Wednesday 4 August 2021

Our new home in the Orba Valley, Alicante

 A bit late this week as we have had relatives staying and it's been pretty hectic!  It's also been very hot - well up into the late 30's on quite a few days - so we definitely need a bit of time to re-gather ourselves.

Our family guests were wonderful and we had a fantastic time but my goodness, we'd forgotten how much teenagers can eat! πŸ˜‚  They descended locust-like on industrial quantities of crisps, biscuits and other similarly 'healthy' snacks, it was quite awesome how much they could devour - and of course they were slender as reeds.  I remember being like that once but it was a looooong time ago πŸ˜‚  Anyhow, I was surprised they hadn't all shrunk by the time they left earlier today because they spent hours in the pool and it was lovely to see it filled with young people and inflatables and to hear the happy shrieks and splashes.  It all seems suddenly very quiet.......  Yesterday we had a lovely time at the beach at Deveses jumping the waves and enjoying the great outdoors in glorious sunshine 

but most of the time we stayed local and everyone just relaxed.  Mind you, I now need to cut right back on food intake as we've eaten out quite a lot and a teenager's metabolism I do not have!

Now young people in our pool is one thing, but spiders are quite another 😱 and it seems that this is the time of year that they decide to take a swim in our pool too.  I think I've mentioned tarantulas before and that possibly they are linked to the fruit trees which carpet most of the floor of the Orba Valley.  We don't have any fruit trees directly next to our property so I thought we were safe but.....they're smaller than I had feared if I'm honest, but very tarantula shaped and slightly furry.  Apparently they look dead but they're not!  As Ian discovered.  Three times.  

The Orba Fiesta is currently underway here but it's a fairly low-key affair due to Covid.  There are concerts in the main square with audiences sitting on well spaced seating, and on Saturday there was a wonderful fireworks display - the Spanish do love their fireworks!  We've been told the other villages in the valley all try to outdo each other with their displays so apparently for the Spanish size really does matter 😳  One thing I am actually pleased about it not happening is the bull running which is normally part of the festivities.  Basically people stand in protective cages to watch as a number of young bulls are encouraged to run through the narrow streets with people running alongside them.  They are not killed but I don't like to see animals used like this and quite simply don't want anything to do with it once things return to normal in the next year or two.  I've been told it should be seen once but nope, it's not for me.

What with guests and the heat, we haven't done very much to the house and garden although Ian installed our new water deposit just before our visitors arrived.  Basically it's a giant (the old one was 2000 litres, the new one is 1000 litres) stainless steel tub with a lid down the side of the garage which fills with water from the mains via a ballcock (similar to how a toilet cistern refills).  There's a pump in the garage which, when switched on, brings the water from the deposit which greatly increases the water pressure.  So of course it's perfect for use when there's a full house.  Ian advertised the old deposit on Facebook for offers - it was perfectly usable but just very old and we wanted to be safe regarding drinking water - and a lovely couple who live off grid in the mountains bought it for use in watering their produce.  Normally they have to do it all by buckets which sounds back-breaking, but now they can keep it filled by a bit of homespun engineering and it will make a huge difference to them so we're really happy it's gone to a good home.  And they're ecstatic as they don't have much money and were so excited to have it.  Mind you, seeing them drive off with a round 2000 litre fibre glass and steel tank strapped on the roof of their car was something to behold!  I really admire them for living totally off grid but whilst I would enjoy roughing it for a few days I must admit I like a few creature comforts in my home.

We've both been accepted on an online Spanish course run by Rosetta Stone on behalf of the Alicante region which provides 400 free places for non-Spanish speaking residents.  The placement test was a challenge in itself and Ian couldn't do any of it but is happy with the total beginner level they've unsurprisingly placed him in.  My placement test put me in a category which is higher than I know I am however (must've got lucky!) and after a bit of a struggle with it I asked them to bump me down a level as although I was getting there, the reality is it was a step too far.  So I'll give it another go later today but it's a great offer and one that would have cost us a lot of money otherwise so we feel very grateful to be doing it.

Recently I decided to resurrect my domestic goddess skills which I made strong efforts to hone during last year's lockdown; my greatest triumph last year was carrot cake, this time I tried Rocky Road with a twist - made with white chocolate:

It was fab and I'll definitely be making it again πŸ‘  And my painting is going extremely well, I've nearly finished my first portrait and will be starting another one soon.  Ian is going to create a studio for me in the garage/workshop once the weather cools down a bit which is pretty exciting.  Watch this space.....

And so now we're into August and the summer is flying by.  Ian should have his second Covid jab very soon (there's a 10 week gap for Astra Zeneca here) and it seems that he will then be able to enter the UK without the 10 day quarantine.  I will have to wait until late September for mine but there is nothing to be done but be patient.

Stay safe and hasta luego!

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