Monday 31 August 2020

Spain out of lockdown

I'm back!  Quite literally, because I've been over to the Valencia/Alicante area to see friends and relatives for a week.  We had a fantastic time with stupendous mountain views but here in the Port where the mountains meet the sea is still .........😍💕

This photo was taken this morning at about 8:30am by the 1919 roundabout.

My daughter's visit to PP included a girls' evening out to Palms Bar and a fantastic performance by Abba's Angels.  Believe it or not, I've never seen them perform before and they were fab - and also very funny.  Definitely one to put on the list of 'must dos' for next year's visit!

On Saturday 22nd we spent a few hours in Pollensa.  After a yummy breakfast of 'tostada con tomate' and coffee at Ca'n Moixet in the square, we headed off to the Calvari steps to see the outside part of the Joan Bennassar exhibition "Human reasons".  I haven't yet discovered if he is related to the famous Dionis Bennassar, whose work I adore and is on display in the wonderful Casa Museu Dionis Bennassar (which sadly is closed at the moment, I presume due to the 'C' word!).  In any event, Joan has created sculptures which are placed at intervals all the way up the Calvari steps and at the top in front of the chapel too. 

They are also on display inside the deconsecrated church at the cloisters and the whole project is his response to the most dangerous crisis he believes humans face: forgetting humanity.  Certainly it was thought provoking during these strange and unsettling times.

Our trip to Valencia/Alicante was wonderful and we had a great time.  I was interested to find out what it's like to fly currently, albeit internally.  Palma airport was quite busy all things considered and especially given it was fairly early morning.  Nothing, of course, like it would have been in normal times, but nevertheless.....  Plenty of security staff in evidence, complete adherence to mask wearing etc.  Our Vueling flight to Valencia was well spaced within the aircraft and we even lucked out on being allocated seats in Row 4 with extra legroom - bonus, as we hadn't paid any extra.  Everyone had to check bags into the hold, only a handbag or small rucksack was allowed in the cabin.  The flight is only about 50 minutes but there was time to serve light refreshments if people wanted - we had coffee to help us stay awake after our early start 😂  Disembarking was very orderly and done strictly row by row.  Valencia airport isn't very big but well organised.

Our return was from Alicante and I was shocked at how quiet such a huge airport was that I've always found to be very busy, never mind in August(!) 😞   Many of the shops and the majority of bars/cafes/restaurants were shut.  Only passengers were allowed into the terminal which resulted in a great deal of wailing and pleading from a nearby elderly Spanish lady who wanted to see her daughter off - but to no avail.  The flight back was uneventful but on landing at Palma, the aircrew seemed less proactive than before and once they'd made their announcement about leaving row by row, left the passengers to it! The middle part of the aircraft had been left empty and passengers were balanced front and back - and a younger man proceeded to gallop up the aisle from the back to disembark.  Whereupon Ian rose majestically (he's 6'3"!) and waving his arms let him know in no uncertain terms to keep his distance and wait - my hero! 👏  Sooooo......I felt perfectly safe travelling during these strange times but don't be afraid to remind others of the need to conform with the rules if you're feeling uncomfortable.

In local news, you'll be aware by now that the Balearic government has imposed stricter measures including gatherings of no more than 10 people, there's a curfew of 9pm on beaches and parks, the % occupancy of bar/restaurants has been restricted and that no smoking/vaping can take place in ANY public area including bar terraces.  But there are still plenty of bars, cafes and restaurants soldiering on in Pollensa and the Port who would be delighted to see you should you still be intending to come out here.  The beaches are still lovely and the sea is still warm - what's not to love? 💖

In even more local news Voss in the square has closed for the season as has Trattoria de Razza in the same little street as Liberty Kitchen and Tierra de Fuegos.  And the Miramar closed its doors for the season today 😟  I've also noticed the Torre Playa next to Sail & Surf has now shut.  But, as previously mentioned, there are still plenty of hospitality options to choose from.

I start work tomorrow teaching and that is going to be very different after all these months off; as a result much of yesterday was spent lesson planning.  There are lots of safety measures in place at the school including mats for cleaning shoes as students enter the classroom, directional arrows, hand sanitiser everywhere, cleaning wipes - you name it, we've got it!  As a result I will be doing the blog weekly from now on, on Sundays. 

Stay safe and hasta domingo!  Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go........

Thursday 20 August 2020

Spain out of lockdown

The season here, such as it has been, is now very quiet and there are very few UK visitors evident here.  However there are a number of Spanish visitors on holiday which is definitely helping local bars/restaurants and shops.  The Bahia is closing and the Miramar is now closing its bar and restaurant.  Transunion transfer buses are a rare sight indeed and there aren't very many rental cars about either.  However a lot of businesses are hanging on in there and I know a great many people have everything crossed for them.

On Monday we went to the airport to collect my daughter and can report that there are very strict measures in place there.  Masks are compulsory in all parts of the airport and those of us waiting to collect someone had to do so outside the main door and not inside by the gate itself.  Police were in evidence and a very enthusiastic security guard (one of several) was moving people along, even those looking on the board to see if a flight had landed.  Top tip if you have someone to pick up and prefer not to wait outside in the heat and a mask - buy a drink at the small cafe where you can sit and clearly see the gate and people coming out 👍  In any event, it was calm and very controlled but completely different to how it should be in mid-August - very strange and disconcerting indeed.

Today as part of my daughter's visit here, we drove up into the mountains for a visit to Lluc Monastery.  It is such a lovely, peaceful place and normally we only go during the winter months to avoid the crowds and traffic.  But today it was pretty much the same as in the winter apart from the VERY hot and sweaty weather.  The church has very strict directional arrows and you can no longer go in via the entrance on the facade, but it's still absolutely beautiful:

We wandered around the gorgeous botanical gardens at the back and enjoyed the dappled sunshine amongst the verdant trees and plants with the sound of trickling water never far away - I could have stayed there all day 😍

On Tuesday we went to the Rosa Blanca for breakfast and a swim in their lovely pool.  The Rosa Blanca is by the Duva Habitat roundabout and does a great breakfast.  The pool was sparkling and we very much enjoyed a few happy hours relaxing there.  And yesterday we went on a wonderful boat trip round to Playa des Coll Baix on the peninsula as you go around to Alcudia.  The sea was a tad challenging aka very bouncy, but once in the calmer waters of the bay, we swam and had lunch in such gorgeous surroundings it was hard to believe it was real!

On the beach, a family of three goats were doing the rounds of the picnicking visitors, preferably when all concerned were in the sea so that they could munch happily and unhindered on bags of crisps and anything else they could find 😂 Here is one of them with one of our friends:

They weren't shy about accosting people sitting eating either and caused quite a stir amongst many parties!  My personal favourite was when one of them pushed its way into a makeshift shelter at the end of the beach which gave shade to a couple who were....well, let's just say they weren't fans of beachwear 😂  I can say this for certain as the man wasn't frightened to stride into the sea wearing a snorkelling mask and very little else 😳  In any event, I'm not sure who was more startled when the goat muscled into the shelter from behind..........  

In other local news, the annual Pollensa wine fair which had been rescheduled until 3/4 Oct has now been cancelled altogether for this year.  It is such a pity but no-one is surprised.  I guess it would have been too difficult to ensure social distancing, especially given that attendees would have to not wear a mask in order to taste the wine 😟  But it does look as if I will be returning to work as a teacher at N1 Language School from 1 September with plenty of special measures in place - watch this space!

Tonight we are off to Palms Bar to see ABBA Angels and on Saturday we are having a day out in Pollensa prior to the radio show on English Radio Pollensa.  Then on Sunday we are flying to Valencia to see some friends and family in the Valencia/Alicante area.  So the next blog post will be Monday 31st August.  So.....hasta entonces and stay safe!

Thursday 13 August 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

We are continuing to have extremely hot and humid weather here in Mallorca and would love to have some rain as has happened in the UK, but so far, no dice!  It tried to rain a couple of days ago but the tiny amount we briefly had just contributed to a rise in humidity so we ended up worse off 😓  It really isn't the best thing in the world to be wearing a mask in such hot and sweaty conditions so I do understand the temptation when people don't wear them or wear them over their mouth but under their nose - BUT we need to plod on and just keep wearing them for all our sakes 😷 Once the cooler weather comes I'd like to think people would be more amenable to wearing them, I know I'll find it a lot easier come the winter! 

Yesterday we were lucky enough to celebrate a friend's birthday at the Real Club Nautic Port de Pollenca (RCNPP) with drinks on the poolside terrace.  Once the pool area was closed for the day they carefully bleached the pool surround which was good to see.

If you have never been to the RCNPP (yacht club), it might be one to try some time.  The restaurant and poolside terrace/bar area plus cocktail bar the far side of the pool are all open to non-members.  The actual pool however is only for use by club members.  But if you do visit the Port and are staying in a place with no pool, there is always the lovely pool at the Rosa Blanca (White Rose) at Gotmar (opposite the Habitat apartments) - in fact we intend to go there next week for breakfast and a swim (you need to be a customer there). There is also Laguna pool and bar/restaurant on the Formentor Road up towards the Illa d'Or end of town.  

A similar approach to the cleaning of the yacht club pool area is taken with regard to the sunbeds on the beach.  At the end of each day, at 7pm, a tractor comes along the beach to spray disinfectant on all the sunbeds and they are sprayed and cleaned again in the morning.  Every possible measure is being taken to ensure that people can have a safe time enjoying themselves on the beach.  The majority of visitors now seem to be Spanish visitors and there seem to be fewer and fewer British ones.  This is just my perception of course, but other residents I have spoken to seem to share it.  In any event, any visitors are welcome in order to keep the local economy's head above water in these very challenging times.

On Tuesday night we stayed up quite late to look out for the annual Perseid meteor shower which occurs around 12th August.  We lay on our reclining chairs on the roof terrace and after a while our efforts were rewarded with 3 definite sightings 🌠 We were watching the sky from different angles and Ian saw the first one but they're very quick and I was gutted I missed it.  But patience prevailed and I saw the second one which was so perfect it was Disney-like!  I was so thrilled I almost fell out my chair 😂  The third one we both saw which made honours even and we retired to bed as we'd had quite enough astro-gazing for one night.  But we're glad we saw some as I've never actually see one before.  

During lockdown, but mainly during and since the phased lifting of lockdown, we have kept ourselves amused with a few online orders - mainly through a well known site beginning with 'A' 🤔  I mean, haven't we all?!  Anyhow - if you arrange for a delivery of a parcel out here by any delivery firm whatsoever, you will very likely receive a text or some other notification of approximate delivery day and possibly even a time.  You will, however, be out at that time.  No really, you will.  You can stay in all day, ears aquiver to the slightest noise at your front door or for your apartment buzzer.  But you will hear nothing.  This seems to be because a specially trained team of Spanish delivery ninjas (and this includes Correos, the Spanish Royal Mail) will silently leave a hugely regretful notification that you were very sadly out when they called and you will have to rearrange delivery, in fluent and rapid Spanish, or trek to a delivery depot or the Post Office to collect said parcel.  One particular delivery firm doesn't even do the ninja notification - they just send you a text telling you you were out.  It happened to me once when I was looking down at the empty road from our apartment at the exact time they said they had unfortunately found me absent.  On the bright side, you have to REALLY want whatever it is you're ordering so you never know, you may save some money.

In local news the PAC (health centre) in Pollensa - which is the central one for the area - reports that as at 13th August there have been 16 coronavirus cases in the municipality, 5 of whom have been discharged so that means currently 11 cases.  But of course, the wider picture is that numbers are on the increase, not just in the Balearics or Spain but in many countries.  I guess this is to be expected as people are freer to move around both within their own region or country, or internationally.  In terms of the impact on the current tourism season in the Port, the Bahia is the latest hotel to state that it is closing for this year.  Generally speaking I think we're all feeling that this is pretty accurate 😂 :

One of my daughters is coming out to visit next week 💕 #excitedmuch,  so the next blog will be on Thursday 20th.  In the meantime, stay safe and hasta jueves!

Monday 10 August 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

The days are rolling by - hot and sweaty - and we're now well into August.  The Port clearly still has visitors - those from the UK who can quarantine on return plus from the Spanish mainland, but it's definitely getting quieter as those from the UK who were here when the ruling came in, have now gone home and have not been replaced in the same numbers.  As previously mentioned, this means that many hotels that had opened up, have now closed down again.  However some key hotels such as the Daina, the Miramar, and the Sis Pins have remained open so there is still a gentle buzz going on in the evening and some bars and restaurants seem to be well patronised which is good to see.  What will happen at the end of this very strange summer season remains to be seen.....

On Saturday when I was in Pollensa at the radio studio for my show on English Radio Pollensa, there was a great deal of activity in the cloisters (the radio studio is also in the cloisters) preparing for the opening concert that evening of the 59th Festival of Pollensa which was given by the Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands.  As you can see, strict social distancing and mask wearing were observed:

The weather today is of course sorchio 🔥 36 degrees is what the TV weather forecast joyously proclaimed for us today with a promise of 37 degrees tomorrow, which I was completely ecstatic to learn, as you may well imagine.  I believe the weather in the UK has been hot, hot, hot too so I guess we're all feeling the heat right now.  In the UK I always said that summer was my favourite season but here, it's winter.  I guess this sums me up at the beginning of summer compared to July/August, quite nicely:

The heat is such that we've spent quite a large amount of time in our hot tub on the roof terrace where the water actually got up to 31 degrees solely from the heat of the sun.  But my goodness it's lovely to get in later in the afternoon and just wallow in the bubbles of water, definitely one of our better purchases.  We understand that three other people in the Port have now bought one following my mention of it in this blog and are enjoying theirs too 😎  

In local news, Al Fresco Deli has sadly decided to close for this season and will re-open in February 2021.  In the meantime they will continue to do home deliveries and outside catering.  During lockdown here, we had a home delivery from them of fish and chips and it was absolutely delicious!  So if you are out here, or due to come out soon, just contact them via their FB page fi you fancy eating in but can't be bothered to cook.  

Yesterday we had a lovely meal at Trattoria de Razza which is on the corner of C/de la Verge del Carme which is the street where Liberty Kitchen and Tierra de Fuego are.  Their cheesecake is a thing of joy and beauty and comes highly recommended.  Afterwards we had a cheeky chaser at Bar Bonys - well it would have been rude not to 🍹😂  I can confirm that their cocktails are just as huge and just as delicious as ever!

Tonight is a family quiz night via Zoom again.  We've taken to doing these roughly every 10 days or so and fully intend to continue even once the current situation is but a distant memory.  It's a great way to have a laugh and spend some quality time with loved ones, even if you can't meet in person.  So I'm taking that as a positive from all the issues we've been facing this year.  And it's important to take what positives you can from a year that I suspect will go down in history as a global 'annus horribilis'.

Finally, here in Mallorca, from 10pm tomorrow evening (11th) until dawn on 12th we are in for some spectacular meteor showers; possibly 100 per hour.  Sounds magical and we will definitely be up on our roof terrace to watch - fingers crossed for a lovely clear night sky! 🤞

Stay safe and hasta jueves!

Thursday 6 August 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

We've had a slightly less scorchio couple of days but - and here's a thing you'd never hear me say when I lived in the UK - sadly the promised rain never materialised 😟  And now things are gradually hotting up again and I'm not overly keen on the temperatures promised for next week.....  🌡  It's fair to say that the gym is challenging in the heat - it's not air-conditioned so we use fans, but after sweating my way through a workout the fact that I'm not by now a size 8 means there is no justice in the world 😂

The Port has gradually become quieter and quieter over the last 3-4 days and now most of the hotels to the east of the centre of town, have closed due to lack of customers 😢  Today, for example, we drove down the road past the Villa Concha entrance and it had the white poster paint stuff all over the glass entry doors and was all closed up.  I believe people still intending to travel who would've stayed there are being transferred to the Hotel Daina.  But it's very sad to see and it means of course, that there are far fewer people to go round the bars and restaurants.  Strange and challenging times.

In local news, Casa Calico - the fishing equipment shop in Calle Mestral (the road beside Burger King) - has closed for good.  And sadly Manolo, of Bar Manolo in the square (and Hostal Borras before that), died on Sunday which was a shock to everyone as although he was quite elderly, he was fit and active and worked to the last. What will happen to Bar Manolo no-one knows; it's very popular and on certain days huge numbers of elderly Mallorquins gather in there, the men to play cards and the women to have a good old chinwag.  It always makes me smile to see the genders strictly divided like this and have no idea what would happen if one of the ladies wanted to join in the card games - collective horror and much vocalising all round I suspect! 😂

It's been quite a quiet couple of days for us during which time I've reflected on life here in Mallorca (in no particular order whatsoever):

  • It's all about the bureaucracy and paperwork; the more the paperwork, the better they like it here.  Especially the government.  They are world class paper pushers and official paperwork here has to be in triplicate, notarised to within an inch of its life, officially translated - you get the idea!  And if they say they want a photocopy of your passport, they don't just mean the ID page oh no - what they want is every.... single..... page.......😲
  • Tapas are a wonderful creation which should be adopted by other countries.  That is all.
  • Parking is unlike any previous experience you have had about parking.  And here I am mainly referring to parallel parking.  The British approach with care and caution - judging a space in comparison with their car, trying very hard to squeeze in if the gap is tight, taking care not to touch anything around them and even going so far as to getting out to check how much space is left etc.  The Spanish approach is a tad more ....well, let's call it optimistic shall we?  No?  Maybe...enthusiastic?  Either way, the approach is - I'm in a car, there's a space, I park my car.  The fact that they may be trying to squeeze a large estate car into a gap made for at best a micro car is absolutely besides the point.  In order to fit that large car into an insufficiently sized gap however requires a manoeuvre called the 'Spanish kiss' - in a nutshell this means you use your car to bump the cars either side out the way such that your car fits - simples!!  In case you think this is a myth, it isn't as I have seen this done on more than one occasion with my own eyes 👀  In any event, the net result is what you might call tight parking and here is an example from right outside our front door yesterday:

         Yep, couldn't get a piece of paper between 'em 😂

  • Regular high temperatures and humidity mean sweat in places that really shouldn't be biologically able to sweat but somehow they do 😳
  • Mosquitoes - they seem to prefer some people more than others, mainly visitors.  I think they like new flavours.  Maybe we're their equivalent of a packets of flavoured crisps.  Certainly the longer you live here the less you get bitten and the less reaction you have when you are.  Different preventions help different people but certainly anti-histamines do seem to help lessen the reaction you get if you are bitten.
  • Whilst on the topic of insects - cockroaches.  I wrote about my run-in with them at the radio studio recently so you'll be aware that I'm not over fond of them.  Our apartment is higher up and so we have very few problems but unlike 'normal' insects who seem scared of an approaching human, cockroaches strut across the pavement in front of you like mini Rambos; I mean, are you going to squash one in your flip flop clad foot?  No, me neither...
  • Toilet lights of the push button variety.  These are a particular bugbear.  They seem to be deliberately set so that you get just enough time to, shall we say, settle.  And then - bam!  Lights out.  There follows a Crystal Maze level multi-task during which you get to fumble all around the walls for the light switch you hadn't previously committed the location of to memory, whilst trying to complete what you went into the loo in the first place for.  A good example of this is the ladies loo in Bar Manolo; if they re-open, my hot tip would be to use the right hand cubicle.  The left hand one looks lovely and roomy which indeed it is but don't be tempted, it's a trick.  The toilet is about 10 feet from the door.  And the push button is by the door.....😱
  • Toilet lights of the motion sensor variety.  Second only to the push button ones.  With these you're plunged into darkness BECAUSE you are... settled.  I mean what kind of mind thinks that you are moving at that point in proceedings?  Sooo, for ladies it means you end up doing a hand jive in pitch darkness to get the lights to go on.  If it's the same in the gents I can only imagine the fun and games....😳😂  If you want to try the hand jive out for yourself, Bar Toni at the side of the church has them (other venues are available!)
Tonight we are meeting friends who are visiting their apartment and going for dinner at No.31 Restaurant which was taken over at the beginning of the year by Alex and Joana.  The menu looks delicious so I'm looking forward to it.

Stay safe and hasta lunes!

Monday 3 August 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Feeling hot, hot, hot ...🎶......🔥.....Friday saw temperatures of 40 degrees in the Pollensa area and Saturday wasn't much better.  Even the Mallorquins are commenting on the heat!  And of course on Friday we were cleaning some shutters and windows and I don't think we've ever been so wet in our lives - and it wasn't from the water we were doing the washing with 😳 Once home and after lunch I then thought it would be a good idea to do a quick groom of our dogs - and that can't be done in a breeze as the clippings go everywhere so.... well I guess some of us have a flatter learning curve than others...😂  Today was a lot cooler though at about 26/27 degrees and very cloudy which was a welcome relief if I'm honest.  Tomorrow the forecast is for some rain - which is nice......

On Saturday I was more than happy to head for the air conditioned radio studio in Pollensa.  The market had been moved to Saturday from it's usual Sunday slot due to the low level celebrations the town hall had in place to celebrate La Patrona - the re-enactment of the Moors & Christians battle would have been Sunday 2nd.  I expected parking to be a challenge but in fact it wasn't too bad at all, an indication in itself of how much quieter things are here than is normal for this time of year.

On Saturday evening we went out for a meal with friends to Bar Coral.  I had tumbet as a starter and with my main mainly because tumbet is one of my favourite things to eat EVER! If you're unaware of what it is, tumbet is a dish of vegetables gently fried in extra virgin olive oil and then baked together in the oven.  It's quite similar to ratatouille.  Here it generally consists of potato, aubergine, garlic, onion, green pepper, red pepper and courgette with a tomato sauce.  It's sometimes served with a fried egg on the top which adds a whole new dimension to things!  In any event, we had a lovely meal.  On the way home along the sea front it was pretty busy at the Sis Pins as you can see:

And also at Ca'n Pescador:

And there was a good, buzzy vibe in the air.  But yes, if it was a 'normal' year, it would have been jam-packed with people.  Still, we have to be grateful for all the visitors we can get right now.....

Over the last few days the people of Pollensa have been celebrating La Patrona 2020 in a rather different way to normal.  On Sunday it would have been the re-enactment of the battle of the Moors and Christians, which if you've never been to it, is pretty spectacular!  Shall we just say that Health & Safety is not at the forefront of the minds of those (apart from the main 'actors') taking part!!  😂  In any event on Saturday they had the usual chess tournament but not in Club Pollensa due to the coronavirus measures; instead it was held outside in the Joan March gardens:

Wonderful to see that this part of La Patrona at least, could still take place.  The main part, on Sunday 2nd August, with the battle between Joan Mas plus the good citizens of Pollensa (Christians) and Dragut, the pirate leader with the Moors could not, of course, take place.  But from the beginning of the festival on 26th July, they staged images of the enactment from previous years on balconies and buildings on the route normally taken through the town to the main battleground (on the football pitch).  

The photographs have been on sale with the proceeds going to charity which is a lovely and completely brilliant way to commemorate the tradition 👏

Tomorrow the forecast is for some rain - which is nice......

Stay safe and hasta jueves!