Thursday 30 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Well the temperature today was scheduled at 39 degrees and yep, it pretty much was just that!🔥 It was the kind of weather where just getting up and moving has you dripping with sweat in all sorts of places including those that you didn't know could get sweaty 😳  It's definitely 2-3 showers a day weather, that's for sure!  The sun has been so intense it has heated the water in our hot tub up to 31 degrees with no help from the heater which we hardly ever need to put on at this time of year.  We're using it a lot as you may imagine because even at that temperature, it feels cool compared to the air temperature!

The mask is now definitely the new 'must have' accessory and not only are the shops I related in a previous blog post selling them, but also the Chinese shops, at least one of the tabacs and several bars.  I was also told this evening that Eroski was selling cloth ones (alongside the disposable ones) although I haven't seen this to confirm, if so it must be a very new initiative.  Apparently they're about 7€ so more expensive than nearly everywhere else;  I will have to investigate 🔍  Kargo Vero Moda on the Formentor Road had another batch of 200 lovely masks delivered yesterday after selling out the first order in 4 days, and I was straight down to see the latest patterns.  I have a feeling we will all need to get used to mask wearing for the foreseeable future so I want to make sure I style it out with masks that co-ordinate with what I'm wearing - somehow it helps psychologically because I'm in control of wearing ones I like and that are attractive, and I feel more of an individual despite covering half my face.  Well, this approach works for me 😎 !

One issue I have noticed is a trend amongst both visitors and residents, of wearing their masks over their mouth but under their nose 😡  This rather misses the point of wearing a mask despite the fact that I appreciate it is a bit of a challenge to wear one in such high temperatures.  It irritates me every time I see it - which is many times a day - and have to bite my tongue not to say something.  I mean I don't think they'd like a surgeon to operate on them wearing a face mask like this, do you?! 

Sadly it is already noticeable that the Port is quieter than it was last week as people have left, sometimes early, to return to the UK 😟  And they won't be replaced in the same numbers.......  Several Spanish/Mallorquin people have spoken to me about it, expressing sadness and concern; they're also a bit perplexed as the Covid-19 statistics in the Balearics are so good.  There's nothing I can say to them really.  But it's fair to say that there's a fervent hope that the UK will change the decision soon......

The La Patrona festival has now started in Pollensa of which the famous battle between the Moors and Christians is a major part.  

Of course this year the normal festivities are unable to take place, so they have instigated a programme of activities/events taking into account social distancing etc.  This evening the parade of the band of cornets and drums of Soldà took place in the streets of Pollensa:

and last night and tonight they have run an outdoor movie in Plaza de Ca les Monnares (the large modern square); tonight's was The Secret Life of Pets 2:

Bar Bony is still continuing to attract people and one thing I think is so lovely about José is his support for others.  This is one of Bony's signs indicating nearby establishments:

Definitely a Bony's sign 😂 nothing quite like his zany sense of humour!

Another mainstay of the Port is Palms Bar, near the Pollensa Park Hotel, where they've now started their tribute acts again which is a very welcome addition to entertainment in the Port.  The Jersey Boys are on Fridays - I saw them last year, fantastic act!  Here's a picture of them from last year:

In case you're wondering, there's a fourth Jersey Boy hidden by the pillar! 😂  Elvis is on Sundays, Michael Buble/Rat Pack is on Tuesdays and ABBA are on Wednesdays.  Definitely a great evening out, a bit like going to a concert but for free (apart from the drinks 🍹🍺).  

From a very hot 🌞 Mallorca - stay safe and hasta lunes!

Monday 27 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

My goodness, it's getting super-scorchio out here now! 🔥 35 degrees on the Spanish TV weather forecast and it feels considerably hotter in the humidity.  Thank goodness for the breeze that we usually get every afternoon in the Port!  We find ourselves scuttling along on the shady side of the street if we have to go anywhere.  In these temperatures it's negligible as to how much difference a mask makes in terms of heat - probably not a lot; if you're very hot, you're very hot 😂 

OK - the elephant in the room - let's all just hope that the sudden UK decision for 14 days quarantine for travellers from Spain including the Balearics will change soon!  It's a devastating blow to the local economy and does seem very unfair given the statistics here but sadly there is little I or any of us can do about it 😩  All I will say is that I feel very sorry for all those affected and that I have everything crossed for a change in policy soon for the Balearics 🤞

Saturday's One4All show on English Radio Pollensa was, as ever, great fun and allowed me nearly 4 hours in an air-conditioned studio which is never a bad thing in scorchio temperatures!  I made my way back from Pollensa quite swiftly as I had a date at Palms Bar (near the Pollensa Park Hotel) who were having a fashion show 😎  In the spirit of mutual support, Tracy and Brian at Palms teamed up with Aura, a boutique in Pollensa, so a few of us who go to the gym with Tracy went along.  We had a wonderful evening drinking prosecco and looking at all the lovely clothes.  And naturally it would've been rude not to have bought anything 😜  The finale had all three models and a guest appearance from Brian - the man, the myth, the legend!  

On Friday we took the boat out.  It was glorious in every possible way and I spent about 90 minutes swimming off the boat, Ian had to practically drag me back on board!  

The view back to the Port was, as ever, stunning 😍 I love the way the Tramuntana mountains are sort of in layers as they go into the distance.  I don't think I could ever tire of that view....

Today is our wedding anniversary and we went for a couple of lunchtime tapas at Meraki Bar in the square.  Voss is finally opening up and they had just finished putting out the tables and chairs and were doing some of the finishing touches so I guess kick-off is imminent.  Dakota (part of the same group) just around the corner still has all the brown paper up to obscure the view inside so I don't know if that will open but action at Voss means nearly a full complement of premises open on the square, the exception being Casa Vila.   

In other local updates, what was Guru has been renamed Salma - I think! Their sign-writer hasn't done a great job in my humble opinion and it could be Sama.....what do you think?

The terrace furniture I mentioned in my last blog as having just been delivered was all set out by Saturday so I assume it opened then although going past this evening it was shut - hard to see if it had opened or was just shut as it's Monday.  Apparently it's owned by the guys from Swing and the sign says Mediteraneann cuisine and gourmet burgers.   In any event, what was Guru is now up and running too.  I just hope that all these business, both established and new, will survive this crazy year.....

This evening we went for our anniversary meal to Moll de Bellagio (opposite the Post Office and very near what was Guru).  We had a table in their lovely little terrace garden and while we were looking at the dessert menu, up to our table they came with a lovely little chocolate cake on the house as it was our anniversary which was just lovely of them 💖  We rounded off the evening with a couple of drinks at Bonys which, I'm pleased to say, was very busy.

Following recent events, wiil things get quieter over the next couple of weeks?  Hmm........🤔

Stay safe and hasta jueves!

Thursday 23 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Oooh it's all about the masks now! 😷 I popped in to Kargo Vero Moda on the Formentor Road - they had a huge consignment of lovely masks delivered on Saturday and this morning they had literally 8 left.  Apparently people have been buying for the whole family, as a present for a friend, several in different colours...... - I think we realise that mask-wearing may be the case for the foreseeable future and so why not do it in style?!  I'm making sure I have a good selection of colourways so that when I (hopefully!) start teaching again in September, I'll look stylish and smart 😎

Places I have found with lovely cloth masks in all sorts of styles, patterns and colours are: Kargo Vero Moda; Lov which is a new little shop on C/Juan XXIII near the 1919 roundabout on the Eolo side); B-Dressed also on C/Juan XXIII near Can Ferra and the shoe shop); Meraki Bar in the square (there's a box on the bar); Mi Querencia on C/Juan XXIII next to Mestral boutique on the corner opposite Burger King; there's probably a few more that I haven't discovered yet!  But if you're coming out here and want to buy one whilst here, these are good places to try.  

Big local news of the day - Bonys is opening tomorrow evening 🎉🍹 I have seen that lots of people have been asking on Facebook and Jose has been a bit of a tease 😂  He has been hard at work with his team getting all the tables etc out:

You can see Jose in the second picture, he's been putting in a lot of hard graft so again, if you're out here soon or need some incentive - here it is lol!!

On Tuesday we went down to Palma which was the furthest away I've gone from the Port since lockdown started.  I've seen Palma relatively quiet out of season and of course compared to the Port it seemed quite busy, but to see it this quiet in July was just weird!  This is Avenida Antoni Maura beside the cathedral leading up to Passeig del Born where tourist buses start tours of the city - hardly anyone about.....

And here's the Plaza Mayor - also, very few people about:

All shops have hand sanitiser at the door and many have arrows for direction/social distancing purposes.  Mask wearing is at least as good as here in the Port, possibly better.  And even the cows are wearing a face mask 😂

The weather is certainly hotting up even more here - today was around 34 degrees.  Over the last couple of days I did another mini dog grooming of our two - I'm improving all the time! - and after less than an hour's grooming I felt like I'd been swimming and not in a good way 😱  We're definitely in the 2-3 showers a day time of year.....

The theme on the One4All Show on Saturday 1-4pm (12-3pm UK time) on English Radio Pollensa 107.9 FM (or via or this week, because so many people are returning or want to return to the Pollensa area, is songs/artistes with return/come back in the title and I'm looking forward to playing some of the great suggestions 🎶  It seemed an apt theme now that the season has started, albeit much quieter than in previous years.  Regular visitors who have made it out here so far seem so thrilled to be here which is rather lovely 😄  You can also tune in on Sundays 10-1pm (9-12noon UK time) for the Easy Like Sunday Morning Show and 1.30-3.30pm (12.30-2.30pm UK time) for the Sunday Lunchtime Show.

In further local news, what was Can Punxo (opposite Hibiscus and just along from Tiberi and Marc's) is now open and has been re-named Neptuno.  I have no idea who is now owning/managing it.  And yesterday (Wednesday) Guru - as was - had the shades up over the terrace and had just had the terrace furniture delivered.  I don't know yet what it will be called, what type of restaurant it will be or when it will open but whatever, it looks like the big 'reveal' will be soon.....    Otherwise, along the sea front pretty much most restaurants have now opened apart from La Barra, La Cabaña and Simbad.  And Palms Bar is now open with the Abba tribute performing for the first time next Wednesday.  I have everything crossed for the Freddie Mercury act starting soon as that's my favourite 🤞 In the meantime I'm going there on Saturday evening for a fashion show and am very much looking forward to a girlie evening out.

Stay safe and hasta lunes!

Monday 20 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Hola!  We're gradually all getting used to mask wearing here and the shops and even some bars, are doing a roaring trade in mask sales.  People are beginning to get into the mask as a new accessory and there are some lovely ones for sale in all sorts of different colours and patterns; also different styles for these cloth masks - there's the flat curve shaped one, the one with pleats or the one with a dart on either side and a slightly cupped effect at the front.  Who knew there would be so much choice? 😂 

Prices for them out here is between 5-6€ if you're thinking of getting one here.  And of course there are the disposable ones although I baulk at using them for environmental reasons.  I'm not so keen on the first shape as I find it more close fitting and, having mild asthma, it makes it less pleasant for breathing freely; but the second two are absolutely fine and you start to forget you have one on after a while.  

Speaking of masks, the other day I was walking the dogs up C/Juan XXIII (main road from the marina to the plane roundabout) and noticed a man striding along on the other side of the road just past the tabac near the big pharmacy and heading towards the port.  He was wearing a mask ✅ and flip flops ✅ and not much else apart from very small speedos (aka budgie smugglers) 😱😱  Now it must be said he may have had a body that showed he certainly worked out daily BUT walking down a street in town almost naked was a bit out of order if I'm honest.  I mean would he have walked down the high street like that in a UK holiday resort such as Bournemouth for example?  But I loved the fact that he was wearing a mask despite pretty much nothing else.....😂

On Saturday evening I did something rather different and attended a gong bath at Simply Pilates Studio where I do my gym classes.  Now in case you're wondering what on earth a gong bath is, it's a form of sound healing meditation and is called a bath as you're immersed in the vibrations of the instruments.  It was wonderfully relaxing and I slept like a baby that night.  

It's always interesting to try different things and this was my second one, the first having been literally the night before lockdown started here so it had a particular significance in many ways.  

Yesterday for Sunday lunch we had paella at Brisa Marina - it was absolutely packed as indeed were most other places as Sunday lunch (later than we would have it in the UK) is hugely popular and you're hard pressed to find anywhere to park from about 1pm onwards.  They were also doing a roaring trade in takeaway paella which is done by a lot of restaurants locally, so if you're staying in self-catering but don't fancy the hassle of making one, order takeaway!

In local news, La Llonja is now open, as is Tiberi.  Maxims has now also opened, smaller than before in just the unit next to Meraki (which in turn is next to Bonys).  El Posito is now open in the evenings as well as lunchtime and Hotel Llenaire is now open.  I can highly recommend coffee and cake on their terrace - such a reasonable price and the views are stunning 😍  Sadly Francina's Store close to Tolos on the sea front has closed but it has just opened as a new bar run by Julia who used to work in Mombasa bar (also now closed for good).  And the Puerto Azul has just announced that it is not opening this year.

Tomorrow we're taking a friend to the airport and taking the opportunity to go into Palma as I need one or two things I can't get here so it will be interesting to see what it's like as normally we avoid it at this time of year.  

Stay safe and hasta jueves!

Thursday 16 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Well mask wearing is gathering pace across the world it seems!  Certainly here in the Port, more and more people are wearing them although the heat makes it less than ideal; but needs must and of course the threat of a fine focuses the mind rather well 😂  As you may have seen from newspaper reports, Punta Ballena in Magaluf has now been shut down due to visitors not wearing masks or social distancing and some unfortunate behaviour.  Of course this also means people will lose their livelihoods and there is some controversy over whether a better course of action could have been found.  Up this end of the island I would say most people are adhering to the mask wearing regulations but currently the police are being fairly lenient; word has it that they won't be quite so lenient from next week......  

We've spent quite a bit of time on the roof terrace lately, relaxing in the sun and using our inflatable hot tub.  The water in it is around 29 degrees; mind you, today I was told that the sea is currently around 28 degrees which is why a swim in the sea is so lovely here.  I cannot ever remember going in the sea (other than for a paddle) in the UK as I don't 'do' cold water so I'm always very impressed by those hardy souls who do open water or wild swimming in the UK as it's my idea of a complete nightmare! 😱

On Wednesday evening I resurrected my rather wilting domestic goddess credentials and made some cheese straws to take (along with various 'beverages' ahem!) with us to a friends' 30ft motor cruiser in Alcudia for a day's outing 😎  We took the four legged members of the family to Lola y Amigos for some doggy daycare and caught the bus to Port d'Alcudia.  Sadly the weather was rather overcast and our friends warned us that the sea today was going to be 'lumpy' (more about that in a bit!).  And so it was that we found ourselves leaving the Port and heading off to Canyamel which is around the corner (so to speak) from Cala Ratjada and in the Bahia d'Arta.  It took a couple of hours and my goodness what a couple of hours we had!  When I say the sea was most definitely 'lumpy' I  think that's understating it slightly; it was not so much lumpy as positively Alpine.  I would liken it to being on a fairground ride.  The swell was, on occasion, enormous - and I loved every second of it 😜  This photo however was taken once we'd dropped anchor at Canyamel.

We had a great swim and a lovely lunch on board.  There were a few other boats in the bay and the German one nearest to us were certainly enjoying themselves  with a session of nude swimming and sunbathing 😳  It put me right off my crab salad I can tell you!  Of course we naturally came over all British and tried to avert our eyes but it's extraordinary how difficult that can be especially when someone leans right over and your view is from behind......  On the way back, Ian took over for the last bit, across the Bay of Alcudia and into the Port - boys and toys 😂  The swell was still pretty large and he did really well as this boat was nearly 9 metres and ours is not quite 6 metres but certainly in a heavy swell size definitely matters as it doesn't bear thinking about coping with today's sea in ours 😱

It was lovely to see some different parts of Mallorca's coastline from the sea, it really is the most extraordinarily beautiful island.  

In local news the Sis Pins, Little Italy, Angelos and Trattoria de Razza have all recently opened so we're now pretty close to a full house of restaurants; hotels are slower to open but that's to be expected.  It is lovely that the Sis Pins is now open though so with that and the Daina, things are looking a little more lively along that part of the sea front 😃 

Stay safe and hasta lunes!

Monday 13 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Well so far the Port has had a gentle buzz of activity which is very noticeable to those of us who live here although I've seen comments from visitors saying how quiet it is compared to normal.  They are of course correct, but for those of us who've lived here throughout lockdown, believe me it's pretty buzzing! 

So today in the Balearics the mask wearing has started.  Well I say started.....there's been a bit of confusion as to whether it's been delayed or not but it seems it hasn't; although the regional government is providing updates as to the finer details.  This morning on the way to the gym I saw a number of locals (definitely not visitors!) not wearing masks but I guess, like the lockdown itself, it'll all take a few days to bed down.  I wore one as I'm definitely not prepared to risk a fine although I believe for the first few days they're going to be lenient and give out warnings (again, just like the beginning of lockdown).  

It isn't the greatest having to wear a mask in the heat BUT those are the rules and to be honest I don't think it would spoil anyone's holiday as beaches/swimming pools and restaurants/bars are where you don't have to wear them.  The clarification seems to be required around the latter as it isn't the case that you need to put on a mask between mouthfuls of food for example but it might be whilst waiting to be served (between courses? who knows!).  I must say, today the police have been conspicuous by their absence but they're probably lying low until they too have everything confirmed.
STOP PRESS: The police are definitely out and about now - I guess they waited for the lunchtime clarification from the regional government - and warning people about face masks.  In fact today at a nearby resort I understand a watersports company was fined because their customers, who were filling in forms etc at the time, were not wearing masks.  And another watersports company who were appropriately masked were told by the police that they would definitely be clamping down on non-mask wearers so you have been warned!

Friday was a strange day weather-wise but quite welcoming as it was overcast and slightly cooler in the morning so we took the opportunity to take the dogs for a walk in the woods at Cala san Vicente.  We didn't go far but the views were as lovely as ever 😍

What amazed us were the noisy cicadas in the woods, it was astonishing!! 

On Saturday I spent several happy hours at the radio studio in Pollensa on English Radio Pollensa.  This week I remembered to bring cockroach spray and the first thing I did was open the loo door, spray inside and then shut it - revenge is certainly sweet!  And about an hour or so later, there I was, sitting at the mixing desk and happily playing music when something caught my eye to the right on the floor - yes, you've guessed it!  It was last week's giant cockroach's more modestly sized cousin.  And I was speaking live on air at the time 😱  I've had better moments I can tell you!  Suffice it to say he wasn't too impressed with my lovely spray; however it did the trick and he staggered about for a bit before turning on his back and twitching slightly, he finally expired (you may imagine that I kept my eye on him throughout and actually felt a bit guilty when he finally stopped twitching).  But it was me or him........

Excitingly we got out on the boat yesterday and went for a 'spin' to just past Formentor hotel, round the little island and then a slow trip around the coastline.

The bay behind La Fortaleza already had quite a few small boats so we nipped around La Fortaleza and into what is fondly called Chicken Bay (no idea!).  It was extremely busy which is common at the weekend as families all head out on their boats for the day, sometimes coming alongside each other, 2-4 abreast!  We managed to squeeze in but later arrivals found it quite difficult; we all have to anchor into sand as it's illegal to anchor into the posedonia (seaweed) beds for environmental reasons and can result in a very large fine.    We were quick to get in the water for a swim and, once in, I didn't want to get out again and swam around for the best part of an hour before Ian persuaded me to get out 😂

Most hotels have now either opened or announced when they intend to (if they are going to this year).   So gradually we are seeing numbers in the Port increase.  It is good to see the place more alive for sure.  You can definitely still have a wonderful holiday here, despite the compulsory mask-wearing.  I'm definitely styling it out and intend to buy a few more patterned ones so I have options for every outfit 💃

More boating activities are scheduled this week, but not on this space!

Stay safe and hasta jueves!

Thursday 9 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

So the latest big and developing news from the Balearic government is that face masks 😷will be compulsory everywhere from Monday apart from on the beach, at swimming pools, whilst exercising or on restaurant/cafe terraces/inside for food/drink.  

Otherwise, from the time you leave your home (or accommodation) you must wear a mask or risk heavy fines.  And believe me, the police here are not shy about fining people!  If you have an underlying medical condition which means you shouldn't wear a mask, you need a medical letter stating this - but this is currently the case anyway.  The reason for this is an increase in coronavirus cases in the region (as is the case with many other Spanish regions).  But it shouldn't affect anyone's holiday too much as most places associated with holidaying eg beach, pool, restaurant, bar, are places where you don't have to wear one.  Of course it is unfortunate that at this time of year when we have temperatures of around 30 something degrees, we have to wear masks but...... we've made it this far, we can do this 💪

In other news the Daina is now fully open but the Port, as a whole, is still pretty quiet compared to normal years.  But visitors to the Port seem to be enjoying themselves and, importantly, spending money locally....... And as I'm sure many people are aware, there are some wonderful deals to be had.  A menu del dia here is a thing of joy and beauty - great food at wonderful prices and usually with wine and water thrown in - what's not to like?!  We went with friends to El Posito again yesterday and had a fantastic meal, sadly no tumbet was on the menu but lots of other delicious things were.  My all time favourite is tumbet and the one at El Posito is divine 💕

Yesterday I had a lovely girly couple of hours at Aquamarine beauty salon behind the church and more or less next to Euronics electrical store on the corner opposite Dolc Sa Poblanos bakery/cafe.  Due to the nature of the business, as you enter you have to use hand sanitiser and wait at the door for them to scan your temperature.  If you pass muster you are escorted to one of the two chairs for pedicures but the chair is lined with disposable paper towel and they use sealed and sterilised packs of 'tools'.  You are certainly vey reassured that everything is as safe as it can possibly be.  I believe that beauty salons are not yet allowed to open in the UK so if coming here, treat yourself to something as part of the holiday experience!  But it might be best to book ahead via FB.

I tackled the dog grooming again on Tuesday; all went very well and whilst it's still not perfect, I think I'm getting better so give me another few months and I'll be more than happy!  Our dogs are Lhasa Apsos so do not have a shedding coat - this is wonderful if you are allergic to dog/cat hair as Ian is - but of course it means that you have to have them groomed every 6-8 weeks.  And at 90€ for the two, that soon adds up!  Actually speaking, non-shedding breeds such as ours (also poodles, Bedlington terriers and others) have hair rather than fur and this is the critical difference.  So there are no balls of fur floating across the floor but the downside is the cost of grooming.  So, since lockdown we have acquired all the kit including a grooming table, and had lessons from a professional so gradually I'm becoming more competent.  It's an interesting outcome from the lockdown 😲

The weather today has been very hot and sweaty but with little sun sadly, although there has been a strong breeze this afternoon.  So plans to go out on our boat have been postponed until tomorrow morning on the basis that the mornings are usually calmer than the afternoons and it really isn't much fun slamming along through wind-induced waves 😱  Anyway I can't wait for a calmer sea and am really looking forward to the possibility of going out tomorrow and having a good swim off the boat.  Certainly this year's summer seems to have been windier than usual which has it's benefits, but going out on a motor boat isn't necessarily one of them!  So when I saw this, and bearing in mind the year so far, I must admit I found it pretty amusing:

Saturday's theme on the One4All Show 1-4pm (12-3pm UK time) on English Radio Pollensa 107.9FM (or via the internet on or is songs/artistes with hey/hi/hello in the title as we start to welcome visitors back to Mallorca.  There have been loads of great suggestions and I'm looking forward to playing as many as possible.  I just hope I remember to bring cockroach spray with me..... 😳 (see previous blog post).   But a couple of days ago, motivated by a friend who has been writing in verse throughout the UK lockdown, I wrote the following about my experience last Saturday:

I recently did battle
With a cockroach, large in size
In fact when I first saw him
I did not believe my eyes 😱

He was trotting round the loo seat
And I needed a wee
But I retreated when I saw him
Sharing loo space?  No sirree!

I had to wait for hours
Then used a loo elsewhere.
The relief was overwhelming,
But did the cockroach care?

No, I think that flipping' cockroach
Was as happy as could be
Game, set and match to him I think
The loser here was me.

But next week in the same place
This time I'll be prepared
With a giant can of cockroach spray
And then I bet he's scared!

The moral of this story
Is do not mess with me.
I'm a woman of a certain age
Who really needs a wee!

Stay safe and hasta lunes 😁

Monday 6 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

So....the sun is shining, the beaches are glorious - with loads of space so social distancing is easy - and most bars and restaurants are now open.  As previously mentioned, we have visitors now but everything seems to be fine and one or two we've chatted to say they feel safer here than in the UK.  This appears to be due to the sensible social distancing, the mask wearing (and in some cases gloves eg Lidl) in shops and the general way everyone is behaving which gives a sense of reassurance and security and it's interesting hearing how impressed they are with how things are here in Spain.  In any event, the local businesses really need the support so if you're coming out in the next few months they'll all be very pleased to see you 😄 

On Friday we finally got our boat in the water 🎉 It was a good job we did so on Friday because over the weekend the slipways here are VERY busy.  In fact they were so busy on Sunday morning for example, that the queue of vehicles with trailers went from the slipways, behind the old bus station, around the 1919 roundabout (doubled up in places) and down the road - cue chaos!  There must have been 15 or more trailers locked and left in the slipway area so goodness knows where they were going to put the 15 or so more that were waiting 😱  Lots of people seem to bring a boat down, go out on it with the family all day, and then tow it home.  Given the cost of berths in the marina (not that any are available) I'm not actually surprised.  Anyhow.....we got the boat in with no trouble at all.  Sadly it was quite cloudy and windy so a bit of a bumpy ride but we checked out that everything was going ok but didn't go for the planned swim 😟  So the boat is now safely on it's swing mooring and we'll be going out for a proper trip sometime this week, possibly in the evening as that's when the wind dies down.  And I can't wait!

On the subject of boats, the yacht club quay is certainly getting pretty busy now and on Friday evening we walked the dogs along it, admiring these bad boys:

Just a leeeeeeetle bit bigger than our humble day boat (more about which soon) - ah well, we can but dream!

On Saturday I was at English Radio Pollensa as usual and this week there were no technical issues thank goodness.  I always take a small flask of tea with me and Saturday was no different.  About an hour in to the show I needed to....well.....use the facilities as it were.  Tea has that effect on me.  Anyway, at an opportune moment I went to the loo door, opened it and there it was - an EXTREMELY large cockroach was merrily trotting around on the actual loo seat.  Doing laps in fact.  There was that moment where we boggled at each other and then he came over all shy and dived under the actual loo seat where I had been hoping to place my actual......😳  I retreated.  To ponder the dilemma.  Cockroach 1 - Sarah 0.  After another 10 minutes or so in the studio I went back.  I'm not sure what I was hoping for but it wasn't for him to be doing victory laps around the floor which is sadly what I got.  I checked for a killer spray but all I found was lavender air freshener and I didn't think that was quite going to do the job.  I thought about putting a cup on him but bottled it and again retreated.  But not before leaving the light on this time - that'll make all the difference 😂  Cockroach 2 - Sarah 0.  Back to the studio, more music.  My eyes fell on the bin.  Brainwave!  Place nice large bin over him, might be able to manage that.  In due course back I go (trying to ignore the growing need for use of the facilities 😳) clutching the bin, fling open the door and.......yep, you've guessed it, no cockroach 😱  Which is worse.   "They think it's all over...........".  Game, set and match to the cockroach.  I found a cafe in Pollensa after the show and used the loo there as I wouldn't have made it home.  My humiliation was complete.  Mind you, next week I will be going armed with a heavy duty spray so we'll see who's laughing then.......

Yesterday we went to Bar Bondia (near Palms Bar and the Pollensa Park Hotel) for a lovely 3 course roast and to listen to some great music from Pete McDonna:

We spent several happy hours there and it was a lovely way to end the weekend.

So......gradually things are getting busier in the Port although it's still extremely quiet compared to what it would normally be like at this time of year.  I'm sure it will get busier as the rest of July progresses though, so when I saw this it summarised just what I was thinking 😂

 Stay safe and hasta jueves!

Thursday 2 July 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

So....we're beginning to see a few tourists out and about and so far, I've not seen or heard of any issues; this is I think in no small part due to the fact that visitors currently are largely people who have a second home here.  Certainly the majority of the hotels are yet to open - of those that are, it's mostly from this weekend I think.  In any event, I think there's a number of us who, if we're really honest, are a little wary of visitors and it is a tad unsettling after such a long and very hardcore lockdown.   Nevertheless, the economy needs visitors and so we have everything crossed that everything goes well both for those having a holiday here and for those with businesses.

On Tuesday I met my Spanish friend for our usual chat - half an hour in Spanish and then change to English.  We talk about all sorts - politics, culture, events - it certainly stretches my Spanish!  And in the evening we went to Tasty Tuesday at Nostalgia where currently certain dishes plus a drink is only 10€ - bargain!  I had lovely fish n' chips and Ian had chicken and leek pie which was full of flavour.  We got a little over-excited and also had crumble for dessert so could hardly move but hey - who's counting calories?! 😳

The mercury in the thermometer moved effortlessly up to 34 degrees 🔥 on Wednesday.  And wouldn't you know it - Wednesday is Tabata class day.  For those unsure, Tabata is high-intensity interval training where you do a particular exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds for 8 rounds - sounds not so bad? 😂 Trust me, it's the longest 4 minutes of your life!!  And you do 8 rounds over and over doing different exercises, some to build strength and others cardiovascular.  I feel I should now point out that the studio is not air-conditioned 😱....... luckily there are fans but even with one pointing directly at me I end up looking like a sweaty tomato by the end of it which is never attractive, unless sweaty tomatoes are your thing of course.  Then there's the walk home.  At least there are sunglasses to hide behind but you can guarantee that as you scuttle sweatily home that's when you bump into various people who, sadly, all recognise you 😳  

Due to the high heat levels and different types of grass (to avoid a repeat of sharp pieces of grass in paws), we've slightly changed where we take the dogs for toilet walks and also use routes with the maximum opportunity for shade so the ground isn't too hot for their paws (or indeed, us!).  One of these is up to the grass under the trees by the big Eroski and when walking past the culvert behind Eroski on the bypass side we noticed these two:

The one on the right in particular looks very similar to the famous Pine Walk Muscovy duck which sadly met it's end some weeks ago and who was much lamented by many; I like to think perhaps one or both are related 💕

The current heat levels also mean we've used our hot tub most afternoons.  It seems like a misnomer to use a hot tub in the heat but although the water temperature measures about 29-30 degrees it really feels very cool once it's bubbling and in comparison to how hot you feel outside in full sun.  But it really is the place to be towards the end of a hot afternoon and we're very happy that we treated ourselves last summer.

In local news, Tolos is opening and Liberty Kitchen opens tomorrow so that will mean that a high percentage of local restaurants will now be open.  Accommodation-wise Hotel Capri opened yesterday, the Daina opens on 6th and the Illa d'Or on 15th.  Bottom line - if you are coming to PP this year, you'll find plenty of places where you can eat and drink!

Tomorrow we're finally putting the boat in the water 🎉 after Ian did some further work on something technical (the water pump for the technically minded, which I'm not) - only about 3 months later than usual!  Need mind, we'll just have to use it more often to make up for lost time.

Stay safe and hasta lunes!