Thursday 30 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Well the temperature today was scheduled at 39 degrees and yep, it pretty much was just that!🔥 It was the kind of weather where just getting up and moving has you dripping with sweat in all sorts of places including those that you didn't know could get sweaty 😳  It's definitely 2-3 showers a day weather, that's for sure!  The sun has been so intense it has heated the water in our hot tub up to 31 degrees with no help from the heater which we hardly ever need to put on at this time of year.  We're using it a lot as you may imagine because even at that temperature, it feels cool compared to the air temperature!

The mask is now definitely the new 'must have' accessory and not only are the shops I related in a previous blog post selling them, but also the Chinese shops, at least one of the tabacs and several bars.  I was also told this evening that Eroski was selling cloth ones (alongside the disposable ones) although I haven't seen this to confirm, if so it must be a very new initiative.  Apparently they're about 7€ so more expensive than nearly everywhere else;  I will have to investigate 🔍  Kargo Vero Moda on the Formentor Road had another batch of 200 lovely masks delivered yesterday after selling out the first order in 4 days, and I was straight down to see the latest patterns.  I have a feeling we will all need to get used to mask wearing for the foreseeable future so I want to make sure I style it out with masks that co-ordinate with what I'm wearing - somehow it helps psychologically because I'm in control of wearing ones I like and that are attractive, and I feel more of an individual despite covering half my face.  Well, this approach works for me 😎 !

One issue I have noticed is a trend amongst both visitors and residents, of wearing their masks over their mouth but under their nose 😡  This rather misses the point of wearing a mask despite the fact that I appreciate it is a bit of a challenge to wear one in such high temperatures.  It irritates me every time I see it - which is many times a day - and have to bite my tongue not to say something.  I mean I don't think they'd like a surgeon to operate on them wearing a face mask like this, do you?! 

Sadly it is already noticeable that the Port is quieter than it was last week as people have left, sometimes early, to return to the UK 😟  And they won't be replaced in the same numbers.......  Several Spanish/Mallorquin people have spoken to me about it, expressing sadness and concern; they're also a bit perplexed as the Covid-19 statistics in the Balearics are so good.  There's nothing I can say to them really.  But it's fair to say that there's a fervent hope that the UK will change the decision soon......

The La Patrona festival has now started in Pollensa of which the famous battle between the Moors and Christians is a major part.  

Of course this year the normal festivities are unable to take place, so they have instigated a programme of activities/events taking into account social distancing etc.  This evening the parade of the band of cornets and drums of Soldà took place in the streets of Pollensa:

and last night and tonight they have run an outdoor movie in Plaza de Ca les Monnares (the large modern square); tonight's was The Secret Life of Pets 2:

Bar Bony is still continuing to attract people and one thing I think is so lovely about José is his support for others.  This is one of Bony's signs indicating nearby establishments:

Definitely a Bony's sign 😂 nothing quite like his zany sense of humour!

Another mainstay of the Port is Palms Bar, near the Pollensa Park Hotel, where they've now started their tribute acts again which is a very welcome addition to entertainment in the Port.  The Jersey Boys are on Fridays - I saw them last year, fantastic act!  Here's a picture of them from last year:

In case you're wondering, there's a fourth Jersey Boy hidden by the pillar! 😂  Elvis is on Sundays, Michael Buble/Rat Pack is on Tuesdays and ABBA are on Wednesdays.  Definitely a great evening out, a bit like going to a concert but for free (apart from the drinks 🍹🍺).  

From a very hot 🌞 Mallorca - stay safe and hasta lunes!

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