Thursday 11 June 2020

Spain in lockdown lite! Phase 3 - Day 89

Helloooo!  How is everyone?  No diving update because it was postponed due to the stormy weather we've had which made the water visibility less than great 😞 If we'd had some previous diving experience it would have been no problem, but as diving virgins Scuba Mallorca suggested we postpone until the water is clear as we'll have a better first experience.  So currently we're pencilled in for Saturday morning but the weather is still a little unsettled.....we'll just have to wait and see!

On Monday we started the day with fresh weather which was trying to drizzle but the cycle ride along the front to Tamarells beach bar terrace for my gym class was wonderful and the breeze kept us cool whilst we did it.  Sadly there will be no more classes there in future as they are opening the bar soon (possibly only at weekends but I'm not sure) so now we have to register for classes so that social distancing can be maintained at the studio.  So yesterday's Tabata class was there - no nice sea breeze, we've been spoiled!  Electric fans just aren't the same lol.  

On Tuesday evening my children and I had another quiz night which was huge fun.  The theme was colours so we had rounds including music linked to a colour, a scavenger hunt  eg. "find something red" and a round where you had to identify a colour and the language from a word in another language which was fiendish!  And yesterday I finished my latest jigsaw puzzle - The Brands that Built Britain.  Very enjoyable and quite a few of the brands are still current now - Heinz, Bisto, Bird's Custard and so on. As ever, I'll leave it on the table for a few days just so that I can maximise my smugness and then break it up before tackling the next one.  I also met my Spanish friend for a coffee and a chat in Spanish first, then English.  I actually managed to use various tenses in Spanish as we spoke so I'm getting there 💪

Yesterday we went for a menu del dia at El Posito in C/Lleibeig and what a wonderful meal it was.  Their tumbet starter is the stuff that dreams are made of 😍  tumbet is a traditional Mallorcan vegetable dish usually made from potatoes, aubergines and red peppers, sometimes also green peppers and courgettes.  It is entirely delicious and the one in El Posito is fab-u-lous!  I could eat it every single day 💕

Today we walked the dogs along the marina wall - it was VERY windy this afternoon and there were some unusually large waves for the bay as the wind was coming from Alcudia which is less common here.  As we walked we noticed a large superyacht come into the bay towing a smaller boat quite far behind it.  The photos doesn't do the size of it or the wind strength justice but you can just see the small white bit some way behind.

We waited for ages getting blown to pieces to see what happened as it looked like they were towing a boat that may have been in trouble.  But where the photo was taken is where it faced into the wind and stopped and we don't know what happened next as we'd had enough of the wind as had the dogs so we dropped down to the harbour side of the wall and out of the worst of it.  Still, it made for an interesting walk that's for sure!

One piece of great news today is that English Radio Pollensa will be back on air from this Sunday and I will be back in the hot seat on Saturday 20th June with a new summer afternoon show - more news on that to follow, but I can't wait 🎧
In positive local news - Bar Bondia (near the Pollensa Park Hotel) is opening on Saturday, Amazo (where Tribeca used to be, opposite where Guru was) opened today, the Torre Playa opened yesterday (next to Sail & Surf on the front just before La Gola), El Casinet (on the front) and La Llonja (by the marina) are preparing to open soon, Osteria N.15 in the square has just opened and the Marina Apartments open on 1st July.  In less positive news, Na Ruixa on the corner behind and along from the Sis Pins on the Formentor Road has closed for good.  

In wider news, on Monday around 11,000 Germans are being allowed in to Mallorca subject to health checks, as an experiment to see how things go with regard to visitors to the Balearics.  In any event in Spain we have all been told that face masks will be compulsory here even after the state of alarm is due to end on 21st June and will remain obligatory until a vaccine to protect against Covid-19 is available.  So I hope the German visitors all bring theirs with them!  Face masks are definitely going to be the new normal for some time to come 😷  Finally, as at Monday no Covid-19 deaths had been reported in the Balearics for a week although I'm struggling to find an update to that.  In any event, it's great news but obviously we'll all wait anxiously to see the outcome of the experiment with the German visitors. 

Stay safe and hasta lunes!

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