Tuesday 20 July 2021

Our new home in the Orba Valley, Alicante

Well as I write it's the second day of 'freedom' in the UK and it seems that caveats are already in the frame 🤔 things have taken a bit of a hiccup here too - some areas of the Valencia region, but not where we live, have had a curfew re-imposed (I believe from 1-6am) and the whole region is not allowed any gatherings of more than 10 people.  I understand the national government is now looking at other possible measures including a re-introduction of mask wearing outdoors.  This really would be a pain in the proverbial in the heat we currently have - it being summer in Spain and all 😂 more about that later.....  But anyway, we just have to wait and see what the government comes up with - much the same as in the UK.

Last week I FINALLY got my first Covid jab and I couldn't have been more excited as we drove there, you'd have thought I was off to collect an award or to a party and not to have someone stick a needle in my arm 😂 I was so keen, we got there over half an hour early and apart from a couple of other early birds it was really quiet.  The venue was the sports centre on the other side of the valley and the view from outside wasn't too shabby:

On entry I was asked if I was there for my second jab....errr no!!!  Anyhow, the whole process was easy and I went straight to the nurse for the jab and from there to a chair to wait for 15 minutes.  It seems that locally at least, the Spanish hold no truck with private booths in which to be jabbed, no sirree.  It's lights, camera, action in front of everyone who is queuing and everyone waiting out the 15 minutes 😱 luckily I don't mind jabs but if you were needle-phobic or similar I'm not sure how you'd feel!  In any event I bounced out of there like I'd won the lottery and joined Ian at the sports centre cafe for a celebratory coffee.  Now just to wait for them to contact me in mid-September or so for the second one - Astra Zeneca if you're wondering.

A friend from Mallorca came out to stay for 2 nights recently and we had a wonderful time showing her the area, eating some great food and relaxing in the pool.  During a menu del dia one evening in the little square, the town hall band gave us a tune or two  - I think they were on their way to the oldest part of town called Orbeta which was celebrating a fiesta.  All towns and villages here seem to have wonderful facilities - music schools, sports centres, swimming pools.....you name it, they've got it!  Nice to see that learning to play a musical instrument is seen as an important skill here as this seems to have dropped by the wayside in the UK.

During her visit we stopped at the vaccination sports centre cafe for a coffee whilst driving around the valley, slightly concerned that we'd gatecrashed a youth club party as the place was packed with mainly young male adults - on closer inspection we realised that the clanking racket we could hear over and above the voices was the table football tables they were all playing highly competitively on 6 carefully numbered tables.  Then we saw the computer system and realised we'd inadvertently walked in on a hard-fought table football competition.  They were enjoying themselves but it was obviously serious stuff for most of them.  But what struck me after about 10 minutes of so was that this was good old-fashioned table football, albeit with digital goal scoring and connected to a series of computer tablets and ever changing league table computer screens, but..... not a computer game as such in sight.  Maybe I'm showing my age but it was fantastic to see lots of young people having such a great time with the same thing that those of us a lot older did too.

And on the subject of football....ah well.  It was nice while it lasted but it was great to see an England team do so well and do the country proud.  The less said about the vile trolling the better - sometimes I just don't know what the world is coming to (god, I sound so old! but really??!)

We've been working hard on various parts of the exterior of the property with the current issue being the replacement of a water deposit (tank) at the back of the garage which fills from the mains and then provides greater water pressure in the house when a pump in our garage is switched on.  We haven't used it yet but as we have family coming out soon and we might need that extra pressure we tried it out.  It works perfectly but we thought we'd clean the water deposit out before refilling it as it hasn't been used for so long.  But then Ian discovered it needs replacing so one is on order - there's always something!  Whilst Ian had fun with that, I painted a gate - much easier!

I'm continuing to go to my wonderful art support group in Benidoleig every Monday and enjoying it beyond all expectation.  However last Monday the temperature here took a sharp upwards turn and quite how we managed to paint with just a few fans and no air-conditioning I will never know.  The car temperature gauge said it was 42.5 degrees C!  And from today onwards temperatures are heading up again - still the pool is great when the heat is all just a bit much and some days we've been in the pool 3 times.  Mind you the chillis we've been growing are providing heat of a different kind:

And finally.....an update on Alfie the toad hunter.  He successfully went on a toad hunt right in the middle of the Euro 2020 final which Ian found highly amusing as you can imagine 😳 it was quite a big one too, maybe in celebration of such a big event, who knows!  It was transported to a nearby dry riverbed and I really hope that's now the last of them.  Mind you, when we went for dinner with our neighbours we commiserated about toads and wasps but then they mentioned tarantulas.  Yep, apparently they're a possibility too 😱😱😱 all I can hope is that this is because our neighbours have a long border with the fruit trees that are grown all over the valley floor because trust me, if I encounter a tarantula it won't end well for either of us!!

Stay safe and hasta luego!

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Our new home in the Orba Valley, Alicante

Well that came around quick didn't it?!  The weeks are definitely moving along with great speed which is more than can be said for us as temperatures have moved on up into the 30s, currently at 36 degrees C 😅  But this is positively balmy by comparison to the 38 degrees C expected on Sunday - scorchio!  Our pool is heating up all the time and is currently 31 degrees C which given it's 8x4m, very deep and therefore a not inconsiderable amount of water, goes some way to indicating just how hot it is getting out here.  So we've moved into 'pool twice a day' mode and it really is wonderful especially when, as today, there is absolutely no breeze whatsoever.  Living in a valley at right angles to the coast we often get a lovely afternoon breeze from the sea but lately that's happening less and less.  In any event, this is what our Tally thinks of the current heat:

I must admit, that's exactly how I feel 😂

One thing we have noticed about having a pool in the heat is that they are a magnet for wasps who like to sit on the water, have a drink and then fly off.  They don't seem aggressive in any way but if their wings become waterlogged and they can't fly off it certainly does become possible that you might get stung.  I believe that changing the pool to salt water does the trick but this is a very expensive option and so we're learning to live with them, and have also placed a dish of sugar water with some corks floating in it near their favourite part of the pool in an effort to encourage them elsewhere - mixed results but worth persevering.  Nevertheless, our pool filter has been completely clogged with drowned wasps:

And speaking of wildlife, we had our first BBQ using our new gas BBQ the other night.  It has a flat metal griddle and Ian was careful to clean it thoroughly afterwards.  Yesterday he noticed that something has walked across it and left telltale prints; we do have fruit rats here which are sandy coloured and really rather sweet, nothing like the dark and rather sinister sewer rats but the footprints are definitely not a rat.  We think a feral cat (there is a local cared for colony) as no neighbours have a cat:

What do you think?  All suggestions welcomed!

The sorchio weather means that it's ideal for the beach, and the other day we drove only 15 minutes to the coast and slightly north of Denia to a wonderful beach that is also dog-friendly - not, of course, that we would take our four-leggeds anywhere near a beach in this heat.  If Carlsberg did beaches.......

We excitedly took off our shoes to walk barefoot in the sand but after about a minute squeals of excitement turned to those of pain as I started to hop, then jog and then stop to desperately put my flip flops back on because it was way too hot to walk on, especially the really dry, soft sand by the dunes.  And yes, we did see a family with a couple of dogs - quite what they were thinking we have no idea but it really does beggar belief that anyone would be quite so stupid 😡  Mind you, I guess it's a lot better than leaving them in a car.  Ours were relaxing at home in the cool where they belong.  At night they each sleep on a large flat ice block wrapped in a tea towel and my goodness don't they love it!  They won't get into their beds until the block is in place so they have us well trained.

Despite the heat our garden is currently growing clementines, grapefruit, olives, various herbs, chillis and tiny tomatoes.  And our vine has this all hidden away under its leafy canopy:

Not sure we'll make much wine with them but hey, they're grapes and they're ours 💪  Although lemons are easily grown here we have none this year, maybe next year as the tree is very tiny.  And we had a huge crop of nisperos (loquats) in the spring.  Next year we hope to grow big tomatoes and maybe some sweet peppers but it wasn't possible to get it sorted in time this year.  We have however allocated the space where some veg can be grown so.....

And I'm back on air!  From this Thursday at 7pm (6pm UK time) I will be presenting a one hour show of upbeat music hits for the young at heart on Valley FM and you can tune in via valleyfm.es website.  Once a radio presenter, always a radio presenter I guess! 🎧

I've noticed that where we used to live in Puerto Pollensa, Mallorca there are now quite a few new Covid cases which is disappointing but I guess that as everyone can go online to book their jab there, the population are well protected insofar as it goes.  Here in Orba there are no cases and I believe this has been the case for some time.  Mind you this is useful for me because although they're now vaccinating those in their 30s here, I am....yes, you've guessed it....still waiting!  My health app (the health service here is very efficient in every possible way, except for my jab 😂) now tells me sternly that not only should anyone of my year of birth report to their health centre if they haven't had a jab (done that, got nowhere) but that anyone with a year of birth up to 10 years younger now should do so too.  You really couldn't make it up!  A friend who had her second jab yesterday raised the issue with the staff there and a phone call was made.  I've been told someone will message me 🤔 think I've heard that before though.  Vamos a ver!

Anyone for tennis?  It really is good to see Wimbledon back after its absence last year although slightly weird to see so many spectators - almost as many as you would have PC (pre-Covid).  And yesterday Boris announced most Covid rules are set to end in England on 19 July.  Nothing like that happening here as we're a way behind the UK in terms of vaccinations but already it feels like we're on the path to an end to restrictions just by not having to wear a mask outside any more.  And of course the football is the big news and I think we're all still in a state of shock at watching a big England football match without our nerves in tattered shreds - I mean, it was such a great and confident watch wasn't it?  Not used to that and long may it continue.  Mind you, we're also supporting Spain and if they both win the semis.....well that'd be awkward wouldn't it? 😳  Is football coming home?  We shall see! 😜

Stay safe and hasta pronto!