Monday 11 July 2016

Time's running out.....

Time has never gone so fast and we leave for Mallorca in just over 9 weeks so we're now into single figures!

So where are we up to?  Well, our house looks a bit odd as the bookshelves are now all empty with books and ornaments packed away and stacked in the garage ready for the big move.  A lot of our clothes and shoes are also now packed and we've had another blitz on ebay, a local auctioneers and the local charity shop so our possessions are fast reducing (although not enough, according to Ian!).  We've revised our cubic metres of what we are removing upwards as, predictably, our 'can't live without' items are breeding whenever we look away!  As it stands we think we'll be bringing 14 cubic metres of possessions rather than the original estimate of about 10 cubic metres.  Bear in mind we aren't bringing much by way of furniture apart from a king sized bed so if you are planning a move we'd suggest adding on a bit to your original estimate as it really doesn't take much to fill a box.  

I'm currently busy teaching English at a language summer school so a lot of the packing for our move is falling on Ian's shoulders.  He's also met with his pension consultant to discuss the best way to juggle pension income, particularly in view of the poor sterling exchange rate following the Brexit decision.  It turns out there are various ways pensions can be made to work to best advantage for you, TOP TIP: so if you are in a similar position to us i.e. expecting some or all of your income to be generated from a pension(s), then it may well be worth having a chat to an expert.

This coming weekend we have the first of our two 'leaving the UK' drinks for friends/family.  We're having two to cater for two friendship group locations which will make it easier for everyone and also it gives people a choice of dates at a busy time of year.  In any event, it's adding to the momentum of our departure although quite a few people are suggesting that we need to organise an "Hola!" party in PP so if you're in Mallorca in September - watch this space ;-)