Monday 13 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Well so far the Port has had a gentle buzz of activity which is very noticeable to those of us who live here although I've seen comments from visitors saying how quiet it is compared to normal.  They are of course correct, but for those of us who've lived here throughout lockdown, believe me it's pretty buzzing! 

So today in the Balearics the mask wearing has started.  Well I say started.....there's been a bit of confusion as to whether it's been delayed or not but it seems it hasn't; although the regional government is providing updates as to the finer details.  This morning on the way to the gym I saw a number of locals (definitely not visitors!) not wearing masks but I guess, like the lockdown itself, it'll all take a few days to bed down.  I wore one as I'm definitely not prepared to risk a fine although I believe for the first few days they're going to be lenient and give out warnings (again, just like the beginning of lockdown).  

It isn't the greatest having to wear a mask in the heat BUT those are the rules and to be honest I don't think it would spoil anyone's holiday as beaches/swimming pools and restaurants/bars are where you don't have to wear them.  The clarification seems to be required around the latter as it isn't the case that you need to put on a mask between mouthfuls of food for example but it might be whilst waiting to be served (between courses? who knows!).  I must say, today the police have been conspicuous by their absence but they're probably lying low until they too have everything confirmed.
STOP PRESS: The police are definitely out and about now - I guess they waited for the lunchtime clarification from the regional government - and warning people about face masks.  In fact today at a nearby resort I understand a watersports company was fined because their customers, who were filling in forms etc at the time, were not wearing masks.  And another watersports company who were appropriately masked were told by the police that they would definitely be clamping down on non-mask wearers so you have been warned!

Friday was a strange day weather-wise but quite welcoming as it was overcast and slightly cooler in the morning so we took the opportunity to take the dogs for a walk in the woods at Cala san Vicente.  We didn't go far but the views were as lovely as ever 😍

What amazed us were the noisy cicadas in the woods, it was astonishing!! 

On Saturday I spent several happy hours at the radio studio in Pollensa on English Radio Pollensa.  This week I remembered to bring cockroach spray and the first thing I did was open the loo door, spray inside and then shut it - revenge is certainly sweet!  And about an hour or so later, there I was, sitting at the mixing desk and happily playing music when something caught my eye to the right on the floor - yes, you've guessed it!  It was last week's giant cockroach's more modestly sized cousin.  And I was speaking live on air at the time 😱  I've had better moments I can tell you!  Suffice it to say he wasn't too impressed with my lovely spray; however it did the trick and he staggered about for a bit before turning on his back and twitching slightly, he finally expired (you may imagine that I kept my eye on him throughout and actually felt a bit guilty when he finally stopped twitching).  But it was me or him........

Excitingly we got out on the boat yesterday and went for a 'spin' to just past Formentor hotel, round the little island and then a slow trip around the coastline.

The bay behind La Fortaleza already had quite a few small boats so we nipped around La Fortaleza and into what is fondly called Chicken Bay (no idea!).  It was extremely busy which is common at the weekend as families all head out on their boats for the day, sometimes coming alongside each other, 2-4 abreast!  We managed to squeeze in but later arrivals found it quite difficult; we all have to anchor into sand as it's illegal to anchor into the posedonia (seaweed) beds for environmental reasons and can result in a very large fine.    We were quick to get in the water for a swim and, once in, I didn't want to get out again and swam around for the best part of an hour before Ian persuaded me to get out 😂

Most hotels have now either opened or announced when they intend to (if they are going to this year).   So gradually we are seeing numbers in the Port increase.  It is good to see the place more alive for sure.  You can definitely still have a wonderful holiday here, despite the compulsory mask-wearing.  I'm definitely styling it out and intend to buy a few more patterned ones so I have options for every outfit 💃

More boating activities are scheduled this week, but not on this space!

Stay safe and hasta jueves!

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