Thursday 9 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

So the latest big and developing news from the Balearic government is that face masks 😷will be compulsory everywhere from Monday apart from on the beach, at swimming pools, whilst exercising or on restaurant/cafe terraces/inside for food/drink.  

Otherwise, from the time you leave your home (or accommodation) you must wear a mask or risk heavy fines.  And believe me, the police here are not shy about fining people!  If you have an underlying medical condition which means you shouldn't wear a mask, you need a medical letter stating this - but this is currently the case anyway.  The reason for this is an increase in coronavirus cases in the region (as is the case with many other Spanish regions).  But it shouldn't affect anyone's holiday too much as most places associated with holidaying eg beach, pool, restaurant, bar, are places where you don't have to wear one.  Of course it is unfortunate that at this time of year when we have temperatures of around 30 something degrees, we have to wear masks but...... we've made it this far, we can do this 💪

In other news the Daina is now fully open but the Port, as a whole, is still pretty quiet compared to normal years.  But visitors to the Port seem to be enjoying themselves and, importantly, spending money locally....... And as I'm sure many people are aware, there are some wonderful deals to be had.  A menu del dia here is a thing of joy and beauty - great food at wonderful prices and usually with wine and water thrown in - what's not to like?!  We went with friends to El Posito again yesterday and had a fantastic meal, sadly no tumbet was on the menu but lots of other delicious things were.  My all time favourite is tumbet and the one at El Posito is divine 💕

Yesterday I had a lovely girly couple of hours at Aquamarine beauty salon behind the church and more or less next to Euronics electrical store on the corner opposite Dolc Sa Poblanos bakery/cafe.  Due to the nature of the business, as you enter you have to use hand sanitiser and wait at the door for them to scan your temperature.  If you pass muster you are escorted to one of the two chairs for pedicures but the chair is lined with disposable paper towel and they use sealed and sterilised packs of 'tools'.  You are certainly vey reassured that everything is as safe as it can possibly be.  I believe that beauty salons are not yet allowed to open in the UK so if coming here, treat yourself to something as part of the holiday experience!  But it might be best to book ahead via FB.

I tackled the dog grooming again on Tuesday; all went very well and whilst it's still not perfect, I think I'm getting better so give me another few months and I'll be more than happy!  Our dogs are Lhasa Apsos so do not have a shedding coat - this is wonderful if you are allergic to dog/cat hair as Ian is - but of course it means that you have to have them groomed every 6-8 weeks.  And at 90€ for the two, that soon adds up!  Actually speaking, non-shedding breeds such as ours (also poodles, Bedlington terriers and others) have hair rather than fur and this is the critical difference.  So there are no balls of fur floating across the floor but the downside is the cost of grooming.  So, since lockdown we have acquired all the kit including a grooming table, and had lessons from a professional so gradually I'm becoming more competent.  It's an interesting outcome from the lockdown 😲

The weather today has been very hot and sweaty but with little sun sadly, although there has been a strong breeze this afternoon.  So plans to go out on our boat have been postponed until tomorrow morning on the basis that the mornings are usually calmer than the afternoons and it really isn't much fun slamming along through wind-induced waves 😱  Anyway I can't wait for a calmer sea and am really looking forward to the possibility of going out tomorrow and having a good swim off the boat.  Certainly this year's summer seems to have been windier than usual which has it's benefits, but going out on a motor boat isn't necessarily one of them!  So when I saw this, and bearing in mind the year so far, I must admit I found it pretty amusing:

Saturday's theme on the One4All Show 1-4pm (12-3pm UK time) on English Radio Pollensa 107.9FM (or via the internet on or is songs/artistes with hey/hi/hello in the title as we start to welcome visitors back to Mallorca.  There have been loads of great suggestions and I'm looking forward to playing as many as possible.  I just hope I remember to bring cockroach spray with me..... 😳 (see previous blog post).   But a couple of days ago, motivated by a friend who has been writing in verse throughout the UK lockdown, I wrote the following about my experience last Saturday:

I recently did battle
With a cockroach, large in size
In fact when I first saw him
I did not believe my eyes 😱

He was trotting round the loo seat
And I needed a wee
But I retreated when I saw him
Sharing loo space?  No sirree!

I had to wait for hours
Then used a loo elsewhere.
The relief was overwhelming,
But did the cockroach care?

No, I think that flipping' cockroach
Was as happy as could be
Game, set and match to him I think
The loser here was me.

But next week in the same place
This time I'll be prepared
With a giant can of cockroach spray
And then I bet he's scared!

The moral of this story
Is do not mess with me.
I'm a woman of a certain age
Who really needs a wee!

Stay safe and hasta lunes 😁

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