Sunday 7 June 2020

Spain in lockdown Phase 2 - Day 85

Well we woke up to thunder and rain with grey and glowering skies, a direct contrast to yesterday's blue sky, bright sunshine and hot temperatures.  So we binned the idea of a bike ride as it just doesn't appeal to be out on a bike in a thunderstorm!  Instead, Ian went off to our garage to sort out some things and I went for a run on our running machine.  I didn't quite manage a personal best time this time but came within 11 seconds and was more than happy with that.  As I was running I listened to last weeks' playlist that I put together in lieu of the Graham and Sarah Saturday Show on English Radio Pollensa; it was on the theme of beaches and a top 10 from this week in 1984 - what a line-up that was with great songs from Utravox, Phil Collins, Queen, The Style Council and Wham - it certainly helped me on my way 🏃

I'm certainly making progress on my jigsaw puzzle and can sit there happily doing it for ages - Ian's in heaven as it means he can watch the live sport that's now re-started, horse-racing and snooker, which if I'm honest, I can do without.  I do love watching sport though and this would have been a bumper year for it with the Olympics.  I feel so sorry for all those athletes who trained towards this summer's Olympic games and the Japanese organisers who put in all the work on its organisation, and I really hope it will be able to go ahead next year.  And I do love Wimbledon 💕 which would of course have been on later this month.  What with all the cancelled sporting events I don't think this year's BBC Sports Personality of the Year is going to be a goer as no-one's going to have done any!  Ah well, this is a year that is proving to be like none other:

We spent the afternoon watching last night's TV Bond film 'Casino Royale' whilst a big storm did its thing outside.  We found we had two very affectionate four-legged hot water bottles on our laps during the thundery parts - really brave guard dogs 😂

Out and about during this evening's dog walk I took a good look at the repairs to the walkway by the 1919 roundabout.  Last week they placed the metal moulds for the concrete and now the blocks are in place so I suspect the end of this week will see it finished:

We walked round past Mulligans through to the square.  Mulligans closed permanently just before the lockdown started and word on the street is that it is going to be converted into apartments although that has not been confirmed anywhere.  

And so....tomorrow we enter Phase 3 of the de-escalation.  And it will be up to the Balearic government to decide when that ends.  Currently they have already stated that nightclubs/night bars will not be allowed to open here even though it is possible in Phase 3 if a region wishes it.  It does seem a bit pointless anyway as no dancing is allowed!  We will be able to travel between Balearic islands and there are various alterations to the capacity of things eg. bars will be able to have an increased 75% occupancy inside and on the their terrace.  In any event, people calling for Phase 3 to end soon need to be aware that if the regional government does this, then we will no longer be in a state of alarm and anyone getting benefits or hep from the national government will no longer be able to do so.  So together with the lack of tourists which are so vital to the Balearic economy, people could then be unemployed if businesses are unable/unwilling to open up and they will be unable to claim any financial assistance - this really doesn't bear thinking about 😱 let's hope the government takes this into account and makes some provision......

As we are about to enter Phase 3 it seems the right time to de-escalate my blog too or it'll become too mundane, so instead of posting daily, I will post on Mondays and Thursdays starting from Thursday 11th June and every Monday/Thursday thereafter.

Plans for the next few days are my gym class on Tamarells beach terrace tomorrow although I believe they're opening up soon so that may be the last opportunity to do so.  And on Wednesday we are going scuba-diving with a try-dive at Cala san Vicente so it'll be "read all about it" on Thursday! 😂🤿

Stay safe and hasta jueves!


  1. looking forward to the next blog, will it still have the same heading so to differentiate?Tommy has nearly completed his latest jigsaw, not been doing it much due to the lovely weather we have had, back to the rain now. Good night God bless xx

    1. Hi, it will pretty much have the same heading. I finished my latest jigsaw yesterday! Stay safe x
