Sunday 11 October 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

This week saw the weather turn definitely autumnal even though some days have been quite stunning.  This meant only one thing, the moment I always dread after a long summer wearing loose clothing, never mind after a lockdown - putting jeans on and hoping to god that they actually do up!  I retrieved my two favourite pairs from the wardrobe in the spare room where my winter clothes currently are, waited till my husband was absent - I certainly didn't want an audience 😳 - and...praise be to all that is wonderful in the world...they fitted 🙌  Needless to say I have worn jeans as often as possible ever since!  

In any event, for those who are missing the blue skies of Mallorca, it may make you feel better to know that today is thoroughly grey, wet and miserable here.  But even in moody weather, the Port is still an absolute stunner:

As a result of the unusually grotty weather we have stayed in to watch last night's Britain's Got Talent final - don't judge me - which was really great, old-fashioned entertainment although not as varied as it might have been with all those magicians!  Delightfully I think the right act won.  We're now watching the French Open tennis final - vamos Rafa!  Actually, thus far it looks like Rafa is running rings around Djokovic so here's hoping he achieves his 13th win.

An interesting observation I made the other day whilst passing the children's primary school playground here in the Port, is that all the children were running around, playing, shouting and generally having a perfectly normal and great playground time - but all of them were wearing masks, correctly positioned and relatively unsupervised in terms of the size of playground and number of adults.  How wonderful to see all those very young people just getting on with things and all keeping each other safe 💕  At the language school the students are all really good about it, but to see this translated into a much wider picture was hugely impressive to be honest.

In wider news, much of the Madrid area where Covid-19 numbers have been rising, has been re-locked down, partly in an effort to prevent those living there travelling to holiday homes on the mainland coast and here in the Balearics as we are in the middle of a long Spanish bank holiday weekend.  This has provoked an enormous political brouhaha as the national government is a socialist one and the regional authority in Madrid is conservative-led so they are not taking this re-lockdown well and there is a great deal of political bickering.....a depressingly familiar scenario don't you think? 🙄

In local news, the Daina finally closed its doors for the season earlier this week.  Capuccino at the Sis Pins closed the week before (forgot to mention it last time) but the hotel is still open. Dakota Steak House is now also closed.  Local shops are offering lots of reductions, discounts and sales and there are definitely bargains to be had as they try to shift their stock.  Quite a few people I know have stocked up on clothes, shoes and accessories and I may have bought one or two things myself (sshh! don't tell Ian).  However we finally made it to the shoe shop (Antich) on the corner near Ca'n Ferra where the owner is retiring and has had a massive sale on for some time now to get rid of the stock.  Six pairs of shoes (two of them leather) for myself and Ian for 92€ - bargain! 

Another lovely little shop is El Patio de Frida on the front, more or less opposite the marina car park.  The lovely owner Patricia has lots of great gifts there and is so helpful.  I went in to buy a little birthday gift for a friend but will be returning next week to buy some Christmas gifts before she closes for the season at the end of the month.  If you're out here before then, she's open Mon-Sat 10am-2pm.

More positive news is that Nostalgia is staying open this winter and will also be doing Christmas dinner 🎄 In addition, Siurell (in Llenaire) is staying open all autumn/winter this year from 11am-10pm every day except Tuesdays.  So if you are intending to travel here, there most definitely is now, and will continue to be, plenty open.  And you will have the beach to yourself; poignantly the lifeguards are still on duty but there's no-one there to 'guard' 😢 This was the beach near Stay restaurant on Tuesday:

At the end of the beach you can just make out the wooden lifeguard tower.  I think I saw a couple of people on the entire beach.  Strange and very different times. 

Stay safe and hasta el próximo domingo!

PS Rafa won 🎉🎾🎉 and in so doing has equalled Roger Federer's 20 Grand Slam titles.  The boy from Mallorca done good!!

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