Sunday 28 February 2021

Spain (Mallorca) in soon to change restrictions!

The big news here, as you will have seen all over social media, is that restrictions will start to ease a little on Tuesday (after Balearic Day on Monday).  The 'headline' for most is that bars and restaurants will be able to open their terraces with 50% capacity until 17h00 and quite a few people are looking forward to a menu del dia very soon.  Places planning to open that I have heard about and who have not been doing a takeaway service are Moll de Bellagio, Nostalgia, Ca'n Ferra, Ca Les Monges and Meraki and I'm sure there are others.  But of course there are only so many people here and many cannot currently afford to eat/drink out so we have everything crossed that things work out for everyone ๐Ÿคž

Today was a lovely one this morning so we headed out on the peninsula near Alcanada Golf.  We walked about 4 km past the golf course and the entrance to Museo Sa Bassa Blanca (sadly closed, but it's a wonderful place to visit) and on along the peninsula until the path narrows and drops down to the Playa del Coll Baix.  The water was a gorgeous turquoise ๐Ÿ’™

We went some way down but not all the way as we had to get back for the dogs, but we did visit the beach by boat in August when we swam from the boat to the beach so have seen it from below ๐Ÿ˜   The walk is gorgeous, on a good track with vehicle access through lovely woods:

We didn't take the dogs as we knew there are a lot of pine trees and it is the middle of processionary caterpillar season (as mentioned in the blog a couple of weeks ago) and we simply couldn't risk it.  This turned out to be a wise decision as there were plenty of the vile things and we had to be careful to avoid walking on them and getting them on our shoes, possibly transporting the hairs into the car or house afterwards.  They look like this close up:

For those unaware about these horrible creatures, the problem is the hairs on the caterpillars which are highly irritating to the skin and can be deadly to cats and dogs who may ingest or breathe in the hairs.  We are, not unnaturally, completely paranoid about them! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ  They overwinter in tent-like nests, not unlike white candy floss, high up in pine trees and then when the weather warms up a bit they 'process' nose to tail down the trunk and across the ground to somewhere they can bury themselves and remain until the end of summer when they emerge as a moth to fly up, lay eggs in the trees and start the whole process again ๐Ÿ˜ก   Although we didn't see any really long 'processions' today, this was the longest with Ian's foot in for scale!

On returning to the Port we parked in the marina car park and walking back home past the Bellaverde Restaurant saw the long queue again for the hot meal (as mentioned last week).  People generally seemed in good spirits and the food smelled absolutely delicious!  The staff and volunteers at Bellaverde were dong a sterling job and providing a smiling, happy service.  Bravo to them and everyone involved! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Elsewhere work on the slipway at the yacht club continues with lots of concrete from queues of cement mixers:

Although the slipway is gradually 'shrinking' from the right of the picture, it does seem to be taking an awful lot of concrete so.....still watching with interest!

An interesting sign appeared about a month or so ago which I previously forgot to mention.  It is on the ground in various locations around the area from the marina roundabout through to Avenue de Paris just after Tolos and looks like this:

I think I saw somewhere that these are not official markings by the council but made by an environmental group but either way, the message is a good one ๐Ÿ‘  Other local news includes a grant available for children's school books and materials and a second hand market in the square in the Port to raise money for the family who recently lost their father/husband and all their possessions in a fire and which raised a wonderful 2,100€.  And the Hope Mallorca Association which locally distributes food to 250-300 families every Wednesday morning in Pollensa.  The Association was started by three German residents on the island and 143 volunteers distribute 28 tons of food and basic products per month throughout Mallorca.

Finally, more information about the second phase of the vaccination rollout has been provided:
  • 24 Feb - 1 March (therefore nearly finished) - vaccinations for the over 80s, teachers and early years education staff
  • From 8 March - security forces eg. police
  • No fixed date yet for those remaining in this group which includes those aged 60-79 and those under 60 with underlying health conditions.
Not sure what happens between 1-8 March! ๐Ÿ˜‚  The third vaccination phase has not yet been structured by groups or dates and so we wait....however the government's aim is that  70% of the population will have been vaccinated by June.  I certainly hope so as this is seen by many as necessary for a successful and safe return of tourism to the island.  And so, we shall see.......

In the meantime, stay safe and hasta el prรณximo domingo!

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