Monday 27 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

My goodness, it's getting super-scorchio out here now! 🔥 35 degrees on the Spanish TV weather forecast and it feels considerably hotter in the humidity.  Thank goodness for the breeze that we usually get every afternoon in the Port!  We find ourselves scuttling along on the shady side of the street if we have to go anywhere.  In these temperatures it's negligible as to how much difference a mask makes in terms of heat - probably not a lot; if you're very hot, you're very hot 😂 

OK - the elephant in the room - let's all just hope that the sudden UK decision for 14 days quarantine for travellers from Spain including the Balearics will change soon!  It's a devastating blow to the local economy and does seem very unfair given the statistics here but sadly there is little I or any of us can do about it 😩  All I will say is that I feel very sorry for all those affected and that I have everything crossed for a change in policy soon for the Balearics 🤞

Saturday's One4All show on English Radio Pollensa was, as ever, great fun and allowed me nearly 4 hours in an air-conditioned studio which is never a bad thing in scorchio temperatures!  I made my way back from Pollensa quite swiftly as I had a date at Palms Bar (near the Pollensa Park Hotel) who were having a fashion show 😎  In the spirit of mutual support, Tracy and Brian at Palms teamed up with Aura, a boutique in Pollensa, so a few of us who go to the gym with Tracy went along.  We had a wonderful evening drinking prosecco and looking at all the lovely clothes.  And naturally it would've been rude not to have bought anything 😜  The finale had all three models and a guest appearance from Brian - the man, the myth, the legend!  

On Friday we took the boat out.  It was glorious in every possible way and I spent about 90 minutes swimming off the boat, Ian had to practically drag me back on board!  

The view back to the Port was, as ever, stunning 😍 I love the way the Tramuntana mountains are sort of in layers as they go into the distance.  I don't think I could ever tire of that view....

Today is our wedding anniversary and we went for a couple of lunchtime tapas at Meraki Bar in the square.  Voss is finally opening up and they had just finished putting out the tables and chairs and were doing some of the finishing touches so I guess kick-off is imminent.  Dakota (part of the same group) just around the corner still has all the brown paper up to obscure the view inside so I don't know if that will open but action at Voss means nearly a full complement of premises open on the square, the exception being Casa Vila.   

In other local updates, what was Guru has been renamed Salma - I think! Their sign-writer hasn't done a great job in my humble opinion and it could be Sama.....what do you think?

The terrace furniture I mentioned in my last blog as having just been delivered was all set out by Saturday so I assume it opened then although going past this evening it was shut - hard to see if it had opened or was just shut as it's Monday.  Apparently it's owned by the guys from Swing and the sign says Mediteraneann cuisine and gourmet burgers.   In any event, what was Guru is now up and running too.  I just hope that all these business, both established and new, will survive this crazy year.....

This evening we went for our anniversary meal to Moll de Bellagio (opposite the Post Office and very near what was Guru).  We had a table in their lovely little terrace garden and while we were looking at the dessert menu, up to our table they came with a lovely little chocolate cake on the house as it was our anniversary which was just lovely of them 💖  We rounded off the evening with a couple of drinks at Bonys which, I'm pleased to say, was very busy.

Following recent events, wiil things get quieter over the next couple of weeks?  Hmm........🤔

Stay safe and hasta jueves!

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