Saturday 25 June 2016

What changes lie ahead?

Well it's been a turbulent time as we probably all agree!  This post is NOT about the politics but about how we're approaching some uncertain times.  And  the quote in the picture sums up pretty accurately how both of us feel and are acting upon.

So.....Thursday's EU referendum brought a result which could be said to impact on all of us who love visiting Mallorca, are thinking of moving to Mallorca, are actively taking steps to move to Mallorca or are already living in Mallorca.  So probably the vast majority of people reading this!  Suffice it to say our plans are totally unaltered and we refuse to feel unsettled by the decision (remember that quote!).  However we have altered our plans on one thing - residency ('residencia'). 

Our original intention had been to get settled in, establish the work situation and then look at taking out 'residencia'.  However we have now brought this forward.  The situation is that if you live in Spain for more than three months a year then, by law, you are required to apply for a Residency Certificate if you are an EU citizen (and who knows when and how this rule will change?!).  There are various well-established and knowledgeable people/companies in Mallorca who are able to help with all the 'red tape' and paperwork involved in all aspects of moving to Spain.  One of these is, as we write, arranging an appointment for us in October (TOP TIP: you have to book quite far ahead, it's usually at the local police station) in order for us to take out 'residencia'.  We will say, here and now, that we all know many UK ex-pats who live permanently in Spain and do not have 'residencia' - effectively flying under the radar but it all seems to work out perfectly ok for all concerned.  Nevertheless, as a resident you benefit your local council and are entitled to pretty much the same rights as a nationalised Spaniard.

In order to take out 'residencia' you need to provide the following:
  • evidence of private medical insurance
  • evidence of sufficient financial means to ensure you can support yourself for the initial three month period
  • a completed EX18 application form
  • form of ID (such as a passport)
  • NIE number (if you don't have one, you can get this at the same time as the 'residencia')
So...Thursday has made us bring this appointment a little forward but we are not panicking!  In this time of uncertainty for all of us involved in or committed to any country in the remaining 27 EU countries, it's easy to become bogged down with negativity.  But we are moving forward, as we always have, and would encourage others to take a 'business as usual' approach too.  After all, what else can you do?? 

In other news.... I have taken a few days off in between some temping and starting my summer job teaching English at the summer language school here in Worthing.  We start on Monday with 185 teenage students rising to 229 by Friday, all of whom have to be assessed and placed in the appropriate level class so busy times beckon!  I am currently busy planning lessons and activities and am hopeful of being able to continue teaching in Mallorca.  Ian has now officially retired but is keeping busy sorting out our things and packing boxes ready for the move.  The garage is gradually filling up and 12 weeks today we arrive in Mallorca......


  1. Interesting post, thanks. Like you am concerned at the implications for the longer term as we're some way off moving there but have a property in Llenaire too. We're considering our options at the moment.

    1. Hi David, so sorry for the tardy response but I've been bogged down in lesson planning and teaching at summer school. Brexit is indeed something to be concerned about but we strongly suspect that there will be no major problem for EU citizens in UK or vice versa apart perhaps from some extra and/or different paperwork and, rather more immediately, the implication of the sterling exchange rate which has certainly reduced our predicted income from pensions etc. Llenaire is lovely and where we first stayed on holiday in PP :-) As property owners in Mallorca already we think you'll probably find yourselves in a stronger position than non-property owners. But the overall uncertainty is certainly most unsettling! :-(
