Thursday 4 June 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 82

So we awoke to find the washing machine has stopped working 😩 I popped in to the agent who handles our rental (wearing my face mask although no-one else in there was) to explain the situation in Spanish but a guy in the office tried to tell me that I was in the wrong place and it was nothing to do with them!  I stood my ground and finally a rather more on the ball member of staff came out to help although Mr 'computer says no' tried to call my bluff by saying they needed to send a repairman to look at it in the first instance and triumphantly said he needed a photo of the washing machine so they knew the make; but I was ready for him, oh yes, and told him the make and model - game, set and match to me I think!  Now we just have to play the waiting game.......

The weather today started quite well but very windy and by lunchtime had become very grey and then started to rain.  This gave me the chance to make like the early days of lockdown and get settled down to my latest 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  I spent a happy time sorting pieces and generally getting started - I really do find it very therapeutic.  I also did some more sorting of teaching resources which reminded me of my job which I enjoy so much but which came to an abrupt stop in mid-March and won't start again until into September.  I'm already wondering how difficult it may be getting back into a work ethic at that time but on the other hand I do at least have the prospect of that job so I do consider myself lucky in that regard.

I see from the news that face masks are to be compulsory on public transport in the UK from Monday; well we're old hands at that here now - face masks were compulsory on public transport here some weeks ago now and of course now they're compulsory anywhere where social distancing may not be possible, and definitely in shops.  They are pretty stifling in the heat out here but we've learned to just get on with it.  Anyhow, high marks for stupidity go to the man I saw today driving a convertible car on his own and the wind in his hair whilst wearing a face mask 😂

In local news, yesterday was the first time that the fishermen have sold their catch direct to the public from just past La Llonja.  The times were from 4.30-6.30pm but before 6pm they'd sold out - the queue was very long apparently and we know of a number of people who went but came away empty handed.  They're going to publish the schedule on a Sunday as to when they'll be open the following week as it will depend on the weather forecast etc.  So, good news for this initiative and I hope it continues to be popular.

This evening's dog walk was along the harbour wall.  There were clouds and blue sky looking south: 

but over the mountains and the Formentor area it was very grey and kept trying to rain.  They have finally finished the works to the harbour and the far end has been widened and extended and now looks like this:

And at last we can walk along to the lighthouse:

You can see from the sky that the weather was a bit challenging here today!  But at least the strong wind gusts had died down and all in all it was quite refreshing compared to the humidity of the morning.

Tomorrow I am finally meeting up with my Spanish friend after all this time - a good natter in Spanish should get those brain cells going I think!

Stay safe and hasta mañana!

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