Thursday 18 June 2020

Spain in lockdown lite Phase 3 - Day 95

Well the Port is starting to come to life and places like the Torre Playa, Brisa Marina and Los Faroles are open, Centric is opening tomorrow and Ca'n Josep is opening on Saturday for weekends.  However of course there are only so many people to go around as customers are currently all locals.  As you'll probably know, German tourists started arriving this week, mainly staying in the Palma area but some in Alcudia, as part of an experiment win Mallorca but I've certainly not seen any here.  It's such a difficult balance to help the economy but not put all our hard work in lockdown at risk of a second spike of coronavirus - I don't envy the decision-makers one little bit.

We're on the way to 100 days since lockdown started although on Monday (Day 99) the state of alarm here in Spain ends.  And doing some housework we found ourselves taking the last of the loo rolls from our bumper pack of 24  - yes folks, we made it through lockdown (and beyond as we still have a couple to use) on one pack safely enough 😂

Those multiple purchases that some people panic bought at the beginning must be languishing in cupboards somewhere unless we're just lightweight users.....😳😂

On Tuesday we went for another wonderful menu del dia at El Posito.  Tumbet was again a choice of starter but I finally did what I said I'd do previously and had tumbet as my main course.  My tastebuds did a little happy dance 💃 as it was completely wonderful.  On Wednesday I did two classes back to back at the gym - Tabata first and then Pilates.  If you have never done Pilates, don't be under any illusion that it's a bit of faffing around on a mat to whale music.  I did Pilates twice a week for a couple of years but don't do it much now; however this class was a reminder of how much harder it is than it looks!  Especially if you've just done an hour of Tabata (high intensity interval training) first.....😳

Later on Wednesday we had a pretty impressive rain storm which delayed our planned Lidl trip - it absolutely lashed it down as it often does here.  Once it abated we made a 'run' for it to Lidl and managed to get stocked up.  But later that evening we noticed that the new manicure/pedicure place (not sure if it was a hairdressers too) Estilo 21 opposite which opened not long before the lockdown and seemed to be doing a good trade before and after, was being packed up into a car - in fact it was the last carload we saw being loaded and that was that; another business closed 😞

Today we 'attended' Ladies Day at Royal Ascot at Bar Bondia (near the Pollensa Park Hotel) - ladies wore hats and we all had a wonderful time placing bets (through an official bookmaker I must add) and having a wonderful platter of goodies.  I won absolutely nothing whatsoever, Ian did rather better and came out pretty much with what he started with, but some people clearly knew their stuff and did very well indeed. It was such a pleasure to have a lovely scone with jam and cream - delicious!

This weekend my Saturday radio show on English Radio Pollensa restarts after all this time; it's a new show for me running solo April - Oct rather than a continuation of the double act Graham & Sarah Saturday Show which will return as and when in the winter.  It's called the One4All Radio Show so if you fancy tuning in at 1pm (12 noon UK time) please do and if you want a shout out just let me know via the One4All Radio Show Facebook page.  In the wider Pollensa area it's 107.9 FM or you can tune in via the internet using or via (search for English Radio Pollensa).  The theme this week is 'new' to reflect our new normal so part of the show is music suggested by listeners on the theme and there is some great music planned as well as the Top Ten from this week way back when. 

Stay safe, have a great weekend and hasta lunes!

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