Sunday 24 January 2021

Spain (Mallorca) in increased restrictions!

Another week, same restrictions...but although it's been pretty windy here of late, the sun is shining which always raises the spirits ๐Ÿ˜Ž  So today we decided to take a walk up the mountain behind El Vila between Pollensa and the Port with the dogs and a flask of tea.  The views of the Port were glorious:

Although there was a reasonable amount of cloud about, we could see right over to the Bay of Alcudia:

We also had a great view towards the Boquer Valley:

It was much darker towards Pollensa so we focused on looking the other way!  And one of the best parts of all was that we could do the whole walk without masks which was incredibly liberating.  It's the little things......

In local news part of what was Maxims (which has closed for good) had a new sign put up before Christmas "Cardamom City Indian Restaurant" so I guess at some point we will have an additional place to Himalaya to have a curry.  Disconcertingly, part of the the Maxims Bistro signage remains ๐Ÿค”  We also noticed that in the past week the Dakota Tex Mex opposite Bar Bonys was having some painting done;  it is now a smart grey and currently looks as below:   

Last week I mentioned some work on the terrace of Celler La Parra - this has now been completed and the walls below the terrace 'roof' have all been painted white so it all looks spick and span.  The restaurant hasn't re-opened even for take-away yet, but then again they always have some time off around this time of year and there are some well spaced tables on the terrace so I assume they're just waiting for the current restrictions to ease.  And El Pozo (cafe/bar down near Portofino, opposite the small Eroski) has closed permanently due to the retirement of the owner but's another place that won't be opening again ๐Ÿ˜ฅ  But at least, as mentioned last week, we have a good selection of take-away opportunities in the Port and for that we must be grateful for now.  

In further local news they have made good progress on the enlarged Tourist Information Centre which will return to it's original site by the marina (where the old bus station used to be).  They are building to the left of the original small building right along to the side road to the boat slipways so it will be much larger.  

The temporary premises in C/Juan XXIII more or less opposite the small Eroski was completely cleared out some weeks ago and we did wonder whether they would start with the rumoured enlargement of the previous premises and it seems this is indeed the case ๐Ÿ‘

In Mallorca they are due to revise the current restrictions but the various autonomous regions in Spain are, in general, facing ever increasing numbers of coronavirus cases and are implementing ever tougher measures so at the very least the current restrictions here are likely to be renewed.  The Balearics, along with some other regions, did ask the national government to allow implementation of a curfew of 8pm but this was turned down on Wednesday.  

In Spain we are currently in Phase 1 of the vaccination programme which includes care home residents, healthcare workers, and people with severe disabilities and not in care facilities.  At the current pace of delivery the next phase of vaccination delivery will begin in March to the over 70s although this is subject to change depending on delivery of the vaccine and also approval of new vaccines.  Certainly it does seem that the UK is further ahead than here in delivery to people and there is not really any definitive information here yet but....patience is a virtue!

Finally (and although in the past I've posted a similar picture before) I thought I'd leave you with a wonderful piece of Spanish parking that I noticed this evening during whilst walking the dogs.  Not sure a piece of paper would fit between them - only in Spain! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Stay safe and hasta el prรณximo domingo!