Sunday 25 October 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Well hello from a lovely, sunny Mallorca now in official winter time now that the clocks have gone back!  The weather over the last few days has been absolutely glorious, around 23-24 degrees with beautiful turquoise blue skies.  I took this photo from Dolc Sa Pobla cafe on the corner behind the church:

I understand that the weather currently in the UK is grey, wet and miserable, so for those who are languishing in all that yukkiness, here are some views of the Port:

and of La Gola Reserve which we always really enjoy walking around with the dogs:

Mind you, so do a lot of people and sometimes not all of them seem to think that poop-scooping after their dog is a requirement.......πŸ’©  But it's really lovely, and if you've never walked through it rather than past it, it's definitely worth a little detour for a wander.  

In breaking news, this morning the Spanish Cabinet approved a new national state of alarm for the country which will give Spain’s regional governments the powers to limit mobility – in particular night-time socialising – in a bid to combat the second wave of the coronavirus.  Closing bars early hasn't had much of an effect as people have simply moved to socialising in private homes and data has indicated that more than 30% of transmissions have taken place at these gatherings.  So in a bid to prevent this there will apparently be an obligatory curfew for the entire country from 11pm to 6am, with the regions having a margin of one hour to bring forward or back the curfew times.  The Balearic regional government has decided to stay with the times of 11pm to 6am.  Regions can also close their own borders if they feel they need to.  There has of course been a huge political hoo-hah in getting to this point and currently the decree is for 15 days, but the national government has made clear that it wants these new measures to stay in place until 9 May 2021.  My view is - we may not like it, but at least we know where, give or take a few regional variations we are.  It is what it is.  Personally I prefer to celebrate all the things we can do, rather than those we can't.  Keeps things positive.......πŸ‘

Cases of coronavirus in the Pollensa municipality have decreased from 19 to 16 and it all feels very safe here.  In Palma things are a little more challenging but this would be due to the much larger population so..........   But we're still intending to do a Christmas shopping trip to Fan shopping centre (near the airport) this coming week - it's an open air centre so safer plus we want to pre-empt any crowds of people nearer to December.  Living at the far end of the island as we do, this is an exciting event for us - I mean there's a Primark and EVERYTHING! 😝

In other local news, Finca 49 (behind the Eroski on the road to Pollensa) is closing for the season and hopes to be back next season.  Both cafes that generally stay open the longest in in Cala san Vicente have now closed but would have done so by around the end of October or so anyway; so no coffee for us any more as a nice little stop during our dog walks there.  As we get near to when many places would have closed for the season anyway, it will be more a test of what re-opens for next season that will indicate the long-term consequences of these very challenging times.

Next Saturday is Halloween; usually there's music in the square and children dress up and go round collecting sweets 🍬🍭 as do adults (minus the sweets!) including us!  We love getting a Halloween outfit sorted, doing the makeup - we both turn into big kids 😳 a few bars locally look like they're going to decorate for Halloween so we'll see......but I suspect this year will be a non-event and just give us more to look forward to in 2021!  I am intending to cover Halloween to various degrees during my classes at school this week though.  And the theme during my radio show on English Radio Pollensa (via on Saturday is Halloween so you can guarantee I'll be playing Monster Mash at the very least πŸ‘»πŸ˜‚ 

Stay safe and hasta noviembre! 

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