4All Radio Show on English Radio Pollensa.  It was wonderful to be back broadcasting and I loved every second of it and hope the listeners did too.  I certainly had some lovely messages from people 💕  This week the theme is songs/artistes with 'long' in the title, as we've all waited a long time to reach the new normal.  I've already had some amazing suggestions and can't wait to get back on air next Saturday 🎧

Yesterday there was a festive air in the Port and Pollensa itself as there was a Music Festival combined with the first day of the new normal.  There was music at various venues around the square and also in the area by the marina that used to be the bus station.  It was very festive and social distancing seemed to be ok here but I believe that a great many people were in Pollensa's main square to listen to the music there which has given the town council pause for thought due to the lack of social distancing as a result.   I believe they are rethinking other events organised this summer so we shall see.....  In any event, to celebrate Fathers' Day in the UK we went out in the evening to Ca'n Ferra (the 'little people') and had yummy paella whilst listening to the music - well it would've been rude not to 😜

Over the weekend we tackled the dog grooming again, using the equipment we've now bought.  The result?  Not bad if we say so ourselves!  And we can only get better with practice so doing our own grooming is a definite outcome from the lockdown that we didn't forsee and the dogs don't seem to mind too much.  It's certainly a money saver and every little helps!

In general news the regional government here will not permit establishments with the capacity for more than 300 people to reopen and will limit the rest to 75%.  This means no nightclubs of course.  Terraces can now operate at 100% though.  And activities such as excursions and sports are limited to groups of no more than 30 people.  

In more local news, Liberty Kitchen is due to open at the end of June and the Daina is apparently opening on 6 July.  And the Illa d'Or has opened its terrace facility (but not the accommodation part of the hotel).  However the Mar Senses has announced that it will not be opening this year but will be back in 2021.  I think it's generally felt that most visitors to the Port will be likely to be apartment/villa owners and I suppose there will only be a handful of hotels who will feel it worthwhile or indeed, financially possible, to open.  Again, we will see.....  

Stay safe and hasta jueves!

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