Sunday 4 October 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

 Another week has flown by, including the weather turning a little cooler, and it's hard to believe that it's October already.  I accept that for many, this year may have dragged, but for me it has passed by even quicker than usual.  Which is no bad thing in all fairness, given the year we've all experienced so far! 😳  But I think the sooner this year is over the better, frankly.  I know 2021 will bring some challenges too, but hopefully ..............🀞

I've now finished my first full month back at work and it sure is a good feeling 😎 I am more than aware that I am very lucky compared to many people and we just have to hope that the education sector continues to be safe from Covid-19.  We have taken every possible precaution at N1 Language School but you just never know......  Certainly it is heartening that students are so motivated to learn English that they continue to attend after school/work πŸ’ͺ

It is really sad to read posts on Facebook from people who would have been travelling to the Port - so many people are missing their Pollensa/Puerto Pollensa 'fix' this year; but this place ain't going anywhere and will still be here when normal service is resumed!

My work, attendance at the gym, and the show on Saturdays at English Radio Pollensa have kept me busy all week but on Friday I had the very great pleasure of going to a family-run winery located between Muro and Ca'n Picafort called Butxet and neighbouring the S'Albufera nature reserve (where the terrible fires were recently).  Apparently there are very few vineyards in this area which is more or less at sea level, so the wines stand out from those made nearer to the Tramuntanas. They make 1 white, 1 rose and 4 red wines there; the latter are Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah varieties, together with a blended special red wine - Macada.  It turned out to be the favourite of all of us (three couples).  

Anyhow....they have 10 hectares of vines.  The grapes are harvested and go into stainless steel vats, and for red wines, after 15 days the skins/grapes (which make up 20% of the total vat content) are removed and pressed again to get more from them.  White grapes are pressed directly into the vats for white and rose wine and the rose gains it's colour from only around 15 minutes of red grape skins!  The red wine is kept in barrels of 220 litres made from American and French oak for 10 months and are then tasted.  If all is well, they're bottled; if not, then they spend more time in the barrels.   Replacements are of course required but only 20% of the barrels are changed every year which maintains the unique flavour of the winery. The white and rose go direct into the bottle from the vat.  

Overall, the winery produces 40-45,000 bottles of wine p.a.  2020 was fine for grapes apparently, but a vine pest has made the actual plants go brown whilst not affecting the fruit itself - not as photogenic as one might wish but still.....the setting is beautiful 😍

After our lovely tour, we had a wonderful wine tasting complete with Mallorcan cheese and quelitas - and may have bought one or two bottles......😳  

In local news, No31 Restaurant closed it's doors for the season yesterday , and Plaza Uno has also closed for the season.  Finca 49 is now open only on Sundays and doing home deliveries of ready meals on other days.  Llenaire Hotel is open until 10 October and I really hope to get there for their famous coffee and cake on the fabulous terrace before they close.  This past week we were delighted to go to Moll de Bellagio for a menu del dia in their lovely, sheltered terraced garden - great value and service πŸ˜ƒ 

It is pretty quiet here now, although still (of course!) stunning, and there is plenty still open if you are still planning and able to come out here sometime soon.  These photos were taken on Pine Walk on 30 September - very different to normal years as you can see:


As already mentioned, the weather has turned a little unsettled and certainly cooler; this evening we have had quite a bit of rain and some reasonably impressive thunder and lightning 🌩 the dogs are unimpressed and have decided a family cuddle on the sofa is the best way they can support us through the storm πŸ˜‚ mind you, I'm surprised they're still speaking to me as today was bath and grooming day and despite the fact that they now look sooooo cute and feel very soft and silky, they don't seem very grateful - how rude 😜

Stay safe and hasta la proxima domingo!

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