Wednesday 21 August 2019

Summer survival guide

Soooo...... our blog is back by popular demand which took me by surprise!  But many thanks to those who have been kind enough to ask me to resume activities so here we are!  We're still here 3 years in now and we're the middle of a very long, hot summer.  It hasn't rained for two months and water supplies are running low on the island.  Never thought I'd say this but I'm actually looking forward to rain but definitely not the 'dirty rain' which comes from the south and is full of sand and dust from the Sahara.  It makes cars, patios, garden furniture etc absolutely filthy and naturally 'dirty rain' always happens directly after you've washed your car.  The Mallorquins seem certain that we have another couple of weeks to go before the heat finally abates - here's hoping!

The heat has been pretty full-on this year which temperatures regularly in the late 30's!  The humidity has been extremely high and even the simplest of tasks leaves you dripping with sweat - always attractive lol.  On the basis of needing sleep we've treated ourselves to putting on the air-conditioning in our bedroom overnight which we barely used in previous years.  But we've done the sums and worked out that it costs us around 1€ per night using it on economy and that'll do nicely thanks.  For maximum effect we keep the door to the en- suite shut - the downside to this is that if you need, shall we say the facilities, in the night it's like walking into an oven.  And on return it's like entering a fridge.  Livens up most nights a treat!

For those of us lucky enough to be living in warmer climes abroad this is not the only issue relating to the summer season.  Another is the horror that is supermarket shopping while families from holiday villas/apartments wander happily around Lidl discussing in wonderment the fact that ketchup seems to be a universally available product or wondering out loud what is the different between 'pavo' and 'pollo' (turkey and chicken since you ask) despite the fact that there are helpful pictures on all their meat products.  They seem to do all this in slow motion and moreover in large groups.  Surely it doesn't take parties of several adults complete with shrieking and over excited children to do the shopping?  All the while those of us who live here are trying to navigate around them and get in and out as quickly as possible.  The best bit though is when you're in a queue at a till and then hear "Abrimos caja dos" (for example) and make the lightning move to till 2 ahead of those who only thereafter hear the English "we are opening till 2" - is it wrong to really love it when that happens?  Sorry......not sorry.  This pales into insignificance though when faced with a long queue at Eroski with holidaying families and huge trollies laden with holiday goodies in front of you only to realise that yep, they've been despatched back to the fruit and veg area to weigh and price all the items they should have weighed and priced already - this means a wait of at least 3-4 minutes even if they do it quickly.  This triggers covert eye-rolling and knowing glances between us locals I can tell you! 😶

In other news a certain B-word date looms large yet again and no-one living here has any idea about how it will really affect their lives.  There has been a great deal of useful co-operation by the Spanish government who naturally have no desire for UK citizens to leave as the economic consequences for Spain would be horrendous. However there is only so much they can offer by way of reassurance and so here we sit waiting......and waiting.......and waiting.........

Watch this space for more updates of our new life in Puerto Pollensa 😎 Hasta luego!