Wednesday 3 June 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 81

The days just keep rolling around and 100 days is tantalisingly in sight now.  In any event, the Spanish Prime Minister has sought a final extension to the current state of alarm until 21st June in order to get Phase 3 of the de-escalation through.  There are also indications that they may also extend the ERTE furlough scheme here beyond 30th June in sectors such as tourism but it's going to be a loooong summer.

This morning after breakfast I cycled to Tamarells beach bar terrace again for my Tabata HIIT gym class.  It was streamed live online via Facebook for people who've been attending from other countries and those who'll do it on 'catch up' later but we stayed well behind the camera - the world really isn't ready to see me jumping around giving it my all just yet!  It was hot but there was a gentle breeze and I must say that doing a class with those surroundings and a view of the sea really is a treat and the hour fairly flew.  As I pedalled back along the seafront towards home with that view of the Port and the mountains behind 😍 and the wind whilst I was cycling along cooling me down, I reflected how very lucky I am to live here.  It is such a lovely way to start the day πŸ’•

I watched a bit of TV and then headed out with the dogs for their lunchtime walk.  They, however, had other ideas and although I chose a shady route through La Gola they took it in turns to keep stopping to lie down or just stop dead nearly taking my arm out of it's socket.  I've never been able to work out how a 9kg dog can suddenly magically become a dead weight of about the size of a small pony and yank me backwards, but they manage it every time.  And they seem to take it in turns; I think it's a cunning canine plot to train their human to know their place.  Anyway.....the water in La Gola is now flowing freely following Monday's dredging:

The afternoon was spent lounging around on the roof terrace and in the hot tub on a day that is definitely heading towards summer at some speed as each day seems to be a degree or so hotter than the one before.  Oh and publishing on Facebook this week's theme for the playlist in lieu of the live Graham and Sarah Saturday radio show on English Radio Pollensa (we still can't broadcast yet) - the theme is songs/artists relating to 'open' as now bigger shops and shopping centres are allowed to open.  So if you can think of any, check out the FB page and add your suggestions!  

In local news, No.31 Restaurant is due to re-open on 12th June and if you go to their Facebook page you can see their menu.  It is under the new ownership of Alex - cocktail maker expert who worked there previously.  They're open Friday - Sunday, the same as Marc's (just round the corner from Bony's).  

Tomorrow I'm going to start another jigsaw puzzle, my new guilty pleasure, discovered during the 'full on' lockdown and work on some new resources for teaching - it seems a long way off but I know September will come around soon enough!  In the meantime, stay safe and hasta pronto!

1 comment:

  1. We are keeping everything crossed for July 7th but don't think it will happen. Have already changed flights from June as we thought they would be starting up again in July. We will see. Good to get feedback on what is going on there.
