Monday 31 August 2020

Spain out of lockdown

I'm back!  Quite literally, because I've been over to the Valencia/Alicante area to see friends and relatives for a week.  We had a fantastic time with stupendous mountain views but here in the Port where the mountains meet the sea is still .........πŸ˜πŸ’•

This photo was taken this morning at about 8:30am by the 1919 roundabout.

My daughter's visit to PP included a girls' evening out to Palms Bar and a fantastic performance by Abba's Angels.  Believe it or not, I've never seen them perform before and they were fab - and also very funny.  Definitely one to put on the list of 'must dos' for next year's visit!

On Saturday 22nd we spent a few hours in Pollensa.  After a yummy breakfast of 'tostada con tomate' and coffee at Ca'n Moixet in the square, we headed off to the Calvari steps to see the outside part of the Joan Bennassar exhibition "Human reasons".  I haven't yet discovered if he is related to the famous Dionis Bennassar, whose work I adore and is on display in the wonderful Casa Museu Dionis Bennassar (which sadly is closed at the moment, I presume due to the 'C' word!).  In any event, Joan has created sculptures which are placed at intervals all the way up the Calvari steps and at the top in front of the chapel too. 

They are also on display inside the deconsecrated church at the cloisters and the whole project is his response to the most dangerous crisis he believes humans face: forgetting humanity.  Certainly it was thought provoking during these strange and unsettling times.

Our trip to Valencia/Alicante was wonderful and we had a great time.  I was interested to find out what it's like to fly currently, albeit internally.  Palma airport was quite busy all things considered and especially given it was fairly early morning.  Nothing, of course, like it would have been in normal times, but nevertheless.....  Plenty of security staff in evidence, complete adherence to mask wearing etc.  Our Vueling flight to Valencia was well spaced within the aircraft and we even lucked out on being allocated seats in Row 4 with extra legroom - bonus, as we hadn't paid any extra.  Everyone had to check bags into the hold, only a handbag or small rucksack was allowed in the cabin.  The flight is only about 50 minutes but there was time to serve light refreshments if people wanted - we had coffee to help us stay awake after our early start πŸ˜‚  Disembarking was very orderly and done strictly row by row.  Valencia airport isn't very big but well organised.

Our return was from Alicante and I was shocked at how quiet such a huge airport was that I've always found to be very busy, never mind in August(!) 😞   Many of the shops and the majority of bars/cafes/restaurants were shut.  Only passengers were allowed into the terminal which resulted in a great deal of wailing and pleading from a nearby elderly Spanish lady who wanted to see her daughter off - but to no avail.  The flight back was uneventful but on landing at Palma, the aircrew seemed less proactive than before and once they'd made their announcement about leaving row by row, left the passengers to it! The middle part of the aircraft had been left empty and passengers were balanced front and back - and a younger man proceeded to gallop up the aisle from the back to disembark.  Whereupon Ian rose majestically (he's 6'3"!) and waving his arms let him know in no uncertain terms to keep his distance and wait - my hero! πŸ‘  Sooooo......I felt perfectly safe travelling during these strange times but don't be afraid to remind others of the need to conform with the rules if you're feeling uncomfortable.

In local news, you'll be aware by now that the Balearic government has imposed stricter measures including gatherings of no more than 10 people, there's a curfew of 9pm on beaches and parks, the % occupancy of bar/restaurants has been restricted and that no smoking/vaping can take place in ANY public area including bar terraces.  But there are still plenty of bars, cafes and restaurants soldiering on in Pollensa and the Port who would be delighted to see you should you still be intending to come out here.  The beaches are still lovely and the sea is still warm - what's not to love? πŸ’–

In even more local news Voss in the square has closed for the season as has Trattoria de Razza in the same little street as Liberty Kitchen and Tierra de Fuegos.  And the Miramar closed its doors for the season today 😟  I've also noticed the Torre Playa next to Sail & Surf has now shut.  But, as previously mentioned, there are still plenty of hospitality options to choose from.

I start work tomorrow teaching and that is going to be very different after all these months off; as a result much of yesterday was spent lesson planning.  There are lots of safety measures in place at the school including mats for cleaning shoes as students enter the classroom, directional arrows, hand sanitiser everywhere, cleaning wipes - you name it, we've got it!  As a result I will be doing the blog weekly from now on, on Sundays. 

Stay safe and hasta domingo!  Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go........

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