Sunday 20 September 2020

Spain out of lockdown!

Gradually the Port is getting quieter......and quieter......but there are still plenty of businesses open who will appreciate your support if you are able to travel out here.  It's similar to how the Port is in winter but with heat thrown in!  Everyone is definitely looking forward to next year and better times ahead.......

You will probably have seen that numbers of cases of Covid are rising throughout Spain as well as here in Mallorca.  Local newspapers are reporting that the medical authorities on the island were braced for a rise in numbers Oct/Nov but it has come rather sooner than expected.  But importantly, hospital admissions are far less than they were previously and of those who are, there are fewer seriously ill patients than before and their hospital stay is far shorter.  It is believed that this is partly due to the age of patients being much younger and also a better understanding of how to treat patients with Covid.  In terms of numbers in Pollensa municipality, there have been 32 cases in total so far.  In any event, it's important not to become complacent as time passes and it does seem that most people locally are wearing their masks, hand sanitising and keeping social distance.  Mind you, the other day a friend was getting on a bus and an elderly gentleman tried to get on without a mask; the driver told him in no uncertain terms to put one on or no bus journey - he complied ๐Ÿ˜ท  

With regard to the tightening of regulations out here, the closure of all the childrens' playgrounds is one which is both poignant and telling.  The authorities are focusing on children gathering in an educational setting which I totally understand but it is nevertheless a very sad sight to see:

I recall when the country was working through the phases of de-escalation, the most memorable moment for me was the opening of the playgrounds and hearing children playing again.  Throughout lockdown here, children were not allowed out and it was almost as if they'd vanished apart from a glimpse of one playing on a balcony.  So to see the playground closures again is heartbreaking ๐Ÿ˜ข on the brighter side, this evening a number of small children were playing happily in the square so........๐Ÿ’ช

This past week for me has been a busy teaching one.  Adults and children are still attending English classes, probably in greater numbers than I was expecting if I'm honest.  I'd thought that many wouldn't return due to financial or health regulation issues but it's certainly wonderful to see that I underestimated their determination to progress their English!  And it was so lovely to see everyone again.  Mind you, one or two of the teenage boys had grown about a foot taller and what with that and the mask wearing, I barely recognised them! ๐Ÿ˜‚  It's great to be back doing what I love doing and am really proud of one of my younger classes who have been working on superlatives - closest, most interesting, biggest etc - using the planets of the solar system and behold (proud teacher moment! ๐Ÿ˜Š) their wall display:

The students at N1 Language School are the BEST!

In local news, the new restaurant Salma (where Guru used to be) has closed - for the season by the look of it - as has Bar Coral whose last night was.....well.....last night!  A number of other restaurants/bars have shortened their opening hours too but importantly they are still open.  We only eat out occasionally and were lucky enough to do so tonight at Ambrosia.  Gorgeous burgers and divine risotto - what's not to love ๐Ÿ˜

English Radio Pollensa 107.9FM is doing its bit to support local businesses in these challenging times - the businesses are displaying a radio sticker and we're doing adverts on air during the three weekend English Radio Pollensa shows for these local businesses:

Bar Bondia     Simply Pilates Studio    Hamill Care International   Ovenclean Mallorca

Love Letters Language School   Corner Shop, Pollensa   De Cor, Pollensa   

Liberty Kitchen   La Granota hoe Shop   Finca 49   Rollings Property Services

Nostalgia Bar Bistro   Himalaya Indian Restaurant   Pollentia Rentals

If you want to hear some great music why not tune in via to the One4All Show 1-4pm (12-3pm UK time) on Saturdays; the Easy Like Sunday Morning Show 10am-1pm (9am-12noon UK time) on Sundays; and the Sunday Lunchtime Show 1-3pm (12-2pm UK time) ๐ŸŽง ๐ŸŽถ

In the meantime, stay safe and hasta el prรณximo domingo!


  1. good story again Sarah, bit of a mixed bag, expected though due to the uncertain times. Really missed being out this year hopefully things will soon settle down xxx

    1. Hi Ohjay! Yes, very uncertain times. Think we'll all be glad to see the back of 2020! Stay safe x
