Saturday 5 January 2019

Normal service has been resumed!

It has been quite a while since I wrote so I broke my promise at the end of my last posting 😳  What can I say - time flies?!  Sure does and here we are at the beginning of 2019 so Happy New Year!  One of my New Year resolutions - see more about this below - is to write more in this blog, especially inspired by a couple of lovely (and separate) people who asked when I would do so as they enjoyed reading it. we are 😎 

Speaking of resolutions - should we really call them that?  They imply a pressure that I'm not sure any of us need in our busy lives, so perhaps we should call them intentions?  Aims?  Actually I think I prefer the latter as, to use a darts analogy, you aim at a target but if you miss you keep throwing those darts all the same.   Sooooo, in addition to my aim of writing the blog more often is another aim - taking up running.  My husband and I have started the Couch to 5k programme, great little app from NHS UK.  You get a choice of famous voices to coach you through but did I choose US athlete and now BBC sports commentator Michael Johnson?  Nope, I chose comedian Sarah Millican.  My thoughts were that she sounds cosy and non-athletic thus making the whole thing somehow more realistic.  Mind games it may be but let's see.  You can hear the app instructions over your music.  So if you see us out running we can't stop to chat as we're desperately listening for our timed instructions.  In any event, we're only in our first week but wish us luck!

My final aim is to keep on working at my Spanish.  This aim is work in progress and I'm pretty pleased with how it's going to be honest.  Each week I meet a Spanish friend Elvira and we chat for 30-40 minutes in Spanish and then change to English to improve both of us.  This is on top of my twice weekly lessons through the town hall as well as some study at home.  Spanish is fairly easy on a basic level, mainly because it is an entirely phonetic language and there are in fact a great many words that are almost the same in English eg perfecto/perfect etc.  BUT there are pitfalls.  Do not assume that all words that sound very similar to a word in English, mean the same.  For example 'embarazada' is tantalisingly close to the English word 'embarrassed'.  But if you say 'estoy (I am) embarazada' to explain your blushes, you may find embarrassment taken to a whole new level having told someone 'I am pregnant'......... for the record, if you wish to say 'I am embarrassed' try saying 'estoy avergonzado/a' instead.  Let's just say I found this out the hard way and leave it there shall we?  Made Elvira laugh though.......

In other news, we have now experienced the behemoth that is the Agencia Tributaria (Spanish HMRC) at its most intransigent best.  Suffice it to say the battle to persuade one particular department to write to us at the address we have provided them with is proving a challenge.  Not sure why they prefer to write to the lawyer in Palma who did our apartment purchase work 7 years ago but hey - we really do have nothing better to do than drive there each time to collect registered post. 

On a more local note, Puerto Pollensa is in winter mode but there are still bars/restaurants open and in fact some have stayed open over the winter for the first time eg. Centric.  And this weekend is the Three Kings fiesta when Spanish children receive their presents in the square.  All very festive and the Kings and their entourage throw sweets at you as the parade passes by.  This would never be allowed in the UK in case someone got hit in the eye or something, but I've described before the delightfully laid-back approach that the Spanish have to 'elf & safety.  Suffice it to say that here people are expected to use common sense.  I heartily approve, although watching Spanish builders/painters putting up scaffolding does make me wince a little as they merrily throw metal poles and planks around whilst cavorting happily on the increasingly high structure with nary a hard hat in sight.  

Until next month........hasta luego!