Sunday 29 November 2020

Spain in the new restrictions!

Well December is nearly upon us and to start getting in the Christmas mood we headed to Palma to see the Christmas lights and do a spot of Black Friday shopping.  We parked near the cathedral which was as beautiful as ever:

This year they had a huge Christmas tree installation in the Parc de la Mar the other side of the lake in front of the cathedral.  It had a lit tunnel through the bottom and the lights were moving - it was quite the most spectacular thing I've seen in a long while and really made us - and lots of other people it seems - smile 😁

Everyone was wearing a mask and staying at a safe distance automatically and we felt perfectly safe.  The Borne lights (top right in the above photo collage) were, as ever, classically beautiful.  The area was pretty busy due to Black Friday but again, masks were de rigeur.  My friend and I enjoyed a browse in Zara and then H&M and I got my major purchase of a bargain price gorgeous coat.  The guys, with inevitable predictability, parked themselves in a bar/cafe to wait for us. After a cheap pizza meal in a backstreet cafe in the old town behind the cathedral we headed back to PP having quite literally enjoyed the "bright lights, big city" for an evening.

Locally I finally found myself having a coffee on Wednesday in Loqueria just off the square.  It's run by an Italian couple and really is the most astonishing place!  Coffee was in bone china cups and freshly brewed (no coffee machine in sight) with a complementary piece of tart - a sweet tapas if you will, and rather a cut above the normal biscuit in a packet 😝 And the decor is very different, you feel as if you've just stepped into someone's rather lovely living room.

The furniture, glasses, crockery etc are all non-matching and it's wonderfully eclectic and interesting.  They're currently only open during the day on Wednesday mornings while the market is on, but they are open in the evening and the prices on the modest menu seem very reasonable although I believe the wine is a bit pricey - not by UK standards but by what we're used to round here.  In any event, for a coffee in gorgeous surroundings I'm not sure it could be beaten 😎

Today was mostly grey and miserable but the forecasted downpours didn't happen.  As we started walking from a wonderful Sunday roast at Liberty Kitchen down the seafront to Bar Bondia's second Crafternoon, it was fantastic to see the playground near Stay restaurant finally open for business again:

We had a great time at the Crafternoon; some stalls were the same as before but there were also some new ones and I bought some yummy American scones and Rocky Road from Darcey's Bakes.  Darcey is the very talented young daughter of Rachel, my gym instructor and I have a blueberry and lemon scone all lined up for later with a cup of tea 🥮 whilst watching the Strictly Come Dancing results show - don't judge me, I love it!

In local Covid-19 related news, as at 27 November no new cases had been reported in the Pollensa area in the previous 24 hours which is fantastic news, especially as we approach the festive season.  And the Balearic Islands government this week announced that a free PCR test will be available to any returning Balearic Islands residents at their own PAC if they want one.  Interesting!  As an asthmatic (mild), I'm off for my flu vaccination tomorrow so here's hoping I don't feel too delicate afterwards.  Mind you, although I've not had one for a few years as I didn't identify myself as asthmatic at the PAC here until the beginning of this year (yes, yes, I know!), I can't recall ever having any particular reaction before so hey ho.  The Spanish government has, like the UK one, outlined it's plan for rolling out the Covid-19 vaccination across the population here and I for one will be taking that up at the first possible opportunity.  I'm more than confident that the various vaccinations have been well tested and the airlines are starting to suggest that in due course it may only be possible to fly if in possession of a certificate of vaccination.  Everyone must make the decision they feel best for them of course, but for me frankly I want my life and the ability to travel back! 

We're away next weekend so the next blog will be in two weeks' time.  In the meantime I'll leave you with this picture taken this evening across the bay:

Stay safe and hasta luego!