Friday 5 June 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 83

This morning I got up and headed out to meet my Spanish friend and thankfully I haven't lost the ability to chat in Spanish - that's a relief!  Duolingo can only go so far.  I even managed various tenses reasonably accurately.  It was so nice to see her again.  We reflected on the effect the lockdown has had on us both and how every cloud has a silver lining as we both have some positives to take from it all despite a friend of hers having been a victim ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

I spent a couple of hours today on my latest puzzle "The Brands that Built Britain".  A few years ago the work team I was a member of in the UK had a day out in London and visited the Brand Museum which was absolutely fascinating - a blast from the past in fact for about two thirds of the team; the younger members got bored as most of it meant nothing and they went ahead and met us at the end but I loved it ๐Ÿ’• Anyway, this puzzle is a bit like an early-ish display from the Brand Museum with Lifebuoy Soap, Persil, Jacobs biscuits, Bovril and so on.  Very interesting but unfortunately most of the bottles of things such as Tizer are very dark so I have an alarming number of pieces for those areas ๐Ÿ˜ฑ either way, I have definitely discovered a new pastime which I would otherwise never have tried were it not for the lockdown.

This afternoon we relaxed on the roof terrace and sat in the hot tub - glorious!  The water temperature was 30 degrees so not too shabby but all day it has been pretty windy.  I tried reading the paper but after I'd chased it across the terrace twice I gave up and the Kindle came into its own.  I have so many great books on it that I have yet to read but currently am re-reading "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" which was Agatha Christie's first detective novel; this has been prompted by reading her autobiography which, although really interesting and enjoyable to read, is veeeeeerrrrrrry long such that I feel like I've been reading it for ever and am still only halfway through.  In any event, I'm just past the bit where she describes writing her first published novel that introduced Hercule Poirot to the world so it seemed rude not to re-read it.  And of course Agatha herself spent some time in Puerto Pollensa (including writing "Problem at Pollensa Bay and other stories").

Here in Spain, the Prime Minister has secured an extension to the state of alarm and by Monday more than half of Spain will have moved to Phase 3 of the de-escalation plan including Mallorca.  This is the final Phase and will allow for more flexible and freer movement across Spain and between regions although face masks will remain compulsory.   We are going to wait and see the detail of how Phase 3 affects our everyday life but it feels like we're nearly at the 'new normal' already ๐Ÿ‘

This evening we went for a curry at Himalaya and had a lovely meal with enough left over for a modest 'doggy bag'.  There was a HUGE full moon tonight as we left and here it is:

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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