Saturday 9 December 2017

Things we have learned about life in Spain....

So, as we approach our second Christmas living in Mallorca, it seemed a good time to reflect on what have we learned about life here so far:

  • Banks here still have local staff who get to know you as an actual person which is so much nicer than the sadly impersonal approach now so prevalent in the UK
  • The weather here may be warmer in winter but most of the housing certainly is not!  You don't know cold until you've done the freezing dash to the loo in the middle of the night and my goodness that cold loo seat is daunting......
  • Tapas are a thing of joy and beauty and when one appears on the table alongside your lovely big (and brilliant value) glass of wine, it's hard not to feel that the Spanish have definitely got the right idea.
  • Gird your loins if you're going to engage in any way with the dreaded Endesa (electricity supplier) - you need the stamina of an Olympic marathon runner and the temperament of a UN diplomat.  You have been warned!
  • Speed limits are apparently an indication of a minimum rather than a maximum limit.  This is made very clear by a car tailgating and then hurtling past in disgust at your evident inability to drive properly.
  • Mosquitoes are at their worst in June and October as it's breeding time during those months.  Lots of remedies help but eventually your body seems to adapt and they don't bother you so much.  Mind you, some friends would disagree....
  • Spanish lessons provided at nominal cost by the town hall are worth every penny and you have the added bonus of making lots of new friends too, as I've happily discovered.
  • Police here look, on the whole, like film extras from Miami Vice.  I think it's the shades and chiselled jaws that do it.  I must say I haven't ever noticed this trait in UK police!  I haven't seen many female police officers here but the ones I have looked like a stand in for Angelina Jolie in Lara Croft mode.  Happy days all round whatever your inclination.
  • The pavement that looks like a bar of chocolate (loads of small squares) is very slippery when wet, especially when wearing certain trainers.  Trust me, walking like a duck when all kitted up for the gym is not a great look.
  • The non-electrical item that isn't sold by any of the Chinese shops hasn't yet been invented.  Fact.
  • You know you're living in a hot climate when you put the air-con on at 26 degrees and it feels FREEZING. 
  • The entertainment value to be had from a UK satnav pronouncing the names of Mallorquin streets/towns and insisting that the MA13 motorway is Massachusetts 13 should never be underestimated.
  • Nearly every month contains a bank holiday/saints day which has to celebrated involving food, drink, family, music - the Spanish definitely know how to partaaaay!!!
  • Cafe/restaurant toilets here very often work on a push button or PIR basis. The push button is usually set for 10 seconds plunging you into darkness mid flow.  Cue much fumbling to find the switch to re-press it.  Awkward.  The same can be said about the PIR which works by turning on the light by your movement as you enter.  Now I don't know about you but I'm not a great fidget whilst using the loo so, yes, back into darkness we go!  It is then a matter of waving your hands around in the air, like you just don't care........
  • Next and M&S deliver to Mallorca - 'nuf said!
  • Eroski sells Typhoo/PG Tips tea bags and Heinz baked beans.  This makes me very happy.  Sorry, not sorry.
In other news, I now co-host a radio show on English Radio Pollensa 107.9 FM on Saturdays between 1-4 (12-3 UK time) or go to the website and listen to The Graham & Sarah Saturday Show from there.  Happy to play any requests.  Life out here certainly seems to be offering some wonderful and unexpected opportunities so once a week I get the chance to indulge in my love of music and have great fun too.  Just waiting for the call from the BBC now.......

Not saying it's been easy, not saying it's perfect but - we love living here.  And here is home :-)

Ian and I (plus dogs Tally and Alfie) wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year.  Hasta 2018!!!


  1. Another fabulous blog which makes me so happy with our decision to move to Pollensa permanently (fingers crossed) when our daughters go off to uni.... have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Great blog and a joy to read. Merry Xmas to you all

  3. Thanks for that lovely read.Merry Xmas Xxx
