Sunday 27 December 2020

Spain (Mallorca) in revised level 4 restrictions!

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas despite the challenges we've all had with the various tiers and levels restrictions.  We certainly did have a wonderful time here despite some vile weather - but more about that later.  Up until Christmas Eve afternoon we have had wonderful weather so really can't complain.  One evening, on taking the dogs for their toilet walk, nature gave us this view:

Shepherd's delight indeed 😎 

On the morning of Christmas Eve I met a friend at Pascalino for a coffee and we noticed the cloud had settled over the bay in a very strange fashion - I don't know if anyone else has ever seen the cloud do that but it was quite magical and I took the opportunity to take a photo:

And it just got colder from then on in.  Sadly, the weather forecast for Christmas Day held true and it was cold, raining and windy.  But, undaunted, we and our friends went to Stay and had Christmas dinner on their terrace.  It was so wet that only the tables next to the windows could be used and even then those on the outside seats got the occasional splash of rain.  But luckily for us we were seated under one of their heaters and Ian actually took his coat off for a bit although I wasn't quite so brave!  Temperatures started at around 9 degrees, dropping to about 7 degrees towards the end and we could see snow on the tops of the Tramuntana mountains 😱

The food was completely wonderful and the staff soldiered on in really dreadful conditions.  To them and to all the staff at the various restaurants who worked in such challenging conditions - well done and thank you all so much! 👏

In other news, Covid-19 vaccinations started today here in Spain.  Just like in the UK, it was televised and widely reported on with some excitement.  The first person in the entire of Spain to receive the vaccination was a 96 year old lady, followed by a worker at her residential care home.  And importantly, vaccinations started today at a care home in Palma having arrived overnight by plane:

But in the meantime, data for Mallorca is really bad and from Tuesday morning we will be continuing in level 4 but with bells and whistles - essentially all cafes/bars/restaurants will have to close at 6pm every day for the time being and shopping centres will have to close on weekends and bank holidays and implement a 50% reduction in the public car parking.  These measures will stay in place until 11 January.  Whether I'll be able to return to work after the Three Kings in early January remains to be seen. To be honest though we'd expected it to be worse; mind you, there may be further announcements tomorrow so.....hold that thought! 😳

The situation in the residential care home in the Port remains critical although the one in Pollensa by the cloisters is absolutely clear - apparently this is where vaccinations will begin on an extremely local level.  We are registered with the Spanish NHS and will get a text from them when our turn arises, but many British residents who have private health care are, not unreasonably, wondering how they will in due course get the vaccination.  No-one seems to know and it's something that the embassy seems to have overlooked in all the Brexit kerfuffle.  Hopefully they'll get around to it in time as it's of real concern to many folk resident here.

In local news, Moll de Bellagio has closed for the season - it would not normally have done so yet but trading conditions are such that.... 😧  Those that remain open have, of course, a limited amount of potential customers and that, together with the currently much chillier weather, certainly hasn't helped local businesses.  Still today, although chilly, was lovely and sunny with blue skies to really lift the spirits; the more of days like this and less like the Christmas Day weather, the better it will be for local hospitality businesses with their limited customers only able to sit outside.  

So it looks like both the UK and Mallorca will be under quite a few restrictions for the foreseeable future.  I guess it's just something we have to put up with in order to see this thing through to it's end, and certainly the vaccinations are something very positive to hang on to in the meantime.  Until then.....stay safe and hasta el próximo domingo!


  1. Thanks again Sarah, lovely reading albeit worrying. Take care and all the best xxx
