Thursday 20 August 2020

Spain out of lockdown

The season here, such as it has been, is now very quiet and there are very few UK visitors evident here.  However there are a number of Spanish visitors on holiday which is definitely helping local bars/restaurants and shops.  The Bahia is closing and the Miramar is now closing its bar and restaurant.  Transunion transfer buses are a rare sight indeed and there aren't very many rental cars about either.  However a lot of businesses are hanging on in there and I know a great many people have everything crossed for them.

On Monday we went to the airport to collect my daughter and can report that there are very strict measures in place there.  Masks are compulsory in all parts of the airport and those of us waiting to collect someone had to do so outside the main door and not inside by the gate itself.  Police were in evidence and a very enthusiastic security guard (one of several) was moving people along, even those looking on the board to see if a flight had landed.  Top tip if you have someone to pick up and prefer not to wait outside in the heat and a mask - buy a drink at the small cafe where you can sit and clearly see the gate and people coming out πŸ‘  In any event, it was calm and very controlled but completely different to how it should be in mid-August - very strange and disconcerting indeed.

Today as part of my daughter's visit here, we drove up into the mountains for a visit to Lluc Monastery.  It is such a lovely, peaceful place and normally we only go during the winter months to avoid the crowds and traffic.  But today it was pretty much the same as in the winter apart from the VERY hot and sweaty weather.  The church has very strict directional arrows and you can no longer go in via the entrance on the facade, but it's still absolutely beautiful:

We wandered around the gorgeous botanical gardens at the back and enjoyed the dappled sunshine amongst the verdant trees and plants with the sound of trickling water never far away - I could have stayed there all day 😍

On Tuesday we went to the Rosa Blanca for breakfast and a swim in their lovely pool.  The Rosa Blanca is by the Duva Habitat roundabout and does a great breakfast.  The pool was sparkling and we very much enjoyed a few happy hours relaxing there.  And yesterday we went on a wonderful boat trip round to Playa des Coll Baix on the peninsula as you go around to Alcudia.  The sea was a tad challenging aka very bouncy, but once in the calmer waters of the bay, we swam and had lunch in such gorgeous surroundings it was hard to believe it was real!

On the beach, a family of three goats were doing the rounds of the picnicking visitors, preferably when all concerned were in the sea so that they could munch happily and unhindered on bags of crisps and anything else they could find πŸ˜‚ Here is one of them with one of our friends:

They weren't shy about accosting people sitting eating either and caused quite a stir amongst many parties!  My personal favourite was when one of them pushed its way into a makeshift shelter at the end of the beach which gave shade to a couple who were....well, let's just say they weren't fans of beachwear πŸ˜‚  I can say this for certain as the man wasn't frightened to stride into the sea wearing a snorkelling mask and very little else 😳  In any event, I'm not sure who was more startled when the goat muscled into the shelter from behind..........  

In other local news, the annual Pollensa wine fair which had been rescheduled until 3/4 Oct has now been cancelled altogether for this year.  It is such a pity but no-one is surprised.  I guess it would have been too difficult to ensure social distancing, especially given that attendees would have to not wear a mask in order to taste the wine 😟  But it does look as if I will be returning to work as a teacher at N1 Language School from 1 September with plenty of special measures in place - watch this space!

Tonight we are off to Palms Bar to see ABBA Angels and on Saturday we are having a day out in Pollensa prior to the radio show on English Radio Pollensa.  Then on Sunday we are flying to Valencia to see some friends and family in the Valencia/Alicante area.  So the next blog post will be Monday 31st August.  So.....hasta entonces and stay safe!

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