Monday 6 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

So....the sun is shining, the beaches are glorious - with loads of space so social distancing is easy - and most bars and restaurants are now open.  As previously mentioned, we have visitors now but everything seems to be fine and one or two we've chatted to say they feel safer here than in the UK.  This appears to be due to the sensible social distancing, the mask wearing (and in some cases gloves eg Lidl) in shops and the general way everyone is behaving which gives a sense of reassurance and security and it's interesting hearing how impressed they are with how things are here in Spain.  In any event, the local businesses really need the support so if you're coming out in the next few months they'll all be very pleased to see you 😄 

On Friday we finally got our boat in the water 🎉 It was a good job we did so on Friday because over the weekend the slipways here are VERY busy.  In fact they were so busy on Sunday morning for example, that the queue of vehicles with trailers went from the slipways, behind the old bus station, around the 1919 roundabout (doubled up in places) and down the road - cue chaos!  There must have been 15 or more trailers locked and left in the slipway area so goodness knows where they were going to put the 15 or so more that were waiting 😱  Lots of people seem to bring a boat down, go out on it with the family all day, and then tow it home.  Given the cost of berths in the marina (not that any are available) I'm not actually surprised.  Anyhow.....we got the boat in with no trouble at all.  Sadly it was quite cloudy and windy so a bit of a bumpy ride but we checked out that everything was going ok but didn't go for the planned swim 😟  So the boat is now safely on it's swing mooring and we'll be going out for a proper trip sometime this week, possibly in the evening as that's when the wind dies down.  And I can't wait!

On the subject of boats, the yacht club quay is certainly getting pretty busy now and on Friday evening we walked the dogs along it, admiring these bad boys:

Just a leeeeeeetle bit bigger than our humble day boat (more about which soon) - ah well, we can but dream!

On Saturday I was at English Radio Pollensa as usual and this week there were no technical issues thank goodness.  I always take a small flask of tea with me and Saturday was no different.  About an hour in to the show I needed to....well.....use the facilities as it were.  Tea has that effect on me.  Anyway, at an opportune moment I went to the loo door, opened it and there it was - an EXTREMELY large cockroach was merrily trotting around on the actual loo seat.  Doing laps in fact.  There was that moment where we boggled at each other and then he came over all shy and dived under the actual loo seat where I had been hoping to place my actual......😳  I retreated.  To ponder the dilemma.  Cockroach 1 - Sarah 0.  After another 10 minutes or so in the studio I went back.  I'm not sure what I was hoping for but it wasn't for him to be doing victory laps around the floor which is sadly what I got.  I checked for a killer spray but all I found was lavender air freshener and I didn't think that was quite going to do the job.  I thought about putting a cup on him but bottled it and again retreated.  But not before leaving the light on this time - that'll make all the difference 😂  Cockroach 2 - Sarah 0.  Back to the studio, more music.  My eyes fell on the bin.  Brainwave!  Place nice large bin over him, might be able to manage that.  In due course back I go (trying to ignore the growing need for use of the facilities 😳) clutching the bin, fling open the door and.......yep, you've guessed it, no cockroach 😱  Which is worse.   "They think it's all over...........".  Game, set and match to the cockroach.  I found a cafe in Pollensa after the show and used the loo there as I wouldn't have made it home.  My humiliation was complete.  Mind you, next week I will be going armed with a heavy duty spray so we'll see who's laughing then.......

Yesterday we went to Bar Bondia (near Palms Bar and the Pollensa Park Hotel) for a lovely 3 course roast and to listen to some great music from Pete McDonna:

We spent several happy hours there and it was a lovely way to end the weekend.

So......gradually things are getting busier in the Port although it's still extremely quiet compared to what it would normally be like at this time of year.  I'm sure it will get busier as the rest of July progresses though, so when I saw this it summarised just what I was thinking 😂

 Stay safe and hasta jueves!

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